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Buffalo Wings

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Posts posted by Buffalo Wings

  1. My complaint for today plus some.


    Driving on my way in today I see 5 young female mallards on the side of the road waiting to cross. I slow down, put my flashers on, stop and they start walking (across a five lane road mind you). I'm the only one there until the light changes behind me. I'm stopped. With flashers on. I see traffic coming up from behind me. I literally hang out the window of my car while it's raining, arms flailing to get the cars to stop. What does Mr Numbnuts do? Comes by me doing 45 mph. Takes out the first duck. Not pretty. :angry: The rest of the cars on both sides of the median allow the rest to pass. Can't get the picture out of my head of that duck being run over. Or the other ducks looking back as they finished crossing. Guess you can't save 'em all. :cry:

    You are truly a saint, chz. Reminds me of a round of golf I played on a rainy day earlier this year - we're on the green that sits next to a pond and many of the baby frogs had jumped out of the water to hop around the green. They were the size of your fingertip (at most) and they weren't in our way at all, but some dolt in my foursome decides to smash one with his putter. Dude...really?


    I know I'm about to start a fire flaming inferno with this, but I'm ticked off at PEF members for voting the contract down. I think my job is safe, but that vote just laid off almost 4,000 people statewide. Those who voted it down don't even care, either. It saves their own job and doesn't hurt their retirement. What's worse is that my agency is informing those affected via EMAIL. Seriously? At one other agency, at least the directors personally informed the employees of their fate face-to-face. Talk about lack of compassion....

  2. Here we are almost a year after my HD TV purchase, and my T-W feed for some channels is still crap. Fast moving close-ups of sports or action movies results in varying amounts of pixelating on many channels. I have had them out numerous times to no avail. I know it is not the TV, because sports on some channels(ESPN), I don't see the problem at all. Other channels(NBC), are horrible and I see it all the time.


    If they are compressing the signal as some here previously suggested, they are never going to own up to it. Therefore, I either live with it, keep making them come out to be a pain in the ass, or switch to having a Wok on the side of my house(no thanks).


    PS Verizon has stalled on their FIOS deployment in WNY, so I am screwed in that regard.

    Have you noticed anything weird with the sound on NBC with HD? Basically, it's as if it's all reversed - the crowd seems to drown out the announcers. I've noticed this with any sport that NBC broadcasts, but I can't seem to tell if it's HD-related.

  3. there is no compensation that can replace happiness at work. period. i took a 22k hit to come work where i am, and i couldn't be happier. i have a sense of accomplishment, camaradarie, appreciation, and i thoroughly enjoy working for my boss. at my last gig, i hated my boss to the point where i had a secret calendar counting down the days until she retired. i had literally no support from software engineering to accomplish my doc writing tasks. i had precisely 2 friends, both of whom were in QA, neither of whom had any pull with anyone in software to get what i needed. management was a joke; their idea of managing was switching from a waterfall environment to an agile environment "just to shake things up." they had no idea what the software was capable of doing, yet they made all kinds of promises to customers who hadn't even signed a PO yet. it was just a mish-mash of stupidity from the top level down, and it sucked ass.


    so i quit. landed this gig for a lot less of money, but a LOT more job satisfaction and sense of corporate worth, and i love it. take that for what it is--advice from a stranger. :)

    Understood...completely. Job satisfaction is a big thing to me, too. About 5 years ago, I actually left my current job and came back after a year of being miserable and bored somewhere else. Things here have certainly changed within those 4 years - people leave and don't get replaced, upper mgmt wants to do things that are cardinal sins in the IT world, we can't get money to do things, and my manager openly hates the job.


    And to Kevbeau, I agree with the idea, but I'll just say that I'm dealing with a state entity. I'm sure they're restricted in what they can or can not offer. Again, I don't have an offer yet, so this may end up being a decision I don't have to make.

  4. My job has officially reached the point where myself and my 2 co-workers are being lectured at during our staff meetings. We took a pretty good hit last month when we lost 2 staff members (that aren't being replaced), but with all things considered, we've managed do get the work done pretty well since then and our time hasn't been terribly consumed - even with the weather hampering things. Yet, our manager continues to tell us that we can't drop what we're doing to help others because we're so ****in' busy.


    I'm not sure if she realizes that we're not working on these "priority" jobs every waking second. I brought it up yesterday that we actually can take care of the simple stuff that takes 20 seconds to do in between these other priorities. In other words, we're capable of multitasking. I'm almost 40 years old...I don't need to feel like I was just caught pulling little Suzy's pigtails.


    Somewhat related, I was at a job interview recently where I like the looks of the job I'm up for, but the pay is 8-10k less. I haven't been offered the job, but they seemed to like me enough. :unsure:

  5. 1. When is the NYS DMV going to revise what is included on the road test? Take out ###### like parallel parking and 3 point turns, and include having to go on a busy street(road test locations of East Aurora and Orchard Park don't cut it), make people get on and off the thruway and when possible have them go thru a traffic circle(see my rant below). Also, make it so that once you hit a certain age, you need to take a road test every 5 years(70 or 75???)


    2. There are several new traffic circles that have been constructed in WNY over the last few years, and people are clueless as to how something so simple works....the cars ENTERING the circle YIELD to cars IN the circle. Do you idiots not know what yield means?


    This is a MAJOR pet peeve of mine. People who don't know the rules really piss me off, but more so than traffic circles are the ones at 4-way stop intersections. They never know who should go first (so there's a lot of starting & stopping), when you know you're next, some jackwagon waves you through like he's doing you a favor, and there are people who just piggyback behind others to get through before everyone else.


    The pumpkin iced coffee has worn off - my golf round was canceled today because the course is closed. I can understand it because we have a 3-day tournament this weekend and they haven't been able to maintain the course since last Friday because of the rain, so they want it in prime shape. But that means I have to be at work all day. <_<

  6. Everyone has a co-worker that annoys them to some degree, but I'm here to tell you I have the most annoying co-worker ever. Bar none. Everything this woman does is annoying to everyone. Talking constantly about herself, interrupting you constantly in meetings and one on one conversations, excessively over the top dramatic reactions to the most routine matters. I loathe every second that I'm forced to interact with her. But recently it has just gone too far. My office area sits directly outside a laboratory and the above mentioned co-worker has recently moved into that lab space and has spent a great deal of time in there working over the last week or so. As she works she listens to her ipod while singing along AT THE TOP OF HER LUNGS!!! Not regular singing like one who realizes they don't have a good voice might do when alone, but overly dramatic loud singing like she is on an american idol audition. My ears feel like they may begin to bleed at any moment and I forgot my own ipod / headphones today so I can't drown out this noise. It is totally beyond me how anyone could be so oblivious to their own annoying behavior. :censored: :censored:

    You've definitely got me on this one, but what I highlighted describes a number of people I work with (most of them superiors) to a T. I don't know what it is with everyone who has to interrupt you...especially when you're trying to answer their question. Dominating the conversation doesn't exactly inspire a team effort.

  7. I'm tired of being "the straw that stirs the drink" at work. Even though everyone I work directly with is an educated adult, I feel like nothing gets done unless I push things along. I wouldn't care if I was a director (or assistant director) but I am just the user support guy. I have to constantly remind people higher up in the food chain about deadlines, problems that need to be addressed, etc. I know this isn't really the case, but it sure feels like it.

    Today, I have to call the support line for a software vendor whose product is not working well with one of our web apps. I didn't write the web app, I don't really know the technical details of how it works but I am the one who "sees the issue all the time". None of the three programmers who wrote the thing would volunteer to initiate the support ticket, so I was "volunteered". It's too bad the job market is so lousy, otherwise I'd be shooting out resumes everywhere.


    On the plus side - yes, I do have solid employment. I'm going to keep telling myself that all day......

    This. It's difficult when you have a condescending boss that doesn't understand half the stuff you already forgot about in your career.


    What also sucks is the devastation that Irene caused. No, she wasn't anything like Katrina or Rita, but she hit upstate NY and Vermont pretty hard. If you ever start to think how you don't like your house or your neighborhood, read up on what happened to Prattsville, NY...a small town (population 700) on the Schoharie Creek in Greene County that was literally washed away after the creek flooded. People lost their homes, businesses, farms, and lives. I can't imagine what they're going through.

  8. I'm dealing with the same thing today. makes for a great day...doesn't it? <_<

    It's beyond painful...it's maddening. Even worse is that person is supposed to understand the work that I do and they don't. Even worser is that they act like they know this stuff.

  9. Two driving related ones today:


    I hate when there's a line of 3-4 cars at a red light and someone decides to use the right turn lane to leap frog up to the front of the pack. Congratulations, you just shaved 4 seconds off your drive.


    And this one is pretty similar. One of the last lights I have to wait at on my way to work has two lanes of traffic that merge into a main road of 3 lanes. Every day people will try to leap frog using the left lane, even though they need to immediately switch back into the far right lane to turn right (so they have to move over 2 lanes to get there). They'll lay on the horn if you happen to block them from making that quick double lane change. I'd hate to break it to you buddy, but if you're in that left lane, the only lane you're entitled to on that main road is the left lane. If you want to go right, stay in the damn right lane. It's such a shame that you have to sit 2 cars back of the light at the intersection because of it.

    I swear to God...either every state's DMV is becoming less restrictive with their road tests or people get their license from a box of Apple Jacks.


    My complaint: nitpicky-ness, arrogance, ignorance, and stubbornness aren't exactly great attributes to be combined in a single person, especially if that person works with you.

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. Message board tough guys.

    And the ones who get bent of shape over spelling.

    And the guys who complain about starting a new thread. Ya especially those guys.

    Larry Quinn also.

    I guess you hate me, then.


    Sorry, but it's not that hard to spell things right these days (or even if you spell it right, it's not that hard to figure out which version of "there, their, or they're" to use). If you're not sure, Google it.

    • Like (+1) 2
  11. Maybe it's just me, but I continue to be dumbfounded at how disorganized and incompetent some people are. Simple things like forgetting to add the server admin to the emails (ones which tell him that his step of the maintenance is next) just really bug me these days. I often wonder - even though we're a NYS agency - how these people still have a job.

  12. Well, since you mentioned it, Bloomberg.com has a story going on right now about how this has not helped the markets by any means.


    Not stating my opinion. Just sayin'.

    And that's what a lot of analysts have been saying. But hey, they got a deal done.


    As for the Prius thing, it's as if those drivers think they're entitled because they bought a hybrid and are saving the planet. I know it guzzles gas, but I'll stick with my Honda CR-V. I t-boned a deer on the highway going about 70mph last year and it did NOT total the car.

  13. The debt ceiling "crisis" - It's a non-story and completely manufactured by Washington and the media, and it's caused me to have to work late every day this week.

    That whole thing ticked me off...all of that panic and TV coverage so we can raise the limit on how much we owe. It's like telling your credit card company to raise your limit when you haven't paid your bill.


    And forget about how the legislators came off looking like heroes just because they got a deal done right before the deadline.

  14. Finally got my "raise" (3 months later), and after factoring in my new student loan payments I am effectively making less money than I was two years ago. :(


    I think it's time to start job-hunting.

    Not trying to sound condescending or anything (because I feel like I need a new job, too), but at least you have one. We just laid off a bunch of employees this week, one of which was in my unit. One guy got a new job right away - he works for a consulting company, so they found him something quickly - but others are going to have a hard time these days.

  15. You haven't seen my T-shirt "The Sun Is Trying To Kill Me" - I didn't create it, it was available so I'm not the only one who believes summer sucks.


    I will get one made that says, "If you can see your breath, it's a good day." That I firmly believe.


    (62 days until Fall)

    I'm totally with you guys. I guess I just hear more complaints about winter than I do about summer.

  16. I make back to B-lo for a funeral, and my dad packed the fridge with Molson Export Ale for me. Except that I'm rocking a fever, sick as a dog. Like winning the lottery, and not being able to spend the money. :cry:

    Beer has antioxidants. It should help.


    My (sort of) complaint...I decided to stick with my current job at the state. Things are stale and there's still a threat of layoffs that not even our division director has any clue who it could affect. As of today, I'm not affected, but who knows if that will change. In the end, I decided that there's enough to do to keep me going and I can still keep doing things outside of work that I love to do. Of course, I might change my mind tomorrow.

  17. Bursa pain gets reflected not in the shoulder but in the nerve that follows down the arm. its easily seen on a sonogram (better than radioactive MRi or CT)

    I'm thinking this is more & more likely the case. The doc gave me a muscle relaxer and I kept taking Aleve for 10 days, but it hasn't gone away. They did suggest a nerve test if the meds didn't help, so I have a feeling that's what's next - I'll bring up the bursa thing, too.

  18. Sorry, meant Aleve. The naproxen is easier to take just a couple times a day. I had the problem from tennis (since stopped playing) but it worked best.

    Gotcha. I'm contemplating now because it *feels* like tendonitis, but I know that the trigger point pain has gone away (in the past) by using advil.


    Aleve did wonders for my plantar fasciitis and the bicep tendonitis a few years back.

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