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Buffalo Wings

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Posts posted by Buffalo Wings

  1. I'm not sure if this is a complaint...my company gave us a free mexican lunch and then my buddy from college is coming into town tonight and I promised him pizza, wings, & beer. My system has been so used to dieting since January, I think my colon might explode.

  2. People who have a lot of money usually have it because they whinge over twenty dollars.


    Right, which leads me to believe they're spoiled. If you worked hard to become that wealthy, then good for you. Just don't whine at me about $20 when I organize and set up this stuff every week and maybe 1 or 2 guys give me a thank you once a month.

  3. Every day, I become more convinced that people were put on Earth just to complain about something (I guess that's why this thread exists).


    I golf with a group of 35-40 guys every week - it's a weekly tournament of sorts, where everyone pays up, picks teams, plays their game, and (in theory) enjoys themselves and the company. We have 3-4 guys (the captains, or low-handicappers) who typically whine and gripe about the format and what their average should be. A few weeks ago, one of these guys walked away with over 2 bills when his team won and he got a couple of skins. He called me an hour after I left wondering why he didn't win $20 more...thinking I cheated him out of it. On top of it, this guy runs his own business, has a big house in a ritzy neighborhood, and is pretty well off in general.



  4. The wife has been gone for two weeks, but comes home tonight (no, that's not my complaint). In that time, I've been lucky enough to be woken up by my dogs at 5:30am on the only day of the week I could voluntarily sleep in (Sundays). This past Saturday night, I didn't get to bed until 1:30am because of work and then get awoken promptly 4 hours later.


    In addition, one of the dogs got fleas somehow and has been itching himself non-stop for the past three nights. He got a flea bath on Sunday and it was suggested to wait 2-3 days to put the Frontline medicine on him. The wife then tells me to wait until she gets home, so for the past three nights, I've been woken up by him at least twice because he's itching like there's no tomorrow and pounding his foot on the bed while he does that. I feel bad for the guy, but I feel worse that I can't do anything for him and that I've gotten half the amount of sleep that I'm used to since Saturday night. Of course, going to the Bon Jovi concert on Monday night didn't help that, either.



  5. I'm not sure if it would work for your condition but google ear candle or ear candling.


    I ended up taking the ear wax softener (Debrox - works wonders), then the nurse flushed it all out on Friday. My left ear (which was clean, according to the doc) felt like it was clogged in comparison after the flush. Pain - gone. Ringing - gone. Hallalujah.


    My complaints...


    On Monday, we ordered a ups (uninterruptible power supply) to be shipped overnight. It's still not here yet. We should have used UPS instead of FedEx, apparently...


    We also ordered a new data cabinet to be delivered to our DR location, brought inside, and onto the second floor into our data center. The freight guys struggled to bring it inside the building and then insisted it wouldn't fit into the elevator. Two of us went there yesterday, took the doors and all panels off and got it into the elevator with no problems. We paid that freight company over 5 bills to do just that.

  6. Yeah, the tickling sensation as the solution trickles down your ear canal is the worst. I try and lay on my side and watch TV so I'm not craning my neck and can be distracted from the tingling. You might not need a doctor, though -- usually after a few days of the drops it'll either fall out (eew) or be "dissolved" by the solution.


    I already have my appointment, so I'll keep it. That junk was so dried and apparently caked onto my canal that about 6-7 tries of the flushing solution would only peel off a tiny bit here & there. I can tell it's loosening up (my 3rd day on this stuff), so I'll bite the bullet one more time tomorrow afternoon with the doc then treat myself to a thick, juicy steak and a Sam Adams or 5.

  7. I've had the ear wax thing, too, and it sucks. Must be something about the shape of my ear canal because it's always my right ear. The OTC drops do work, but it takes a few days and it feels awful sitting there letting the stuff trickle into your ear and foam for a few minutes. I think the one I've used recently is from Similisan, but there are other brands, too.


    I'm using Debrox. It's more of a weird, funky feeling for me...I know the stuff is doing its job, but it's like an itch that you shouldn't scratch. I think I get more annoyed that I have to tilt my head to the left for 10 minutes. I wish I could see the doctor in the morning and get this overwith, but I can't go until 1:00 because I committed to volunteer work until noon.


    I'm pretty sure this complaint has been made before, but I'm not scanning 219 pages to find it. Summers in the south are brutal. It is way too hot. In the middle of the day you more or less can't do anything outside. I enjoy running, but people are strongly advised not to run when the heat index is around 100! That means I either run early in the morning or in the evening. The humidity is insane. If I jump in my car at 2 o'clock and immediately put the a/c on full blast, I still manage to break a sweat. I know the freezing winter months in the north are equal to the hot summers in the south, but I'll take the northern climate in a heartbeat. I've experienced plenty of years in both the north and south. Have gone from the winter months in Plattsburgh (low's average around 10 degrees in January) to the summer months in Biloxi, MS (high's just north of 90 degress, not including the insane amount of humidity). Summers in the south are too hot.


    A friend of mine once dated a girl who lived in Florida. He couldn't stand it...going from your air-conditioned house to your air-conditioned car to your air-conditioned office, then do it all in reverse at the end of the day. He's very big into outdoor stuff (hiking, biking, etc), so there's no way he would've survived FL. He lives in Colorado now...and married to a different girl. I've never experienced the southern climate, but my brother - who lives in Texas - said he misses NY and the change of seasons. I imagine that I would, too.

  8. My boss agreed to take on both a college undergrad and a high school student for a few weeks this summer, and both started last week. The undergrad has some prior experience and he'd planned a project for her, so she's pretty self-sufficient. The high school student was a last-minute thing, and it's become clear that he had no idea what to do with her. She's really smart and enthusiastic about what we do, but because of her inexperience she's mostly just observing and shadowing me. And while I'm happy to explain what I'm working on and give her advice about career development stuff, it's really difficult to get my own work done when she's around. Thankfully she's only there from 9-2, but considering I would normally go in around 10-10:30, I feel like I need to go in earlier so she isn't completely on her own. I wish my boss would either take responsibility for her or formally ask me to do it instead of just completely dropping the ball.


    I've had to do this in the past...especially in a call-center environment where our reviews/bonuses were based on numbers of calls, etc. It sucks because it takes away your time and you lose productivity and then your bosses wonder why you weren't as productive this month.


    This week's complaint...ear wax. (those with weak stomachs may want to turn away) My right ear had felt like it was clogged with water for the past few weeks, so when I finally went to the doctor on Tuesday, he found dried up ear wax in there...yuck. He attempted a flush with water & hydrogen peroxide, but all he did was irritate the hell out of the ear canal and shave off a few flakes. So, I've been putting in drops since Tuesday afternoon to soften the wax so he can do another flush attempt tomorrow.


    Meanwhile, my ear feels even more clogged, there's an occasional shot of pain, and a constant ringing that one would usually get after they leave a 1987 Metallica concert. To top it off, my co-worker is a soft talker, so I can barely hear him as it is. Now I don't hear him at all.

  9. You know it's going to be a bad day when Cisco tech support is ASKING YOU why something is the way it is on THEIR equipment. Turns out there is a minor bug that is hindering our troubleshooting efforts (which, by the way, have gone on for almost two weeks now).

  10. I hope yours works out better than mine. In my case the problem is with the 2 tendons controlling thumb movement. I've had 4 cortisone injections over about 18 months. Had the most recent this past Tuesday. They told me "no more cortisone". Next time it flares that want to perform surgery.


    This is on the outside of my left wrist (side opposite the thumb). The two tendons are definitely inflamed and apparently they're putting pressure on the nerve, which causes the weakness I've been having. No pain with all of this - just swelling and weakness. Doesn't help my golf game...

  11. As if my schedule wasn't jam-packed enough...I have tendonitis in my wrist, which has become more irritating (not painful, just aching) over the past few weeks. Finally went to PT yesterday and I have to see her twice a week for the next month. I decided to do the early appointments before work so that I don't mess up anything I have going on in the evenings. Typing on this keyboard sure doesn't help it.


    The work projects are now ramping up even more, with more out-of-town trips coming up. Yay.

  12. My condolences to you, NS. As you said, replace the pain with the good memories.


    For the umpteenth time, I strained the trapezius muscle in my back. Every time I do this, I'm moving my arms to my head (like washing my hair or using a towel to dry my hair). My chiropractor says it's because of a cervical spine issue that he's been slowly treating with decompression...i.e., mild traction. But damn if it isn't painful - I can't turn my head to the left w/o pain & tightness. It usually goes away after 36 hours with heat patches and ibuprofen.

  13. I'll commit the cardinal sin of posting to this thread on a Friday...


    It's May, right? I didn't slip into a coma and wake up in November, did I? It's 8:00am and the temp has already dropped 10 degrees since I woke up.



  14. I really do have to vent (c'mon...all of you knew I'd eventually say something!).


    Because I'm in networking and telecommunications, a lot of my work relies on Verizon's ability to actually get something done. I don't know how that company is still in business when they take their sweet ol' time fixing things while we're losing business because their stuff is broken. The worst part is that we don't deal directly with them - we have to go through a WAN provider that contracts them to provide data circuits to our locations.



  15. My 4-month-old nephew was born with a genetic condition call Tetrology of Fallot. It presents in several ways, but the primary concern is effectively a defective valve which results in a hole between the left and right ventricles. The problem with this is that not all the blood gets pumps through the lungs, so CO2 levels tend to be elevated and 02 can be low. Fortunately, the malformation can be surgically corrected with relatively high success, and post correction quality of life expectations are completely normal. Olympic Snowboarder Shawn White had the same condition and surgery. My nephew had his surgery yesterday because his defect was making it difficult to eat and gain weight. The heart correction went extremely well, according to the surgeon. Afterwards, however, as they were closing him back up, they could not get him to breathe on his own. As a result they had to go back in, and as soon as they opened his chest up again, his lungs started working. They figure the swelling from the surgery, combined with his tiny chest, just made too much pressure for his lungs to overcome. So they had to leave his chest open, through this weekend. He'll be in critical condition at Golisano Children's Hospital for at least the next 5 days. Meanwhile, his parents can't even touch him due to the infection risk.Heart surgery on an infant is stressful enough without complications, his parents have been incredibly strong through this entire ordeal, but are understandably shaken after seeing their son lying there with a hole in his chest. Sometimes I think I have problems. I don't.


    It's always something like this that puts things in perspective. We all have little annoying issues - be it at work, at home, or anywhere - but they can't be anything like what I can only imagine his parents are going through. My best to everyone, Glass.

  16. Well, I was going to complain about the job, but after weave's post, I feel fortunate to be still employed. I hope everything works out for you, weave...good luck with the search.


    I'll reiterate that I like my job and have no plans to leave, but aren't we still allowed to vent about things within the job that we don't like?

  17. It's not tendonitis, but my left wrist is feeling weak when I have to use it. No pain...just need to use more effort when I move it around. This is most evident in my golf swing, where it seems to have started to cause bad habits when swinging the club. The physical therapist put kinesio tape on it - it's thick enough where it feels like I'm wearing a brace and don't have much range of motion, but I suppose that's the point.

  18. I have since double checked my privacy setting and discovered that friends of friends could see my timeline (we have 2 mutual friends still). I have corrected this error.


    I should probably check my privacy settings more often, but I hear these frequent complaints (on FB) about how the privacy settings were changed, so you better check them. Every time I do, they're the same as they were 6 months ago.


    Nevertheless, it's like your passwords...they really should be changed frequently (like every month), but nobody ever changes them that often.

  19. So we finally have approval to hire a new network guy and my boss is procrastinating on getting it done. Granted, we've been busy and both been slammed with work, but he keeps saying it's a priority of his to call candidates and get them in. When he does call them, the majority don't have the qualifications. At least he has two interviews lined up, but this is taking forever. In the meantime, the dork that we'll be getting rid of is still here, acting like an immature 6th grader, still making mistakes and doubling my workload, still sitting around and emailing/chatting with the females (most of whom think he's utterly creepy), and just plain old being annoying. :doh:

  20. It's been one of those weeks...swamped at work, my workouts are tiring me out, and I'm hungry all the time. I've been on this diet for almost 3 months (successfully lost 18 pounds!) and trying to watch calories, so I'm starting to think that has a lot to do with it. I think I need more protein.


    We're hosting Easter dinner for the in-laws and my mother (rest of my family is out of town), so I'll be ready to pig out...and drink.

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