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Buffalo Wings

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Posts posted by Buffalo Wings

  1. Control freaks who want to wave you into traffic, drive your car as well as theirs. I just stare at them in a dumbfounded way. If they have the right of way, I will not yield. I once outwaited an elderly woman at a four way stop sign for a good 60 seconds.

    What's worse is when those control freaks wave you into traffic when you know you have the right of way, anyway. They're acting as if they're doing a good deed by conceding the right of way to you.


    I swear...if people were required to pass a written driver's test these days in order to keep their license, we'd be saving billions on gas.

  2. People who talk over each other in meetings. I may have mentioned this more than once, but it keeps happening in my office for some reason. We even did one of those team-building/how-to-make-life-better-for-everyone things and created rules for meetings. Rule #1 said "One conversation at a time", which (last I checked) doesn't mean "2 people talking about the same topic simultaneously".

  3. Yesterday I got an email from some company looking for people in my field who can lead a project. It specifically asked if I knew anyone who might be a fit for this position. So they obviously found my resume somewhere and decided to ask if there was someone else who would be a good fit. It seemed like a major slap in the face.

    Almost as bad...when my company was being bought several years ago, it was clear we were all being laid off, so I posted my resume on a handful of sites. My resume clearly stated my IT/network experience (things like Cisco, Juniper for those who know them). I began getting calls and emails from places wanting me to get into financial advising, banking, and anything OTHER than IT.


    I don't mind them wasting their own time because they were going to get nowhere with me, but don't waste my time and/or get my hopes up by ringing my phone for something I have no experience with and no interest in.

  4. My neighbors two houses away (are they really called "neighbors", in that case?) are having a guy re-roof their house. One guy. He starts banging away at 6:15am. Luckily, the wife & I are already awake by then, but the rest of the neighborhood gets a nice wake-up call.


    I also hate meetings. :death:

  5. TV. Does anyone care about being creative anymore. It seem like every show could be called "The Biggest A$$hole". They get twelve people together to see who the biggest a$$hole is. To choose the winner, they get an even bigger a$$hole to decide. On one of the shows, the a$$hole is a chef. On another show the a$$hole is a designer. On another it's a dog groomer or a fat-a$$, etc.


    A what happened to telling a good story (that doesn't involve a doctor, cop, or lawyer)?

    Thank you. "Reality" shows are all about attention these days. My wife used to be into Survivor and I told her that I don't mind watching the competitions/challenges, but the other 45 minutes of the show is watching people sit around and bitch about each other or scheme against the other players. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


    Give me a good sitcom or a classic cop show any day. 'Cheers' and '24' are probably my two favorite all-time TV shows - they're not realistic, but who cares?

  6. It's getting just like TSW. I am trying to take a break from the boards until at least camp starts.

    I've been looking at TSW occasionally, but I tend to stay away for the period of time between the draft and free agency. Too much.


    On to my complaint: Tuesday night, I'm mowing the lawn in what felt like 150-degree heat at 7:30pm. As I'm finishing up, I notice the wife is putting in the window A/C unit in the bedroom, so I begin to look forward to a comfortable sleeping night. Not 20 seconds later, power goes out to my entire neighborhood (no, she didn't turn it on). So much for the brand new window unit...

  7. :thumbsup:

    I despise Facebook... I made a profile a few years ago only to see pics a friend had posted (and I had to get them to confirm for Facebook that we were, in fact, friends), and now with the new "privacy" (lack-thereof) settings the most private I can make my profile is that "friends of friends" can send me friend invites. Just because someone is a friend of my friend doesn't mean that I like them! Within a week of those changes I received 5 or 6 friend invites from people who I would at best classify as acquaintances. I hesitate to delete my profile altogether because it is an easy way to keep up with distant (real) friends with kids, but good God do I hate that website.

    I've been on FB for over a year and it's not that bad - as long as you don't "reveal" too many details. It's a pain to keep an eye on the privacy settings, but since I use it a lot to keep up with friends & family, I monitor that stuff regularly. The most private things I've added are my birthday (not the year, just the day) and email address. The friend requests can easily be ignored - I'll only confirm those who I know and I've ignored several people.


    I still don't get why people think it's a semi-private site, especially those whose "friends" are co-workers, and complain when they b*tch about something. Just don't say anything too private or too stupid or anything that can be considered inappropriate. I'm fortunate enough that my direct co-workers who are friends don't take anything seriously, but I still try not to say anything I'd regret. We all know how circular this world is.

  8. I'm not sure if I should complain about Gov Paterson, the state legislature, both, or neither. Yes, I'm a state employee and I don't care if I'm furloughed, if they delay my annual raise, or if they lag my pay for a week...just as long as I keep my job. Either way, the so-called powers that be in Albany are fighting over band aids and stupid ways to save a buck while they try and pass a budget.


    Here's an idea - PASS THE F**KING BUDGET!!!!!

  9. Unless they figure out how to get Big Ben, this will be an astonishing reach for a team with no o-line, no QB and no D-line

    I wanted an OT, also. I guess they must think that the available ones weren't worth a #9 pick...even though Anthony Davis went right after Spiller.


    My complaint (you knew I couldn't go without one): tendonitis sucks.

  10. We stayed late last night to do an application upgrade. Everything's working, except for one minor thing that we had to do a workaround for (for you IT/web geeks, it's a web page redirect to a non-verified https site). It's not perfect, but it works and gets the point across to everyone that their bookmarks need to be updated. This was an upgrade that was 9 months in the making with a lot of hard work, testing, and planning done.


    We come in this morning to upper management saying "I don't like the way you get to the new page".



  11. This is what I heard from two guys within earshot of me at last nights game...


    - F*** him up Roy


    - I don't care if you score a goal Mair, just f*** him up


    - You suck you idiot(every time a Sabre made a bad pass or shot the puck wide)


    - Hey Black Ice(Referring to Grier. I don't get it).


    - You suck <insert player name>! Get off the ice!


    - When a person a few rows away got up to leave with 1 minute to go...."Sit down ######!!!!"


    Repeat some variation of the above for 2-1/2 hours. Quite possibly the most annoying people I have ever encountered at a game.



    How much had they been drinking? Sounds like a guy who wants to sound like he's tough at a hockey game.


    I'm a season ticket holder at Union College (Div I in Schenectady, NY). It's toned down over the past few years, but the group of people in the rows behind us (also ST holders) constantly kept yelling "Shoot it!!!" any time a Union player so much as touched the puck. They couldn't understand why they just didn't keep shooting the puck at the net. Any time a line change was desperately needed and they were carrying the puck out of the defensive zone, the folks couldn't understand why they didn't start an offensive rush.


    I think they're more educated about the game now (hence the toning down), but my Lord...

  12. Who says parents MUST pay for their kids' college educations? What ever happened to student loans or military academies? It seems like an unwritten rule these days where parents feel the HAVE to do it. I wonder what my dad would've said if I told him he MUST pay for my college.


    ###### off comes to mind....


    I know parents feel they have to do the right thing, but I see so many people bankrupting themselves and so many kids that don't care about anything anyway. I hope you're not one of them, Blue! Good luck with that.

    If I had kids, I'd want to pay for it - give them the best education I possibly can. I started college in the Fall of 1989. I didn't even bother looking at private schools, since I knew they'd be expensive and my mother (divorced w/3 other kids) didn't come close to that kind of money. I went to a SUNY school and still needed loans after she paid for it for 2 years.


    I then started working with a guy during my summer job who was a spoiled brat and kept bragging how he wasn't going to pay for squat while going to a private school. :censored:

  13. Blue, I'm aboslutely sick of the pile of pennies I have built up on my desk back home. I keep getting more and more and it will never stop. I have fallen in love with those self checkout lanes at places like CVS though. Any time I know I'm going there, I'll grab a big handful of change and pay for half of my purchase in pennies. It's a slow process, but hey, it keeps me out of the office a little bit longer.

    I usually just keep the pennies and other coins in a jar and roll them every few months or so. Nice way to come up with an "extra" $50 every now & then. :beer:

  14. Mine are government-related (but whose complaints aren't these days).


    The US Census - 6 pieces of paper all to tell them there are two white people living in my house. I realize it may not be feasible for everyone, but has the government not heard of doing this online?


    The whole health care debate. The majority of people that oppose this are Republicans or people who voted for McCain. They only oppose it because a Democrat President proposed the legislation. Our country is falling apart because our leaders do things just because the other party disagrees with it. I hate politicians.

  15. Women appear insane to men only because they operate with an entirely different system of logic than men. Women do not understand how men think, either....they just don't worry about it as much.

    I don't think many men worry about understanding women as much, either. It's just a common fact of life...as sure as death and taxes...that women do things different than logic dictates just to piss us off. Apparently, there's a memo being passed around that is being kept secret from all of us men.


    No, I'm not bitter. :unsure:


    My other complaint - I wish the men's rooms in my office building were ventilated better. :sick:

  16. I have a 7hp, 2-stage, 24" snow blower and it can't go through the stuff we've been getting all week. I had to shovel my driveway (which isn't small) three times in the span of 24 hours.


    But hey, at least I'm saving the environment by not burning the fuel, right?

  17. I hate people who play devil's advocate just because they can. I was giving a mini-presentation to my group this morning and one guy argued almost every point I made...not being all high & mighty, but my points were correct. I think he just wants to be heard.

  18. Some changes going on at work, know I should be happy I still have a job but it's not easy. Re-org'd, got a new boss, changed my job and responsibilites, so far the new job outright looks like he thinks and treats me like I am his Beyotch. NICE. I never expected to become that dreaded disgruntled employee but unfortunately I fear I'm there. :wallbash: Know my options just really liked what I was doing before not so much now.

    I'm in the same boat. I actually left my current employer for a job I thought would be doing exactly what I wanted (only to find out it sucked something awful). I was lucky enough to be able to come back and I've been here almost 3 years, but the regime has changed, people are only out for their own agendas, and the work has lessened. Top it off with a boss who complains about everything and my morale isn't exactly high. I realize it's good to have a job these days, but it still isn't good to not look forward to the work day.



    I know in the past I've complained about perfectly healthy people who use the handicap button that automatically opens doors. Well, last week I finally found proof for why these people suck. As I was leaving work one day, I notice a woman on my floor who is in a wheel chair sitting in front of one of the doors, not doing anything. The button wasn't working thanks to all the lazy idiots who use it when they don't have to. So this woman was stuck at the door, not able to get out until someone else came by. It was pretty late and not many people were in the building, so she could very easily have been stuck there for a while.

    Happens all the time in my office. I don't (and never will) understand the need to use it when you don't need to. I'd like to see what happens when it doesn't work for a guy who doesn't need it. Will he stand outside the men's room wondering how to get in?


    And then there's the city of Boston, or really, the whole state of Massachusetts. There was a general panic over the last two days because of that storm that was moving across the state. They shut just about everything down a day in advance. What was the grand total for the snowfall? Less than an inch. The entire city was crippled by a less than an inch of snow! Don't get me wrong, I had no problem leaving work early, but my god are they retarded. With all these budget issues nationwide, I can't imagine the amount of money that was thrown away yesterday.

    To be fair, every meteorologist in the Albany area was predicting 3-5 inches....probably more in Boston, right? All four major networks were eating some serious crow last night. In fact, many of the school districts just south of here into the Catskills had already closed school the night before anticipating close to a foot.


    That said, Boston is in the northeast. I can maybe see people in Virginia & North Carolina doing this, but Boston should be able to handle a foot of snow. It's as if everyone needed to use the "snow days" they had budgeted for.

  19. #1: The Ottawa Senators


    #2: The Pittsburgh Penguins


    #3: I hate when I'm in a grocery store, toting around a cart full of stuff, and people stop in the middle of the aisle to either stare at something or chat with a friend when they know I'm right there trying to get past them. Even worse, I could be stopped in the aisle scanning the shelves for the can of soup I'm looking for when someone stops their cart RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME to look at the same area of the shelves. I won't buy the fact that they didn't see me...it's hard to miss anyone with a grocery cart, no matter how short they are.

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