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Buffalo Wings

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Posts posted by Buffalo Wings

  1. Why do half the drivers on the road seem to be in such a rush? I was the second car in line at a red light this AM and the car coming up behind pulled around me into the right lane. (Apparently waiting behind two cars would have been too much of a delay). THEN when the light turned green, the car in front of me gets the jump on Mr. Hurry-up and gets away from the light first. Hurry-up then cuts me off trying to get back into my lane because there is a car parked a half-block from the intersection (which he could see from the right lane). So, Hurry-up almost causes an accident so he can get one car length closer to his destination. Almost makes me want to go out an buy a Humvee..... :angry:

    Idiots in traffic are one of my biggest pet peeves...


    During my commute into work yesterday, I got honked at by some macho guy in a truck because I wouldn't cut someone off. While exiting the highway, there was a yield sign at the end of the off-ramp and since there were several cars coming, I decided to wait. Mr. impatient came up behind me going about 50mph (again - at the end of the off-ramp) and honked because I wasn't darting into the oncoming traffic to allow him to keep going.

  2. As I didn't think to look for this thread yesterday, I was wondering why it would be open today....


    Nevertheless, I'll save my complaints until next week. Hope everyone has a relaxing holiday. :beer:


    In all seriousness, Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!!

  3. The guy in the seat right behind you who screams SHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOTTT anytime the puck touches a stick on the power play. How I loathe him. Same guy who screams GET THE PUCK OUTTA THERE! during the entirety of a penalty kill.


    The worst is when the great GITSBY (guy in the seat behind you) has a young son screaming the same thing because he wants to be just like his intolerable dad.

    I have season tickets at a Division I college - the same group of people in our section keep doing that game after game, year after year. And yes, they even do so when the defenseman is bringing the puck up the ice - usually around the time he reaches HIS OWN blue line. Never mind the occasional comment about how terrible they're playing, as if the opposing team has nothing to do with it.

  4. Windows update....can it at least prompt you to reboot instead of automatically doing so? I've got stuff running on my work PC that needs to monitor something overnight, so thanks to Microsloth, I get no data because they need to install a security patch for a vulnerability that they should have probably taken care of in the first place.

  5. Pre-cana sucks.


    My first complaint is a carry over from the "was batman a vegetarian" thread.


    You must have a license to drive a car, cut freaking hair, and do any number of other mundane things. But have a kid that you will be responsible for for the next 21 years? That's a god given fundamental freaking right. No test of minimum competency whatsoever.


    Are you a child molesting freak who has children to provide yourself your next victim? No problem. Cursed with a genetic disorder or disease that will with certainty affect the next generation? no problem. So poor and bereft of desire to improve your position that you are reliant on society to provide for your every need? no problem.


    Why don't we need a license to have kids???

    Sorry for bringing this thread into Friday, but I couldn't resist....


    My pre-cana was only 1 day - started at 8, ended at 5. Not too terrible a sacrifice, plus it was in December so I didn't miss any golfing time.


    Perfect example about the kids thing, my wife's brother...this is a guy whose mother bailed him out of everything until he was about 30. He finally got his own stable job and moved out of the house, but then messed around and got a 20-year-old girl pregnant (he was in his mid-30s at the time). Now he's flaunting his son as if he's some prize. It's one thing to be proud of your kids, but this isn't pride he's showing off. Meanwhile, my wife & I did everything according to plan to try and have kids only to realize we can't. We're not bitter about that, but when we look at her brother (and the types that korab talks about), we just shake our head.

  6. I have to go to this seminar thing today...it's all afternoon (12:30-5:00) and only one discussion topic out of the 5 being presented is relevant to my field.


    Outside of that, the Yankees & Sabres both won - what's there to complain about? :nana:

  7. That's a great breakfast tip. The thing that walking provides is incredible stress relief. At least it did for me. Going to a gym would equal a lot of stress for me for any number of reasons -- maybe having to wait to use equipment, having to drive to get there, spending money to go there and get there, being around people (hehe) etc. Walking is easy and easy on your body -- and works for millions of people because, as you say, it's realistic. But I think the stress reduction really plays a big role on the other side, controlling the input. Stress=eating. Anyone see that study that actually argued that intense exercising leads to eating more?

    I haven't seen that study, but I can understand it...maybe. For me, intense exercising pretty much leads to de-stressing. Earlier this year, I made a couple of adjustments that worked great. For my lunch, I used to have a sandwich with pretzels/chips, so I eliminated the pretzels/chips portion. I then started walking during my lunch time - I go across the street to the mall and make 3 laps. I don't know the exact distance, but it's a decent workout for 25 minutes. I then do my intense exercising (some weightlifting & ab exercises with 20 minutes on the elliptical machine) after dinner, usually 3 times a week. I'm done by about 8:00pm, so I can usually crash for a couple hours before bed time...that's where the de-stressing comes in. Combine that with stopping the ice cream (it really was frozen yogurt or light ice cream) and I dropped about 12 pounds.


    Then my sister-in-law started her couponing kick again and bought all sorts of chocolate & stuff to make desserts, so I've put some of that weight back on. <_<

  8. I...hate...raking...leaves.

    I'm 10,000% with you. My lawn vac does a decent job, but it's still a pain.


    I'm debating when to put the golf clubs away for the winter. I'm addicted to the game enough where I can usually play into November (with the same group of addicted golfing buddies), but the weather hasn't been cooperating lately. I wanted a couple of more Saturday-morning rounds before Thanksgiving, but I don't think that's going to happen.

  9. Just out of curiosity, how do you know the other papers were less thought-out and not written as well?

    With this place (I'm not sure if it's true of any school that does their stuff online), the papers are posted "publicly" for the entire class to see. She can actually download each of the other students' papers (Word docs) and read them - this includes the papers before & after they're graded.


    I also looked through a few of them myself. I'm no expert, but when my wife's paper is a solid 4-5 pages that addresses everything the teacher wanted and other students' submissions are one whole page that's not much more than a bulleted list, it seems pretty clear that the grading is a tad inconsistent.

  10. Facebook and Twitter are useless. I was told to hop on the bandwagon and give them a try. I can't believe the crap people post on there. If you are going to be on the internet at least make good use of your time.


    Who cares what you are watching on TV tonight or having for dinner tomorrow?

    I like Facebook because it's given me a chance to get in touch with people I graduated with and used to work with. I understand some people's dislike of it and I also think too many people out there don't understand how "public" it is, but if it's used right, it's worthwhile to me. On the other hand, Twitter is just plain annoying. I really hate how every celebrity, athlete, etc. uses it to communicate with the world. Every media outlet then jumps on it like there's no tomorrow - these people need to realize what they're saying and assume the audience is everyone, but when did social networking sites become the way to official communications?


    Today's complaints:


    - My wife is taking online classes and got a bad grade on one paper, yet other classmates' submissions were much less thought-out and not nearly written as well, yet got grades in the 90s. WTF?


    - She then wakes up this morning and proceeds to tell me she's getting a cold for the second time in 4 weeks.


    - Dick Jauron

  11. I have to be at work at 5:30am tomorrow, then 7:00am on Columbus Day (which I usually have off).


    And on a daily basis, I continue being the one to consult my co-workers (who make a lot of more money than me for supposedly doing the same job).

  12. I'm really disappointed with Dell's ongoing slide into mediocrity. I've had more issues with my newer Dell products than I've had with any of my older stuff. The first few things I bought from them were built solid and seemed to last forever, but the newer stuff feels cheaper and breaks easier.


    The worst thing is - they don't seem to care that their products suck. Their customer service is getting more and more indifferent and less helpful.

    I got a Dell years ago because I had the exact same problems with Gateway....customer service...the thing they were supposed to be good at. At the time, I worked for an ISP and had free dialup internet access (this was 2000 or so). It never worked while my old PC had no problems. I took it in to a local Gateway fix-it place, whose "techie" ended up calling my company's tech support for details (apparently forgetting that I told them I was a network engineer for said company) and never called me - even to tell me they were finished. I shipped it back, but was out about $200 for the original shipping. Never again.


    I went with a Dell and have upgraded my PC twice with them since. Still no problems.

  13. My boss....she's not one of those who you'd hate. In fact, I get along with her very well, as does the rest of my group. However, since our old boss retired in June, she's taken over all the responsibilities (just not the promotion or title, of course) and is stressing out over everything. We're in a very politically-oriented office, so while I sympathize with her complaints, she doesn't need to express them every 20 minutes. Since I sit right next to her, I get the brunt of it.



  14. I did a major hardware upgrade on our network Tuesday night into Wednesday morning...had some issues that we worked through, but ended up backing out at 2:30am because one of the 27 different applications these devices support didn't work properly. I hate it. One stinkin' thing and we back out of 7 hours of work. The bright side was that I get OT pay and the commute home was pretty easy, but still...


    The Anaheim Angels (I refuse to call them what they're supposed to be called) - they lay down against the Red Sox or watch the umps give the Red Sox the game, then pull out all the stops and walk all over the Yankees.

  15. I needed this thread on Tuesday.


    I probably mention this too much, but I wish people with their own agenda would just go away. I'm a data network techie, so my group seems to get more requests within our entire IT department than any other - most of them are issues where remote locations are down, they need a port activated, they need access through the firewall, etc. When we need to do maintenance that takes something down, we can't do it until after hours and have to announce it to the world...makes sense, but it elicits about 314 questions about why, how, when, & who, so we get grilled beyond belief. Yet when other "highly visible" groups make changes, they can do it in the middle of the day without telling anyone. 95% of the time, they screw it up, then ask us to drop everything and help them fix their problem. My new mantra: "Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part."


    I'm also sick of these stories:


    State workers


    Seems like we're uncovering a new way that the state is wasting money each day and how these guys get away with it.

  16. I hate those stubborn people who continue to argue a point even when they've been proven wrong. They're just arguing it because it was their point and they want to keep showing that they firmly believe it and won't back down.


    OK, great...your opinion is heard. But when you're wrong, you're wrong. Get over it.

  17. We had one recently that ended in a few deaths and national news. Hope this turned out better.

    This is suddenly becoming a disturbing trend. Within 12 months, 4 people in the Albany area were killed (in 3 separate incidents) where the drivers were stoned or drunk and hopped onto an interstate going the wrong direction. I don't know if we're just hearing about it more or if it's really just happening more.

  18. A co-worker of mine continues to throw me under the bus. He doesn't understand half the stuff we do and always tells people to talk to me for the answers...as if I don't already have an overflowing plate. He "called in sick" yesterday - apparently, to avoid a meeting that he told others I should attend instead of him. Lucky for me, my supervisor isn't going to let him drag me in...this time.

  19. More....


    I'm not happy today...


    When you're in meetings at work, I'd suggest not interrupting the person currently talking or begin a side conversation, even though you're trying to keep it quiet. It's distracting to :angry: *everyone* in the meeting, especially when it's in a small enough room.


    I need a refill of my acid reflux medication, so I called my doctor's office last Friday and left a message (everyone does that with these guys, that's not the issue). I usually get a call back within 2 business days saying the script is ready...nothing. I call this afternoon and even though they won't admit it, they apparently never got the message or are too swamped. This is a long-term thing (90-day with 3 refills) that I use mail-order for, so it usually takes almost 2 weeks for me to get it. I'm almost out of the existing stuff, so I may be out before the new order shows up. I know I could pick up pepcid or zantac from the store, but that costs me a few more bucks and it doesn't work as well.


    :angry: :angry: :angry:

  20. On point 2 - I got into work yesterday and my boss told me how he was at Friendly's the night before, and he heard a 3-year-old call his brother a f***er - to which his mother simply shook her head and called them both savages. Awesome parenting skills.

    I keep wondering how some people in particular are able to procreate, while others (good people, IMO) can't.

  21. WORK,... the do more with less, be thankful you have a job mantra, all the while pooring on more projects than you have resources for or can complete and no one above will prioritize anything....... Why don't they understand when everything is a prioroty nothing is a priority......Arghhhh :wallbash:

    Speaking of work....


    Paperwork. People where I work are falling in love with this concept of "write a summary of a project you're looking to work on and we'll decide if we should bring that to a formal meeting where the higher-ups then decide whether or not it you can invest the time in doing it". So what do we have to do...fill out a 3-page Word doc with summaries up the ying-yang, saying the same thing three times?



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