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Everything posted by Nitro60

  1. Sabres play well in spurts but can not put together three periods of good hockey. Too many guys make brain dead errors. Once they went into OT I told my son chalk up another OTL. Hate being right.
  2. Off for 12 days and Razor says they look tired. What happened? Miss their afternoon nap? They are playing like a bunch of guys who got thrown together and had three days of practice.
  3. Sabres have a knack of signing or drafting guys who are allergic to playing good defense and the puck. Geez.
  4. The Sabres are playing a disjointed game. Bad mix of NHL/AHL talent.
  5. You can not let the man skate that deep into the zone uncontested.
  6. Listened to the game in the car. UPL is playing outstanding hockey. If he stays healthy and keeps improving the Sabres future will be bright.
  7. It was not on TV. I do not mean the Seneca video. The pregame or between the periods. Not everyone is on twitter like myself.
  8. Those ties stunk too. I went to many games where teams would play for the tie. If they go back to that format award no points. That will motivate the players and coaches to win.
  9. Why no mention of Ted Nolan or his son Jordan in the tributes to Native Americans by the Sabres?
  10. It has resulted in really boring hockey. Not what the hockey minds at the NHL HQ want. Wonder if this will be up for a change next off season?
  11. UPL 90 saves on 96 shots in three games. This is what the Sabres need. He made Hasek type saves tonight. I do hope so.
  12. UPL's play in goal has given the team confidence. Playing a better game of hockey with him in net.
  13. I like the rebuild that he is doing. Give it time.
  14. The NHL is pitiful. Going back to the Dallas NO Goal. They screw up and issue a statement. Never changes.
  15. Again.... get guys on the team that can throw the heavy hands.
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