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Everything posted by Nitro60

  1. Popcorn vendor.....yeah she is in her 60s but has a mean left hook.
  2. I want to see a glimmer of hope in the young guys and I do!
  3. Screened by own player but Subban has to make that save.
  4. Wow! That was one ugly play. Tb is toying with the Sabres.
  5. Open net and you shoot the puck into the butt of your teammate.
  6. I have a feeling that this will end in a 5-2 finish. TB will cruse to victory. Sabres are short on talent and speed. Strictly a PP specialist (second line) too
  7. The book might be he is weak to his blocker side. Hmmmmm
  8. Have possession behind their net with a team mate to your right but you pass to the other team in front of their net? Not smart.
  9. Hold the puck too much. Fire it on net and go get the rebound. Not going to get perfect look.
  10. Four of them should be playing in the AHL. Sabres once had quality Defensemen and depth. Not any more.
  11. Bad goalie play in many of those losses. UPL gives me hope for the future. It is a tedious work in progress. Need better defensemen.
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