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Posts posted by frissonic

  1. Fiance got stuck working a double so I have to call in to work in order to stay home and watch our son. Its great that she gets paid time and a half but the problem is I make double her time and a half on my regular pay. And now I have to burn a vacation day so I can still get paid...sucks.

    that does suck man. does your company have sick leave and vacation? or is all just "personal time"? either way, it sucks having to burn anything.

  2. Sounds familiar. I had shingles last Winter (14mo ago). Hit me hard in my right eye. Was out of work for a month. STD didn't kick in for a week so I had to burn vacation time to get a weeks check.


    yah, the whole company was in an uproar. but sadly, it was a few cheaters who brought about the switch in providers and policy. some were faking doctor's notes, putting their friends' phone numbers as points of contact, and then they'd go galavant around the country for a few weeks. They were all let go, but at that point, the insurance company said, "yah ... we can't provide STD anymore." so we had to switch providers, and their policy is that there's a 7-day waiting period for all claims.



  3. I've been there/done that as well. Rotorooter is certainly a memorable experience.


    sadly, this isn't even the first time. it'll go well ... just sucks that our company's short-term disability policy has changed this year. instead of being immediately available, STD only kicks in after 7 calendar days of absence. in essence, i have to use sick, floating holiday or personal leave for the first week, THEN STD kicks in. this procedure shouldn't keep me out of work a full week.


    somehow, talking about short-term disability and a cystoscopy sound oddly apropos.


    thanks for all the well-wishes. i'll be fine ... just sucks that i get a second go-round.

  4. My complaint: I don't actually care that the Sabres are playing tonight. I hate feeling that way, but this team isn't even fun to watch when they do win. :(


    i'm in the same boat. i'm in "project mode," and i need to go to radio shack at some point to pick up some components. i get off work at 5:30, when the game is already in progress. then i have a 30-45 minute commute, dinner, run to RS before they close, and see where things stand at that point.


    either way, i'll probably at least listen to the game. RJ is too entertaining to pass up.

  5. that actually sounds pretty cool.


    if it weren't for the kids and dogs, i might have been happy with it. also, the 2 am factor was kind of a drag, though i almost busted out my camera gear to try for lightning pics , but i opted to just go back to sleep.

  6. As we're on the child topic today, my wife and I are expecting our first little boy in nine weeks now. I'm pretty anxious, excited, shiting myself and worried all at the same time. We got his room freshly painted and the crib and decorations together over the past few weeks and now it's just a waiting game. It's a Friday and nice time to be alive.....


    that is indeed F'N Fantastic!! congrats to you and your wife. babies are flat-out amazing.


    just a piece of advice: there's no such thing as "too many pictures or vids." dedicated hard drive with multiple back-ups.

  7. I don't think it has anything to do with being wired differently in this case though. I can see just about anyone acting the same way she is right now if they were in her shoes. She's not sleeping well because her thoughts keep her up at night, and because of that, she's starting to act a bit wacky due to being tired. It seems pretty normal behavior to me, but it's out of my hands in terms of helping her out. When she's busy, she's fine. The distraction is good. There is no way of stopping her mind from wondering at night though.


    And no, her parents don't want to move it up. They're footing most of the bill, so I have to bow to that decision. The one thing we're definitely not doing is going on the honeymoon to the Caribbean that we were planning on. There will be time for that later. We'll find something far more low key and local for a few days after the wedding, but we'd much rather not go away for a week and be completely out of touch with everyone.


    if you can find some kind of themed hotel or B&B that's relatively local, those are pretty fun for a couple of nights until you can get away for your real honeymoon. my wife and i did that, then when time/circumstances allowed, we went to san fran and monterey for a week. it was 10 years later, but still ... :)


    i sincerely hope that he can see the wedding, for you and your fiancee's sake, for his sake ... it's a horrible situation. you guys are doing right by staying nearby.

  8. Get it right...it's Pi Day. :P


    I've had acid reflux for years and just recently started a cough that's probably because of it. The doc sent me to a gastroenterologist who did an endoscopy on me last month. That wasn't so bad because I was knocked out for it. But since it didn't show anything unusual, they had me do a manometry and I'm currently on a 24-hr pH monitor. Basically, the manometry is sticking a tube through your nose & down your throat and having you swallow liquids to check the esophagus muscles and measure any acid from the stomach. I gagged three times. At least the liquids were grape gatorade and banana-flavored jello. Yummy.


    The 24-hr monitor is the same thing, except it's a smaller tube (about the size of a spaghetti noodle) that is taped to your nose and runs down the esophagus. Just knowing it's there has made me gag a few times and I feel like something is stuck in my throat that I can't swallow no matter how many times I do so. Since the tube is attached to a machine that records everything, I feel like I'm carrying an early 1990s mobile phone with me.


    The only good part about all of this is that my boss went through the exact same stuff several years ago. He understands and is letting me work from home instead of taking a sick/vacation day. But I wouldn't wish this on anyone. It's borderline torture - even the wife has made fun of me a couple of times. I've got about 2 hours left of this thing...I've survived so far, but sleeping with this stuff was difficult and I'm doing all I can to stop the dogs from jumping on me.


    so, it's like a nasal catheter. you're right--nothing to wish on anyone, and i'm deeply sorry that you have to go through that. i hope it at least yields something that will result in getting you better and healthier.

  9. Hows this for awesome ? My wife just told me to face it honey, your team sucks.

    my 8 year old daughter said that the other day. tried watching the game on saturday, and she got all whiny and uppity. "dad, they're not even worth watching. they SUCK! can't we watch hannah montana?!"


    sadly, she and her sister won out.

  10. Last night, I went home with a raging headache. It was so bad that almost forgot to actually fill out my time card. In my agony and haste, I didn't close the doc that I had been formatting and editing.


    This morning, I came in and was greeted with an email from a co-worker who lambasted me for leaving it open. "I needed to work on something in that doc, and you left without closing it. What if you had been out sick for days? THEN what?" The best part is that he CCed our manager. Couldn't bother to discuss this privately with me, nor find out if there was a particular reason why I left without closing it. No ... instead, he writes this scathing email and copies our boss. Sweet.


    Follow that up with the fact that he, another co-worker, my boss, and I all had a meeting this morning to discuss that documentation suite. Mid-way through, my boss looks over at me and says, "Oh, yah ... by the way, please make sure that you shut your docs when you leave." At that point, I felt that I had to defend myself and explain why it was left open. After I gave my explanation, complaining co-worker said, "Yah, I shouldn't have sent that last night. I was tired, not feeling well, and then when I tried to get in and couldn't, I was just pissed ... so I fired off that email in anger. So ... sorry about that."



  11. Working on a project for months as a contractor, sending the invoice to the company well over 5 weeks ago, and now not hearing a single peep from them at all. No return emails, phone calls ... nothing. I'm starting to get very, very irate. We're not talking about 10s of thousands of dollars, or even several thousands. For them, this should be extremely easy to pay, yet they're sitting on it for whatever reason. All I'm asking is for a rough estimate as to when it will be paid.


    Grrr ...

  12. Rush Clockwork Angels at PNC in Raleigh, May 3rd!

    I'll be there!

    sweet! This will be my 7th show for Rush!

    This will be my sixth, but first time in almost nine years.


    1991 Roll The Bones Buffalo

    1994 Counterparts Buffalo

    1996 Test For Echo Buffalo

    2002 Vapor Trails Raleigh

    2004 R30 Virginia Beach


    It's been eleven years since Rush has been to Raleigh. I had tickets to the Time Machine tour in Greensboro, but Rush had to postpone the concert by one day which did not work for me.


    Rush saved my ass with this announcement. My wife was going to make me go to an Olivia Newton John concert in Durham this month. So told her..I go to ONJ, then you go to Rush. Suddenly I'm no longer being pressured to see ONJ..amazing how that happens! I'm thinking about taking my eight year old to the Rush show, but he might not be ready for it yet, we'll see.


    Rush dropped their second leg tour date announcements yesterday. Just got lawn seats to the July 31st show in SLC. Taking my 8 year old daughter. She's beyond stoked. I've been playing CA, VT, and HYF a ton lately. She's starting to sing along, knows the band members' names ... it's seriously a dream come true, raising another generation of Rush fans.

  13. Her father. We're still in that stage of shock since we just found out monday. None of us have any clue where to go with all the planning now. Do you postpone, do you move it up, do you not change a thing? I don't think there is a right answer here, but the whole thing is just going to be very difficult with that cloud hovering over us.


    And in terms of this board, I have no clue what is going on in the NHL. I love the game, but at this point I don't have the time or the energy to keep up with whatever the "let's argue about this" topic of the day is.


    If I may offer my thoughts:


    He's her dad. It's every dad's dream to see their daughter get married to a good guy. I've seen how aggressive cancer can be. 6-8 months? I sure hope so. My dad had mandibular cancer, and was told on a Thursday that he had a couple of months left. The next day, we were told a couple of weeks. Saturday morning, days; Saturday night, hours. He died that Sunday.


    If it were me, I would try to move it up by at least a couple of months. I know that's going to add a sh**-ton of stress on you guys, but this is his little girl. He put in the decades of love, devotion, and time. He's "earned the right" to see his daughter get married, for lack of a better phrase.


    If it's within your means and at all feasible, that's what I would try to do. Maybe it's not feasible. I don't know you personally, obviously, but I read your posts on here. You think things through, and you don't post inflammatory comments. You seem pretty level-headed. You and your fiancee will make the call that you feel will best fit this whole nightmare of a situation.


    I'm sorry, man.

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