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Posts posted by bunomatic

  1. I'm watching the Blackhawks-Canucks game right now to see the "new and improved" Kassian. 1-0 Canucks after the first. I have to admit, Kassian does look great and, no, it's not because of the Sedins. He did a great job screening Crawford on the Vancouver power play and later made an awesome pass to set up the Canucks' goal. He's been involved in a few other scoring chances as well. He isn't using his size to punish the Hawks but he's using it to protect the puck and by going to the net.


    He's taken a step forward this year in his development for sure. I've been watching a lot of the nucks games just to see how he does and I've been impressed.

  2. Nothing makes what he did acceptable. Not even raising half a billion dollars for charity because without the tour wins he's a nobody who wouldn't have been able to raise that money. He couldn't even remember how many people he had sued while trying to prolong the lie. Some are calling him a sociopath ? But I do hope his foundation can survive without him.

  3. Lance.


    Any thoughts?


    Personally I've always thought he was dirty. Although I dislike the man and what he'll forever be known for he does do alot for his foundation and raises a ton of money for the fight against cancer. Hopefully his admission of guilt doesn't put an end to that.

  4. I think we all think the bags was a nice idea. But, not pointing any fingers, they could of been done better. So how bout, no bags this time, but next time, we do the bags right, and then go full regalia.


    That was priceless. Kind of reminded me of blazing saddles in that scene.

  5. I'm usually not too much of a pop follower but that new track by Bruno Mars ' locked out of heaven ' is catchy as hell. Great bass line and just a good tune overall production wise. This album is going to make him a lot of money. Talented guy.

  6. I know less than nothing about the Korean pitcher, but that Greinke contract is patently absurd.


    Dodgers sign who and who for how much ? Meanwhile over on the other thread people complain how much hockey players make relative to their skill set and ask what makes them so special. I've never heard of either of these guys but I'll admit I don't watch much ball.I also realize you can't compare pro hockey to the other big 3 but Jesus that kind of money is insane.

  7. I think the moment of silence before the game was for victims of domestic violence and not for murderous/suicidal football players. I may be wrong, but I don't think I am.


    They played the game, and they were smart to do so. They didn't glorify or excuse or exonerate or, actually, even acknowledge, Belcher's actions, other than the moment of silence.


    What better way to fade into ignominy?


    If they hadn't played the game, it would have been, in some way, acknowledging their former teammate. I'm glad they played.


    I see your point. Really when you look at it they're damned if they do and damned if they don't. It just pisses me off I guess. Senseless.

  8. Kind of surprised there's no mention of the K.C. situation this weekend with the murder suicide. I thought it was very strange the way they made the game sort of into a memorial for the killer. This guy murdered the mother of his child by filling her full of bullets then orphaned said child. LOSER. That game shouldn't have been played out of respect to the victim of this crime. Its hard to feel sorry for him.

  9. Just a hunch but the Gov. will make Merle and Darrel fight to the death to prove allegiance. Now that Andrea has seen what the Gov. is actually made of she will somehow help save the both of them before they rip each others throats out and help them escape.



    I actually think Michonne is more of a sociopath than the Gov., sure wish she would have finished him off when she had the chance.

  10. So close. No one had to apologize to Carol, either, for leaving her in the prison, with no evidence she was dead.


    I've been on the fence on this show since they met Hershel. Last night tipped me away from really wanting to keep watching. The scene with the governor and Maggie was distasteful, gratuitous. What did it add? We knew the governor was a bastard already. There are just too many other outstanding shows to choose from. Dead has never recaptured the magic of season one for me. Plus, Lindy sucks.


    Come on P.A., distasteful ? We still don't know what the Gov. is really all about in respect to his character because they've revealed it in increments. This just adds another layer. He'll obviously not only stick the fork in but twist it to get what he wants. And really, what is it about threatening the farm girl by humiliating her that you can't see on those other shows that are on ? T.V. is currently full of gratuity no matter where you turn. This is a zombie series where killing and violence are the expected norm. Why not a little sex ? I still look forward to the next show every week on this one.

  11. Selling a Suburban in this economy is hard.


    Also, inheriting a car from my (still living) grandfather is awesome. It's going to save me so much money. But man is it ominous of things to come. As he was signing the paperwork he said something to the effect of "I've been driving for 70 years, it's hard to think I won't be doing it anymore." I held it together at their house but broke down when I got home. Sure I'm glad to keep driving it for him, but I feel like I'm signing his death notice. Brutal.


    Maybe he just has the good sense to know he shouldn't be driving anymore. Too bad more seniors didn't take this initiative and get off the roads while they can still make the decision on their own. Good for him. I feel for you though. Its tough seeing our parents and grandparents age. In our youth the very people we saw as being able to handle anything.

  12. My complaint. People that blow their friggin nose in a restaurant. People are eating here already. Your killin me. Go to the damn bathroom to empty the mucus and snot from your sinus you rude basterd. You just ruined my dining experience and I've lost my appetite.

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