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Posts posted by bunomatic

  1. Not surprising at all. The day Ellis got sent down I thought he was going to have a mental breakdown on the air. At some point more people are going to realize the biggest problem with this team isn't heart or effort, it's talent.


    Imo we have a mixture of the 3. A lack of heart,effort and talent. Its when your talent refuses to put in the effort that you have a problem. But sure, we do lack talent probably more than the other 2.

  2. What an idiot! Instead of the coach, maybe these friends of Stafford's ought to question Drew's pathetic effort in 2013??? He's a lazy ineffective player getting paid $4 million a year - and so far in 2013... after 31 games only 11 points and 4 goals, and a HORRIBLE plus/minus of -12!!!! If Peters wants to fight someone, I'll fight him... all I'd have to do before the fight is read Staffords stats and his salary to whip myself into a frenzy of rage at Stafford and any misanthropic knuckle-dragger like Peters pathetically attempting to defend this dead wood! As the great Mills Lane would say.....Let's get it ON!!!! :lol:



  3. OMG - I forgot about that. Bad enough that PomPomstein is captain - the Sabres follow up that failure with yet another fail - a guy that's as soft as a creampuff, and about as effective - Drew Stafford - as "Alternate Captain"


    "Hockey Heaven" my arse!!!!


    Its all Ruffs fault. ;) Didn't Lindy pick the captain and assistants instead of letting the team pick them. Why are they still wearing letters ? Let the team choose.

  4. Southeast Asia Beer review:

    Sing-ha (Thailand): yellow beer

    Chaing (Thailand): yellow beer, with slightly more flavor than Sing-ha

    Tiger (Singapore): yellow beer

    BeerLao (Laos): yellow beer, with a little bit of incense which was a nice change

    Cambodia (Cambodia): yellow beer

    Kingdom Light (Cambodia): yellow beer

    Kingdom Dark (Cambodia): an OK amber, with notes of caramel and licorice


    Also, Burmese cigarettes are like little cigars made with green-ish tobacco. Not bad.


    I had Bintang while in Bali. Very refreshing but damn was the weather hot.

  5. Wow, I didn't realize that until you said it.


    So I went back to see how it all started and here I am on page 1 of the thread -- 15 months ago:


    Alright, everyone needs to start listening to me because I've been basically telling you the future right here on this message board.


    I'll give you that. Nice job.

  6. I don't remember the first time this was talked about. I just watched the video, and are you kidding me? People are making a big deal about that? Wow........


    I agree. I took worse from my pee wee and bantam coach who just happened to be my dad. No harm no foul in my mind. I don't agree with Lindys take on penalties. There are good penalties and there are bad. He might have explained that but I'm not someone who's coached what 1000 games so I won't make a judgement on that.

  7. How do you all feel about the job Darcy is doing ? Other than firing the coach has he done anything that appears to have improved the team ? Roster moves ? Is he burning up the phone lines trying to bring in help ? Is he simply waiting for the market to set itself as he likes to say ? Does anyone know of any scouts checking out the team recently ? Is Darcy even alive ? Has anyone seen him ? Maybe we should send someone over to check on him. I jest I jest but seriously.

  8. I hated Staffords contract when he signed it and I hate it more now. He isn't payed 4mil to be our defensive minded RW who shuts other teams down, hes paid to score goals.


    That contract is another reason for Tpegs to jettison Regier.

  9. In a sense he is. How else do explain surviving Knox to Rigas to NHL to Golisano to Pegula to ?????, while having your only success being inheiriting a team from the GM of the year and coach of the year with the greatest goaltender in the world...and then lucking into massive overhaul of rules changes to suit your pansy of a team....surrounded by 12 other years of crap?



  10. Saw this retweeted in my feed:


    Cam Tucker (@CamTucker_Metro) tweeted at 11:01 PM on Tue, Feb 26, 2013:


    Zack Kassian, playing on 4th line, had a team-low 2:10 in ice time for #Canucks. Also a minus-one.




    Sucks for Kassian that Kesler came back. That pushes Burrows up with the Sedins where he fits and moves Kassian down the depth chart. He's fallen off for sure.

  11. LIstening to Rolston on WGR this morning he sounds EXACTLY like Regier talking. The timbre and vocal mannerisms are nearly identical. Ewwww.....


    I want to like this guy and I want to give the guy a shot. Hopefully the players respond. I can't help but see a young Ted Danson every time the camera pans by the coach.lol

  12. I'd start Scott on defense over Leopold right now let alone Sulzer.


    I really loved the talk about how good MIke Weber is. I keep saying that and have been saying that for over a year. Kid has heart and he was 2nd rounder, he isnt some lucky late pick but a guy who had a good ceiling and is playing up to or above it. His simple game is getting it done and his no holds barred physicality is great.


    Here is a question: Ever see Miler get hit/bumped/run with Mike Weber on the ice... NO because Weber would immediately drop gloves and win or lose he would fight anyone. Look what he did after the gerbe hit. If we had a couple more MIke Webers this team would be a lot better.


    I agree with you on Mike Weber. I remember thinking during the Boston game how when he has the puck in our zone I'm pretty confident he won't screw up as opposed to most of our D. He looks confident with the puck. This team is a better team with him in the lineup.

  13. That is complete BS. Vanek and Pominville carried this team from Game 1 in Europe. Vanek's production actually dropped at the end of last season scoring 4 goals over the final 20 games. If anything, Marcus Foligno had a far greater impact on the Sabres in his 14 games at the end of last season than Hodgson had at the end last season in 20 games where he was mostly invisible except for a five game stretch.


    I agree. Last year Hodgsons contributions were negligible as were Kassians in Vancouver. This year both players have made improvements in their games. Lets hope Foligno comes on again. His line showed signs of it last game against the Bruins.

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