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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. Ruston and Grigs both slathering themselves in glory in front of their own net there...
  2. Just checked the box score, he got tagged with a match penalty / attempt to injure. Carries an automatic suspension. Let's spin the wheel of justice and see how many games this time...
  3. My dad was stationed at Ft. Sill when Imwas 4/5. My only memories of the place involve tornadoes....
  4. I'm riding the bus because Mother hid my car keys to punish me for talking to a woman on the phone. SHE WAS RIGHT TO DO IT!!!!
  5. She’s been discharged. Things are looking a lot better than they did last night. Not entirely free and clear but more tests needed in a few weeks. I’ve handed her off to her mom and daughter who were able to make it in this afternoon to take her home. Made it back to mine in time to get my kid from after-school. Not moving again anytime soon.
  6. Running on 2 hours of sleep, 30 hours in the same suit, and an unknown quantity of terrible hospital coffee, everything is, per the surgeon, looking ok. Thanks, everyone. Gonna go breathe deeply for awhile.
  7. Just took her back for surgery. Hoping this goes well.
  8. I began today in Newport News for a work conference. Got a text from the GF that she’s in the ER, in incredible pain and they’re giving her morphine. Six hours later I’m in her hospital room in Charlotte where she was for work), watching her sleep. Surgery/biopsy in the morning. They found “something” but not sure what. She’s terrified, as am I. Also helpless. Sorry to come in hot just past midnight...
  9. Alright Board. The GF and I are at loggerheads on an issue and I need input. She wants to force me to watch The Family Stone. Graciously, in return, she has agreed to watch anything I demand. Is it out of line, given relative pain levels (from what I can tell via IMDB) to demand in return we watch the entire MCU catalog? I still think I lose, but am open to opinions...
  10. Chelsea completely run off the pitch by Spurs today. 3-1 with Chelsea's goal coming in garbage time. It's hard to believe this is the first game they've lost this season, they're not very good.
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