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Everything posted by Sabel79

  1. No, but if you'd like to argue about any of the limitless number of other things I haven't said... I'm not interested.
  2. Periodic reminder that Bjork is making more money than Tage this season and next....
  3. I like Mule and think he is good at the hockey.
  4. In all fairness we could have a fun time filling in the blanks there over the past decade or longer.
  5. I am usually loath to make fun of children doing their best, but somebody best get a hold of this kid and teach him that the sound is supposed to come out of your mouth, not your nose when you sing.
  6. Nothing thus far makes it a guarantee he's lost; and on the other side there's never been a guarantee he is/was going to be the next Miller or what have you. There are many non-"Because Buffalo" explanations for Portillo going back to school. Even if he is planning on sitting until he hits UFA, it's not a problem current management made nor can they do much about it if that's what is happening. There is simply going to have to be someone (or multiple someoones) else coming in for next year, and the year after that. And probably the year after that. This team is so close to relevance, even me at my most chronically disappointed Sabres fan can not envision a situation in which this isn't recognized by management and further not acted upon.
  7. There are an awful lot of unstated assumptions doing an awful lot of work here. The next "great' Sabres goalie isn't even a concern right now. We need to worry about the next entirely competent #1. Neither of these guys were even going to be that for the Sabres next season, no matter how high they may someday climb.
  8. I'm kinda leery of tossing more kids to the wolves too soon. A quality vet (or two depending on how things shake out) was always going to be required. IMHO
  9. It doesn't change KA's problem; neither of them would have been on the roster next year either.
  10. We're not even talking about the correct exam if his name's coming up at this point.
  11. Threads popping up that I'm not going to click through, recently posted in Customer Service and elsewhere. I'm not against "covert sex advice" altogether, but probably wouldn't come here for it.
  12. Eh, can't be mad about it, really. The most troubling thing about this game is the spam that seems to be making it onto the board all of a sudden... @SDS?
  13. I know Kyle is having an amazingly resurgent year, but that's just too much ice time.
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