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Posts posted by Patty16

  1. No one gets a "cheer" for getting up from an injury. You get applause. This was a lusty cheer. How's it a stretch? Anybody in that crowd behaving like an ass toward the home team would want Hackett to stay in the game, why wouldn't they sarcastically whoop it up. I know what I heard. And I know Rick like I know the back of my hand. Rick can't overtly editorialize in a situation like that, but I think he found a way to do it subtly and in a backhanded way. Whatever. I don't need to gild the lily to make large parts of that crowd look bad. 


    And, on this day of all days, I can at least hold my head high as a fan. I'm apparently in the top 1%. Damning with faint praise for sure.



    Because you have a well documented history of stretching everything to its most illogical conclusion which is almost always something negative. 

  2. Yes and no.  McDavid does things at full speed that Jack simply can't.  Also McDavid has another level above what you normally see.  I think Eichel may have that but there is something to McDavid.  That said, either player is better than everyone in our system but a mile including Sam Reinhart... who will be fine.


    Agreed.  The more I see Eichel the more I think he compares to Toews. 


    McDavid is more of a burner/dangler type player with a crazy skill set. 


    There is still a gap between the two but not as big as the drop to 3rd

  3. Did you see the bomb RIsto shot yesterday? There is no way on earth I am trading my stud #1 D man to move up in the draft. What Im having trouble understanding is the talent gap between McDavid and Eichel so large that these are the assetts that you would have to get up in order to obtain him?


    The one that got deflected and in? 

  4. Bucky was right in one way: the discord is because we're losing.  I have followed the Sabres since their inception and Buffalo fans always demonstrate rabid support of the team when they win.  We are CRAZY GOOD fans when the team has talent and demonstrates effort... and makes the playoffs.  


    Traditionally, in down years, we understand some re-tooling is needed, but the expectation is that we're back on a playoff ride in short order.  This situation is different.


    From the moment Ryan Miller was crushed by Lucic, the house of cards came down.  Darcy's version of a core-less, near spineless "team" was revealed for all to see.  I advocated then and advocate today the need to strip it all down and start over.  Finish the tank.  Get the pick.  And then WIN.


    The love-fest of being a rabid Sabres fans gets re-ignited when we are competitive and make the playoffs again.


    Same here, while they def had some talent they most certainly lacked in character or sandpaper. There was no real leadership or someone willing to step up on the ice, 

  5. Another thing I hate about this is that they always talk about the anti tankers in terms of morals or ethics. I really don't give a crap about that. Tanking is a completely valid method of rebuilding, There is nothing morally deficient about it in my eyes.


    I just think it's a cop-out. Tim Murry's job is to build a team that will win the Stanley Cup. Period. All tanking does is make his job easier. I wasn't willing to sacrifice three seasons just so the GM doesn't have to work as hard.



    Yea. I think the whole issue has really been sustained by Jeremy on WGR talking about it nonstop.  Partially in his defesne, what else is he supposed to fill airtime with? This team still lacks real talent so they lost again....

  6. Bucky's "holier than thou" column that apparently ran in yesterday or today's paper.  I haven't read Bucky or Sullivan in years, and I'm not about to resume reading them now, so I don't know.



    The only problem with it was does he even realize how many times his partner Jeremy has used the "you don't get it" line with the holiest of thou tone arguing the other side.


    Worst. Season. Ever.


    Cant end soon enough.



    Fair point re Jeremy.



    Yea I don't read them either. 


    Agree re Jeremy too. He is almost unlistenable most mornings and his constant use of the word "like" and talking over Howard is too much for me. His holier than thou despite no background in the material he's talking about would be similar to me taking over the top positions on astro physics. 

  7. So in the third year of his contract, I'd be surprised if Grigorenko has had 700 minutes of ice time in the NHL. 

    He hasn't had the benefit of playing on a line suited to his ability (as in, not the 3rd, and 4th), and has not had the benefit of consistent play with a line.

    It is a pretty small sample.


    The organizational failure is that he's only 20, a third year pro, and there is no idea what he is yet, or a program to employ him, which is a shame, because

    getting wins the last two seasons have hardly mattered.  


    I agree.  Its this plus him certainly not making the most of his opportunities. Every pro coach he's had has criticized his work ethic on the ice. The hardest hting for young players is to play on a consistent level

  8. If Hodgson had 2 points in 25 games he might.  ;)


    The same was said of Kassian, you're just not using him right. No blame ever gets assigned to a player or the fact that he might not be as good as one thinks. 

  9. I agree.  I think one thing the Sabres have failed to do in prior years is locate players who generate offense.  By that I mean the guys driving the play.  Zemgus, Ennis, and Ristolainen are currently the only Sabres who seem to be able to generate offense.  Your Hodgson, Moulson, and other players need a generator to provide them the opportunity for offense. Not sure I am explaining this properly but i hope I did. 


    Good players can score, Great players can create scoring.  



    I think you said it just right. Hodgson is a complimentary piece, he's not going to generate scoring. Give him some dynamic players and he will do much better, but can't that be said for many 2nd tier players? 


    The sabres need more dynamic players, such as the ones you identified. 

  10. LOL!!!!!


    I was comparing Cody Hodgson's stats for this year, with Ville Leino's from last year.  Leino was the benchmark for overpaid, putrid, awful, ineffective hockey players 


    Well, Hodgson has surpassed that.   


    Leino played 58 games in 2014, and ended with 15 points and a plus/minus of -16.   Yes, those were awful stats.


    But consider "CoHo" -   he's at 66 games for the season, has only 12 points, and a dreadful plus/minus of -24.  


    Total time on ice - Ville Leino had 837 minutes last year.  Hodgson has surpassed that at 859 minutes total ice time.  


    Leino's points per game average = 0.26


    Hodgson's points per game average = 0.18


    The Leino Bar has now become officially the Hodgson Bar.    CoHo has earned every smidgen of disgust and dislike directed at him by Sabres fans.   And his awful, awful performance this season cannot be fully explained away by "Well, the lines are worse this year than last year"


    Consider Tyler Ennis....in 2014 he had 21 goals and 43 points in 80 games.    In 2015, thru 68 games played, he has 18 goals and 38 points, and his plus minus is better this year at -17, vs -24 in 2014.    Ennis is on track to do as well, if not better, in 2015 than last year, even with the awful lines and the team shakeups. 


    Hodgson has no excuse, as far as I'm concerned.  He's a creampuff, soft player who floats and loafs, just like Leino. 


    I noticed last night - the one goal that Boston scored - Leino.... I mean.... Hodgson..... was out there!



    Hodgson is the epitome of a Darcy player.  



    He's gets blasted on many out of market announcers and the last two nights on NBC for not moving his feet.  The guy isnt a great skater. 


    If you really crunch his numbers it's his lack of PP points that are dragging him down, (bc he doesnt have to skate to score), but his 5v5 numbers are pretty much the same they've alwasy been. 


    Until he surrounded by much better talent he's never going to be anything other than he is, a 2nd tier player. 

  11. I don't think it's an NHL or player union rule. I think it's part of a deal if both sides want a healthy player. The Kane deal has no condition in it that he must pass a physical, as we all knew he was injured but still part of a trade.


    Yes you can deal for a healthy player and note that he has an existing injury and cannot and is not expected to pass a physical. The Bills did something similar for Cassell and the leagues have similar rules in this area. 

  12. And also remember that was "early in the season" Stewart.  The one that had attitude issues and butted heads with Nolan.  When most people think of Stewart, they think of "if I play well enough they'll trade me off this damn team" Stewart.



    It was december/jan and Stewart had 7 pts in the 12 game stretch that Grigo was up. 1 of those came when he was on the ice with him. So not really. 

  13. Or we could give him a fair contract and a steady spot with two talented line mates and give him next year to prove his stuff.  That's a tough spot for TM to be in when our roster is already looking to be quite inexperienced, so a Grigs trade seems quite likely, as you've said in the past. 

    Oh, and "wreak" is the word you're looking for.  Reek pertains to smell.


    You know the overwhelming majority of his minutes this year are with Stewart and Hodgson right?  He's spent twice as much time on the ice with them than anyone else.  


    So the Grigo never plays with anyone talented thing needs to stop

  14. I think that is why there is so much reluctance to draft Russians. You're afraid they won't want to develop their game in the AHL and will head off to the KHL and then you may or may not ever see them in your team's uniform. Plus, you have no control over their development.


    With the collapsing ruble maybe that won't be as much of an issue but honestly - would Grigs take another contract here and play another year or two with the Amerks - and that is IF he passes through waivers?


    fair point. They've always had a rep for only hustling to score points and taking too many shifts off.  Grigo has the same issues but he's still young. With everyting thats happened to him (thats been out of his control) he may need a change of scenery to light a fire under his ***.  

  15. Well he is scoring, at the AHL level which is where he belongs.


    I think he means the Kucherov - Johnson - Namestnikov line


    Thats not the top line but Johnson and Kucherov were doing far better than Grigo at the same point.  And none had hustle issues, just production. 


    You're right tho, he belongs in wtih the amerks

  16. Why is it when a 20 year old struggles in the NHL people talk about effort? He's 20 years old, he might just be not ready.


    They don't, they usually talk consistency which sometimes has to do with effort. But when an offensive geared player is not scoring and not hustling, its a problem and gets talked about.


    The 1st line of tampa that online emerged last year, was a combined 22 yrs old and spend 4 seasons in the AHL, i think we can give grigorenko two more years.


    What line? (not disagreeing just wondering who you mean?_)

  17. by my quick count about 10-11 players out of that first round are "regular" NHL players.  So if the stats hold only about another 5-7 will be NHL players (100+ games = NHL player) 


    Yea same here, and some are having a big impact with roughly same amount of mins that 25 gets when he's up. 


    He'll make it, it'll just take a while.  Time that the organization would've been able to keep him in Roch had Darcy not been so ###### at his job.


    I'm 50/50 on whether he'll make it, I don't see that burn to succeed.


     But you're right he shouldve been in Roch 

  18. Right but the issue is you shouldn't even know about his issues with hardwork consistency.  Grigorenko should have played about 5 games in Buffalo this season and those should have been his first.  I don't expect most 20yr old kids to be able to put it all together.  Grigensons and Ristolainen are the exceptions.  Zadorov and Grigorenko and Reinhart (who will be fine) are the norm.  They need a little more time, a little more maturity, and a little more patience.  Grigorenko may never make it, but for now we will have to see if he can continue improving, 



    Lots of kids in his draft year have already made it, but you're right you don't expect all 20 year olds to put it all together. Tpyically the issue isn't consistency with work ethic and that's why he's getting dinged so hard. Most young kids just can't produce enough or not blow assignments with consistency. 


    He's never going to make it regardless of his skill level if he takes as many shifts off as he does. It's easy to do that and produce at the lower levels but not the national league 

  19. This is why it's sad that he's not going to get a fair shot with this organization.  I hope he can put it together with whomever we trade him to.


    He;'s been mishandled but to say he hasn't had a fair shot is wrong. He's not working hard with any consistency, and that's on no one but himself.  

  20. I'm surprised no one has posted this yet. Matthew Coller has a great article about Grigorenko today. Pretty much explains it all.




    I agree... and supports what I said earlier in this thread that many on the Sabres didn't like him.  


    The kid has been crticized by basically every pro coach he's had for lacking a will to compete with any regularity. I'm not why, when as PH explains in the article that he's played with talent,  many on here continue to say he's not playing with the right people. 


    The kid has had a bunch of chances and hasn't earned anything. Right now in his development he's a good AHL player, not great, and he's def not ready for the NHL.  That could change tho 

    This has been Paul Hamilton's take all season and I screamed at my radio every time. Girgensons and Larsson can easily play wing on any line. Most organizations slide guys from center to wing when they have a glut of centers. I'm not sure why this isn't obvious to Hamilton.


    but not every player can play wing, esp if you've always played C.  

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