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Everything posted by PromoTheRobot

  1. You do know that visiting teams get a cut of gate revenue, right? So cheap tickets in Buffalo reduce that revenue by 20%. Should it be a big deal? No, But is it? Yes.
  2. Exactly what Jack's camp wants. And why the tweet and doctor interview were released over the weekend. Panic. Move. As for healing, have we healed yet over the Ryan O'Reilly trade?
  3. Ideal as far as premiere QBs facing off, for sure. But the league is pretty much run by Robert Kraft and Jerry Jones, two owners that want spectacular revenue growth every year. They see Buffalo as a boat anchor to that growth. Small media market, few major corporations (although regionally we have lots of those,) and fans who are generally poorer and ticket prices reflect that.
  4. It's fair to ask how much of this is the Pegulas and how much is Jerry Jones?
  5. So a consultant isn't part of a team? Aren't we splitting hairs?
  6. They have dome just sitting there downtown. NHL maybe. But the NFL hates us. Nothing they would love more than moving the Bills.
  7. If having an NFL facility is the yardstick then St. Louis is just sitting there.
  8. It's worth noting the Pegulas retained Jerry Jones' firm to negotiate the a stadium deal. Saying Austin as a relocation option is not only ludicrous (because of UT) it's downright lazy. Toronto would be way more believable.
  9. Are you saying the Sabres should employ a spinal specialist?
  10. Dr. Cappuccino was the guy who saved Kevin Everett from being paralyzed for life. He's no Dr. Nick.
  11. Okay. Let him have his surgery. Then what? He's still not going to want to play here. Best case he recovers fully and we trade him for max value. Worst case his career is over and we end up with nothing. I believe there is a 30% chance of that. Then there's all the scenarois in between. Rehab takes until after NMC kicks in. Teams still doubt Jack is 100% even after surgery. Still make low-ball offers. Jack is even more bitter and tries to hurt the Sabres any way he can.
  12. I don't see how Adam's inexperience factors in here. So far he's playing it the right way.
  13. There is economic benefit. Just not enough to offset the investment.
  14. Did you hear the one about Buffalo propping up New York City with our taxes?
  15. This is true in New York, L.A., Dallas, Boston, etc. Not true in Buffalo. Public money is the only reason we have major league sports here. We support these teams with public money. The NHL and NFL would gladly free us of this oppressive burden. Just say the word.
  16. That's a new wrinkle. When did this tidbit come out?
  17. That is not correct. What you are referring to is a $400MM penalty for moving the team before the lease expires in 2023. After that the team is free to leave. There is no such thing as a clause keeping the team here in perpetuity. Good luck even arguing that in court. Imagine your landlord saying you can never move even after your lease expiries?
  18. Highmark Stadium as it's known as now is older than War Memorial stadium was in 1972 when it was replaced. It will be 50 when the lease expiries in 2023. And yes it's starting to fall apart. Those upper decks will not last forever. Of course we could wait until they collapse on their own. There's no question it's time to replace it. In the end everyone will pay part of the bill. Including fans with PSLs. The NFL is an expensive club and one that would rather not have a team here if it were up to them. Same for the NHL to a lesser degree. Taxpayers have to decide if AHL hockey and college football/basketball is enough entertainment. Oh by the way, it'll cost several hundred million to demolish the stadium too. 100% taxpayer funded, that will be
  19. Having recently gotten new knees they're great but they're not the real thing. I can only imagine what a neck feels like. He absolutely is. You realize what you're doing is talking yourself into taking less because you're panicked. So far Adams' is Kool Kevyn.
  20. You risk getting nothing for a vital asset.
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