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North Buffalo

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Posts posted by North Buffalo

  1. My God Reinhart is having a great second half. I just hope if someone wins the lottery other than us it's the Oilers. I fear that if it's any other team they're taking Reinhart. Not that I don't think Bennett will be a good prospect because I really do but all signs point to Reinhart being the better player.


    I was thinking about Reinhart... he reminds me of Van Reimsdyk when he was playing for UNH. Tall, bigger than most of the guys out there, good skater and really good ice awareness. UMass always put at least one guy on him and even that didn't always matter. Similar style with the puck, though Sam seems like a better puck mover and Van Reimsdyk was better in the corners and in front of the net. Just they both have upright skating styles and can get up and down the ice when they want to.


    I always thought a chesterfield was something you smoked. :P

    No that you mention it, me too.


    Interesting you can fit the population of Canada in California and there would be a decline and if you switched California's population into Canada it would be a dramatic increase in population. My only question is who which one would be loopier? The Canucks or the Calis. Mumm... those Merican's are making fun of us again....


    Seriously hoping for a good game...

  3. Putin has tried to put the fix in ? Link


    Just guessing... pure Ecklund... Malkin didn't show up till late in the 3rd. Ovechkin's fly byes were pathetic. Agreed they didn't play as a team. Too bad, the fans sounded like Buffalo fans when Darcy was here. The Russian coach seemed equally passive. Someone needed to light a fire under this team, but I didn't see it despite all that talent.

  4. Watching it as my kids getting ready for school. Malkin, Ovechkin, and Kovalchuk only skating in short bursts. No consistent hustle. Datsyuk and Radolov, and Anisimov the only guys skating for the Russians. The are playing not to lose and the Finns are just out working them. Too bad because physically the Russians should be dominant over the smaller Finns, but as have been said early they seem uninterested or they seem to think this thing is going to be handed to them. It could be, Putin has tried to put the fix in, but if the Finns score the next goal, it may not matter.


    Radolov may make mistakes in judgement trying to get under the other team's skin, but at least he plays with fire.

  5. Watched McNabb play with the AHL All Stars against a Swedish elite team on NHL network late nite. It seemed like he never came off the ice. That being said, late in the game he seemed to lose interest and had a couple bad turnovers. Didn't like his discipline. Guess it was played last week. But the game was a blowout.

  6. Surprised at success of U.S team. Clearly they would appear as good a shot as anyone else for a Gold Medal, arguably they look best to this point. Russians on the other hand not as strong or impressive as thought to be. Is it possible they playing possum somewhat. Would not be first time they have played middling , then stepped it up when it counts. Believe it hard to get a idea as to who is who, think most teams step it up in elimination rounds. Interesting Canada seemingly have chosen Kerry Price as their goaltender . Good for U.S team to this point, do hope at the end a sense of goodwill will prevail. Its a game .


    (Toronto bars for remainder of Olympics to open a 6:00 am so folks can watch games at their favorite watering hole. )


    We will... and agree, still don't trust the Russians, but they look a little off. The game against the US took a lot out of both teams, even the US looked sluggish and slept walked through this game except in a few key bursts. Can't blame them. Milsie looked solid.


    Nice wish all the games were on can't find the Canadian game on NBC or on the NHL network.... just heard it was tied.?

  7. How could he be tired? He was skating slower than Putin.




    Is there video evidence of that? If so, that is clearly 'un-olympian'..


    Yeh, he was going side to side early in the shift and hit it with his skate... Didn't look on purpose, but who knows?

  8. South of Danbury, CT in NY, Westchester, finally a bit of snow someone from Buffalo can be proud of, getting what I grew up with were called locally heavy snow squalls. Loving it, trying to decide how soon to take my boys outside to play... I am still Peter Pan.


    I remember the blizzard of '77, though this is nothing like that. We dug tunnels in our from yard you could stand up in... still makes me nostalgic.

  9. Loving it, I forget the lead NBC announcer's name, but they were discussing a good day for a D man, not having his name mentioned and then asked Millbury the question if it was a good day for an announcer if no one was complaining about him. He answered yes for me.


    Millbury may need a little hate sent his way.


    So I missed the second period. I guess nothing happened?


    Seriously, I'm curious as to the Slovak goal. Since they had no quality chances in the first, I'm wondering what it looked like.


    Blown offsides call, the puck came out and right back in. D was caught flat footed.


    7-1 USA. Kessel line and Kessler line and Kane were buzzing.

  10. Too Bad NBC isn't also showing the Russia Slovenia game. I would click back and forth or have picture in picture working. Annoying along with the announcers. Stuck home with kids in the snow near NYC. Suppose to get 14 inches today. We will see. I remember walking to school after 2 ft overnite. But it is scary driving around here with all the idiot soccer mom's in there SUVs and Wallstreet knuckle heads in their Bimmers who have no clue and insist on tailgating at 55mpg plus. I am staying home.

  11. They haven't sucked for 40 years. They've been close several times (75, 80, maybe 93, 98, 99, 01?, 06, 07) to winning it all, and I think that explains the frustration that a lot of us old-timers have. (Younger fans should also be frustrated, I guess, but for some of us the getting close over decades becomes a drip drip drip, a water torture of sorts.) So when Terry comes in talking Cup in the short term, then retains Ruff and Regier, finally pulls the plug, and now we're rock bottom in year 3 (4, whatever), it's beyond maddening.


    I agree totally, but in reality, we all should have seen this coming after TPegs retained Darcy. It was going to take some time for the new owner to figure things out. At least he is willing to give things a chance, as maddening as that is, and yet still pull the trigger. It doesn't happen as fast as we would want, but I do think TPegs is on a learning curve and we will see where the latest iteration leads the team and what may or may not be learned from the current management structure.


    I am hoping for the best ASAP, but in reality know this is going to take some time. In the mean time, I hope the talent coming up make the team more enjoyable to watch... it is still very painful and the fact that there are Darcy slackers... Stafford and Leino still on this team drives me up a wall. But this year is a waste, just wish the decisions for next year 2015 draft could actually happen now... knowing that is impossible.

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