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Everything posted by calti

  1. not really. we didn't make that horrendous draft choice. All the avg FL state fans and anyone with any common sense knew not to draft him with that high a pick if at all...except for the geniuses at one bills drive who have contributed to the bills 15 yr horror story at QB.At some point laughter is good medicine.
  2. you are 19 yrs old. u have the chance to make 1 million dollars the first year..or you could go back to BU and say "daddy can I borrow $100 me and the guys are gonna rent a room up in cape cod for the weekend and my allowance wont quite cover it.."
  3. Unbelievable. The judges and parole board should be in prison.
  4. They installed the broad side of a barn at Bills practice facility
  5. well I wasn't really focusing on the gretzky part....but mcdavid is the most exciting hockey player to come out since at least Crosby...and he could become a gretzky. But the way you stated it made it seem as if there was in fact drop off from gretzky to Lemieux .That is debatable.they are both on the hockey mount rushmore with ORR and HOWE. Eichel wont be that kind of a player. McDavid 'could' be.
  6. that's just painful to watch....the kid is Michael jordan
  7. Gretzky LEMIEUX?????????????????????? come on I love Eich ...but lets keep it on planet earth here. Gretzy-- Modano is more like it.
  8. Why is that a crock? Regulations on many things can certainly have reverse the intended effect.--The bigger and stronger argument is the crock imho
  9. fighting is good in hockey. gets the frustration out so that it gets vented less when the players have sticks in their hands. less fighting= more injuries
  10. Very interesting what you bring up. And I agree. Over regulation in sports has led it to be more dangerous. When football was played with leather helmets guys were tackling with their shoulder.they would never spear a guy because of the false sense of security of the custom super-duper model helmet they are wearing. More advanced equipment = false sense of security. Same with hockey. Guys had to wear helmets as we all know after a certain year.Again false sense of security.The lack of a helmet may have led to a less pretty face --but the helmet also makes players act in ways they wouldn't have before. And without the helmet guys would their frustrations out ..like a pressure valve...So they wouldn't act out dangerously while play was going on.Same with football. The bigger faster stronger stuff is not the reason for increased injury.--And besides-some of the hardest hitters come in small packages(Peca).
  11. 3:23 feathers the pass over the Dmans stick creating perfect set-up of teammate in stride .
  12. those things were like kudzu
  13. ..well--the 'eichel is stronger' kinda stuff may be true but everyone was stronger than the 162 LB Gretzky in the 1980s. Messier was certainly stronger;)
  14. we may not be far from the playoffs next yr. depends on maturity of Rinehart and free agent aquisitions
  15. Edmonton is the absolute best place for McDavid if he didn't end up in Buffalo. Three small town cheers for Edmonton. If the bruins or kings or leafs got him it woulda been a nightmare. Eichel is gonna be freaky strong as he matures. The kid has the strength of a 28 yr old already.
  16. chances are neither the sabres,coyotes nor the oilers will win. just as long as its not the bruins or kings.
  17. came up 2/10 for me as well................... and 3/10 for ARIZ... 1 each EDM,SJ,COL,NJ,TOR
  18. I heard he was spotted in the track suit,,wearing a gold chain and bracelet at an Italian deli on the west side.
  19. why do you say that?? I think gmtm has done a masterful job so far. Our line-up with Mceichel and maybe a free agent or two is looking very very good. that is so true. the sabres were definitely becoming predictably borderline(no not psychologically but playoff-wise). The Briere debacle was a strong sign of things to come.
  20. Yes. And he showed pure class during the whole interview.Didnt sully Ted one bit.
  21. Nietzsches...now that brings back memories from 30-40 yrs back. They are still around?? They had some of the most interesting/weird/talented performers...And I'm not exclusively talking about the musicians
  22. Lets face reality. Ted is a good coach but he always gets quickly fired...Only those who work closely with him could explain that. When someone gets quickly canned at several places the logical assumption is that he is truly a pain in the butt. Because he is a good coach and based on team performances he shouldn't be getting fired everywhere. He knew he was gonna get canned so he put superhuman effort in to mess up the tank. If it weren't for the miracle work of the great saint Toews we would have blown it.
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