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Posts posted by hopeleslyobvious

  1. here's the conspiracy theory... did miller actually hurt himself sometime around that 3-0 shutout of the islanders? that was the demarcation of when his game began to slip... just a t hought.

    Either way, if miller is going to dress, i think he still needs to be the backup, just so that he hopefully has more rest for the weekend. soft goals or not, we beat the canes by 3 goals. start biron tonight, miller on friday and saturday


    I still think they should split the weekend up. 2nd games of back to backs can be tough. Especially if Miller is coming off an injury. If he hasn't been working out since the injury, his conditioning might not be 100% right now.

  2. Some idiot Loaf fan (I know, redundant in most cases) on the way out after the game shouted something in my ear about how bad the Sabres were. I shouted back at him (I'm assuming he's partially deaf, thus the reason he shouted in my ear ;) ) that at least the Sabres will make the playoffs. His response was, a much quieter, "yeah, I hope we make the playoffs".


    Sounds kind of like the gentleman sitting next to me at the Rangers game. :lol:

  3. Labatt, thanks for jogging my memory on that save by Weekes. I kept wondering why nhl.com didn't have Stafford with a shot until overtime. Come to think of it, when the puck goes off a defenseman's stick, does the goalie get credit for a save?


    Doc, good call. I'm not a big fight guy, so I don't know the etiquette, but what was with Peters turning his head away? Do you think that fight resulted in a benching?


    hopeles, were you one of the chanting Sabre fans?


    I did jump in on the lets go buffalo chant. But I was not there was a big group of Sabres fans on the other side of the arena that were collectively much louder than me :)


    According to my local Rag, aka the Baltimore Sun, Jagr appeared to have re-injured his shoulder last night. He was on the bench for more than a normal portion of the OT. He is playing it down.


    Last three games have been brutual on the health of this team..


    Hecht, puck to the face/teeth/mouth

    Afinogenov out with a separated shoulder

    Drury jammed finger

    Paetsch puck to face/teeth/mouth


    who'd I miss?


    There was a play late in the third where Jagr fell, and skated to the bench holding his shoulder.

  4. I went to the game tonight...I had a lot of fun. Just some random thoughts.


    Corp, I agree about Marty. He got the job done tonight. I think he'd really like to have the 2nd one back, but he also made some key saves at key times.


    I thought Stafford and Paille looked great tonight. I was happy to be there to see Stafford's first NHL point.


    Briere had the game we have been waiting for.


    At the beginning of the game it really looked like the Rangers were not at the same level as the Sabres. The march to the penalty box kind of changed that. It wasn't as apparent late in the game, but I would have to imagine that the Sabres were pretty worn out at that point.

  5. Not to be a "Negative Nelly" , but I look for the NYR's to come out playing smash mouth hockey this afternoon, against a team that is doubting itself, has key injuries, and will be playing a backup goalie.


    5 - 2 NYR :( :( :(


    I wouldn't be surprised if the Sabres saw Weekes again today.

  6. 5:00pm

    completely erase that crapola that just happened. hope max is ok, hope biron starts tomorrow... time to start fresh and whoop up on the rangers.


    Biron was already scheduled to start tomorrow. As I've said before, goaltending was the least of our concerns tonight.

  7. Sometimes a good ass-kicking can do what even a coach of the year cannot - make the point that you aren't as good as your fans or the media are making you out to be and that you need to bring it every shift, every night.


    We will find out in16 and a half hours.

  8. if you're going to have your ass handed to you, it might as well be against the leafs, at home, in completely embarrassing fashion, with a game 22 hours away. time to erase this game.


    I hope they show up tomorrow. NY fans are as bad as Leafs fans when the Rangers win.

  9. I'm still gutted over the fac that this just HAS to happen against The Leafs.


    Well... Still better than aginst The Cryers, who BTW are getting clobbered by Washington, but not much!


    Yeah, it makes it so much worse that we have to listen to their fans in our building.

  10. This game is beyond ridiculous. How do we give up a shorthanded rush when we are 5-3??


    We need to burn this game film...


    It almost looked like Toronto was on the PP.


    they were due to get blown out... should have happened against boston, we're getting it now.


    I feel bad for everyone at the game, have to listen to the Laffs fans act like they just won the cup.


    I once again hope they show up tomorrow.

  11. Actually, just checking the stats here, it's three games with a GAA of 4-00. He allowed 4 against Atlanta as well. Well not entirely 4.00, there's two OT periods in there as well.


    Hasn't been his usual solid self since the SO gainst The Isles, IMHO.


    Interestly enough, that coincides with when the team started playing poorly in front of him.



    I know, I know, Correlation does not equal causation, but still interesting.


    Make the world a better place, punch that turtling, diving, cheap ass bastard Tucker in the face...or make him bleed somehow please. Wy does it seem like there are more Leafs fans at the game than Sabres fans. This game, these fans, and this team are pissing me off.


    How can people appear so obnoxious on TV?

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