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Samson's Flow

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Everything posted by Samson's Flow

  1. Reminds me a little of the successful sabres teams post lockout last time, where the third line was very successful with Vanek and Max because the top two lines took up most of the top pairings. It all hinges on Grigs staying up with the team and growing chemistry with Ott and Leino.
  2. It's my work laptop background. Gives me a calendar handy as well as looking awesome. Keep updating every month!
  3. Rediculous... There's a reason he was signed on a 1 year $1MM contract. He's in the twilight of his career as an NHL'er and was willing to give it one more go. He will be fighting it out with the McCormick, Ellis and Kaletas of the team. Not Ennis, Stafford and Foligno.
  4. That's what i'm hoping/thinking as well. That was reported as one of Ott's strengths in Dallas was faceoffs then moving back to wing. For the 'third' line last night, they had some promising chances and good puck possession. Also bumps Hecht to fourth line duty/PK specialist which I like (and puts Ellis in perma-press box)
  5. I'm pumped! It's finally time for the carp chartsTM to come back. Seems like hockey season is finally upon us... :w00t:
  6. After last night, it looks like Grigs has a much better shot at the roster spot than originally thought. Which makes the logjam on defense even more pressing. Hodgson vs. Roy is a no brainer on Hodgson's side IMO. The overall skill level may be debateable at this point in their careers, but Hodgson is a pass first type center to compliment Vanek and Pommers rather than Roy's shoot first playstyle. This point alone makes Hodgson more valuable to this team than Roy. We've been looking for someone to help set up Vanek and Pommers for many years.
  7. I was very impressed with Hodgson and Ennis based on last night's scrimmage. Hodgson has some plays that are definitely first line caliber with passing and awareness. He doesn't have all-world speed but seems to make up for that with positioning. Looks very poised and the problem with that line last night was Vanek not being ready for Hodgson's passes, not the other way around. Ennis looked like he was prepared to continue the hot play over the last 30 games of last year. Was able to weave his way around defenders last night in the offensive zone and create chances. Looked good on faceoffs too.
  8. I wanted to post my intial thoughts last night following the scrimmage, but the SS Gold fantasy draft went late and I didn't have time. Here are my random observations from yesterday: Enroth looked very sharp and you could tell he had been playing well over in Sweeden. I hope he gets a good share of games. Looked better than Miller IMO. Grigorenko looked like he belonged. There was no real sign of him floating around or giving half effort (which was his rep from the draft). he has some sick hands and it was apparent that he had the skill offensively. The Ott/Grigs/Leino line was very effective and had some serious chances. Grigs beat Miller clean on a high stick side that clanged off the post. The one negative is he definitely needs work on the faceoffs - he went against Ennis most of the time and won 1 out of 5 on average. John Scott is a massive man. He was a giant amongst men and was not as bad of a hockey player as I expected. Much better hockey skills than say Ellis or a Andrew Peters. Was mixing it up with Kaleta all game (for a scrimmage). Hodgson makes a lot of plays with his passing and positioning that make it look effortless. There were many times last night when I was in awe of how he fit in passes into spaces and his vision. Vanek missed multiple chances where Hodgson set him up for a one timer and he fanned. Hopefully that will come with practice/time. Ennis is noticebly faster and more agile than anyone on the ice. He was able to stickhandle out of tough spots in offensive zone and make plays and chances. Was the best center at faceoffs as well. Luke Adam didn't get many shifts or maybe I didn't notice him but when he did have the puck he showed some good awareness and skill in the offensive zone. Set up a easy tap in for an AHL teammate in the first on some nice stickhandling and a pass across the crease that Enroth had no chance on. Vanek stuck out like a sore thumb with his floating/lack of effort compared to the rest of the team. He had multiple chances set up by Hodgson where if he was ready they were easy goals. One bright spot was his deflection goal off a wrist shot from the point - but we knew he could do that. He did take a slap shot to the leg/groin late in the second so that may have contibuted to his lackluster effort. Based on last night he is my early favorite for team whipping boy. Sabres fans are going to love Steve Ott. He was very enthusiastic in the pre-game interview with Brian Duff. During the game he had no problem mixing it up and seemed to be the stabilizing factor on the Leino/Grigs line. Said Grigs was going to be a "superstar" and had real talent. Hoped they could develop some early chemistry with 23/25 so that Grigs can stick. Lower bowl and 200's were pretty much full by the time the scrimmage started. Cool to see fans come out.
  9. Props again LPF. That graphically shows what I was trying to explain. It wasn't jerking around Adam, it was needing him to play over some AHL scrub. IMO he would have been sent down in a timely manner if the team was healthy at the time.
  10. I seem to remember that was the case. Last year someone had a chart indicating when AHL players were called up and the team's relative success (it looked a lot like a red light/green light kind of thing). There was a period in December/January where we were playing 4-5 AHL regulars every night.
  11. Whether you want to bash Lindy Ruff or not, we all saw the disappointing start to last season directly following multiple roster additions. Some of those early season struggles can be attributed to unfamiliarity with the system and player adjustment period which would happen on any new team. With the 48 game season you start slow you don't have the chance to catch up late. In that sense, Hecht > any other similar FA third liner.
  12. Got me. I didn't bother looking up Gomez's contract because I know Montreal won't let him play this year in order to buy him out. I just assumed his contract was longer...
  13. In looking at this a little further, I don't really think the Sabres have an ideal candidate for the buy-out clause. I think this is really only useful for teams straddled with long term contracts a la the Gomez and DiPietros of the world. The Sabres may be high spenders and there are a few contracts that are a little higher than I would like, but for the most part the years are manageable and the cap hit is reasonable.
  14. I'd rather we get a forward/center prospect on a two way contract. Eventually we have to try to have all our players peak during the same 3-4 year window. The new CBA seems to value 2 way contracts so you don't get hit with the extra "wasted cap" costs from having 1 way players in the AHL
  15. give him a few weeks (and certainly actually watching him play) and he'll be back to the good old eleven we know and love...
  16. The article I read said the arena ramp will be free, similar to the prospect development camp event they had months ago
  17. This was basically what I was thinking just laid out much more in depth. Would most posters around here really prefer another year of a 32 yr old UFA in Leopold over seeing what we have in a 23 yr old TJ Brennan who is in game shape and is having a breakout year in the AHL? I guess the point here is I don't see this team seriously contending for a cup this year so why not use this season to develop some guys that could potentially be part of the future sucess?
  18. NYI has some pretty interesting young forwards. I wouldn't hate them as a trading partner. (The player we trade may hate going there though... :devil:)
  19. Haha well seeing as my last few names have been the kiss of death for former players (Goose, Boyes) I may just keep it as a throwback. If I picked one it would be Hodgson and I don't want him to fall victim to my username curse
  20. I'll be there tonight. Should be interesting to see how game ready some of the guys are who havent been playing. That and seeing if Grigorenko belongs with the big boys or not. Free hockey and parking is a pretty good way to get me excited for the season post lockout... :thumbsup:
  21. I agree with you Robviously, but many around here seem to mention Leopold as a trade deadline sell to a contender to try to up his return. I wouldn't be opposed to that scenario as long as we can find a trading partner for our lesser value defensemen like Sulzer or Pardy. I'd like to see Brennan get a shot seeing as he's a. in shape and hot from the AHL season and b. only 24 yrs old and improving.
  22. I heard on the radio that with all the shaving and manscaping going on lately, that crabs are all but extinct... so at least there's that. Good to be back :doh: And to further the Harry Neale point, Kevin Sylvester has been replaced by Brian Duff. We should see a much more professional broadcast. FWIW
  23. Maybe i've been away from hockey for too long, but this doesn't seem that old to be thinking his potential as a up-and-coming prospect is shot. Just because we are talking about having a 18yr old in camp/on the roster and had a major talent in Myers at a young age doesn't exlcude us from having prospects that mature at a more reasonable pace.
  24. I think everyone is all up in arms because instead of random veteran player at $1M, its the same name in hecht that everyone has been trying to replace. If it was someone like Arnott posters would be praising this as a sound move to bolster depth. You have to remember that with the 48 game season and only a week for training camp, familiarity with the team and system in a bonus as there is no learning period.
  25. Aw man you moved it to 9pm?!?.... That works for me - I'm still in.
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