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I'm going to be a fan


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######, I thought a new nickname for Staff this morning and didn't have a chance to post it: Fries. Why? Because I hope any time Darcy is talking trades with another GM, he's asking, "Do you want Stafford with that?".



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good post. A franchise in the N.H.L. shouldn't be a development level. This is the new low that DR has stooped to to save his own skin. Convince Tpegs that there is no other way but to strip it down to the bones.


This is asinine. Players don't just play in the minors and then suddenly they're done and ready for the NHL. Development takes place at all levels.

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I've been rooting for them and will continue to. No reason not to.


This is the way I feel, maybe to the point of homerism at times, but I can't help it, maybe it's because I've been a Buffalonian my whole life. At times I try to be non-bias or a little more critical of the players, but I see no point in using hindsight to dissect every single bad play that someone makes, it totally takes out any fun in watching.

I'm not thrilled with where the team is right now, but I still watch and support them, no matter what. What I hate is the rebuilding excuse, rebuilding is no reason not to give effort and with management using it an an excuse, it give the player an out to slack off some, even if it is unintentional.

I would like the Sabres to be more like the Buffalo Bills, who even though are "rebuilding" with new rookie coach, new system and a bunch of young players, go out and compete every game and make it fun and interesting to watch.

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