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Penguins: Will they start thinking about Crosby?


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i dunno stranger thing have happened. like really how do you trade gretzky? whoops.

Ummm, you're broke. (The 'you' being either the owner or the team.) That's why he was traded the 1st 3 times. Not sure if he'll get moved from an oldtimers team or if Janet will look to upgrade, but it was the reason for the 1st 3.

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Ummm, you're broke. (The 'you' being either the owner or the team.) That's why he was traded the 1st 3 times. Not sure if he'll get moved from an oldtimers team or if Janet will look to upgrade, but it was the reason for the 1st 3.


Confused nitpicking time. He was traded twice, right? To LA and then to St. Louis. He signed as a free agent in NY, didn't he?

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At least it was disguised around a bunch of first round picks (and wow did they bomb on those picks) and a legit scorer in Carson. Nothing but cash went in the Indy trade, right?

As far as I can tell, Skalbania only got cash (~$850k) but Pocklington got Eddie Mio and Peter Driscoll as well. Apparently if Skalbania had been a better backgammon player he'd've gotten an ownership stake in the Eulers as well. (At least that's the deal that the Winnigeg owner Michael Gobuty turned down.)

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