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Excessive Use of the term "softness"

Dave Dryden

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And to further that comment X, Vanek is a guy who had been called soft for a while. To watch what he does in front of the net and then call him soft was always a ridiculous statement.


I don't see many people calling him soft. He is what he is. I think many expected him to be more of a natural leader and slightly more physical, but I accept his play on whole.

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And to further that comment X, Vanek is a guy who had been called soft for a while. To watch what he does in front of the net and then call him soft was always a ridiculous statement.

Hard to call Thomas soft after seeing him get brutalized in front of the net and coming back for more time and time again.

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I don't see many people calling him soft. He is what he is. I think many expected him to be more of a natural leader and slightly more physical, but I accept his play on whole.


They used to. That pretty much ended after he came back in the Boston series 2 years back.

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Take your pick. Lots of uses of the word that fit hockey descriptions.



soft[ sawft ]

soft·er comparative

soft·est superlative


1. malleable: easily shaped, bent, or cut

2. yielding: giving way to externally applied pressure or weight

"a soft cushion"

3. smooth-textured: having a texture that is smooth to the touch

"soft fur"

4. with smooth outline: having no sharp or jagged edges

"furniture designed with soft lines"

5. quiet-sounding: quiet and soothing in sound

6. easy on eyes: lacking glare or intensity of light or color

7. mild: not blowing strongly or falling heavily

"a soft rain"

8. affectionate: conveying love and tenderness

9. emotional: easily moved to tender emotions

10. cowardly: lacking determination or strength of character

11. lenient: lenient in treatment or punishment, often too lenient

12. undemanding: requiring little effort or attention ( informal )

"a soft job"

13. not well toned: out of good physical condition

14. incapable of enduring hardship: unable or unwilling to put up with hardship or privation, especially from having lived a life of ease

15. lacking good sense: lacking intelligence or sound judgment ( informal )

16. lacking significance: dealing with other than serious issues or facts

"soft news"

17. not easily verifiable: relating to, dealing with, or based on data that is not easily proved or disproved using scientific method

18. not coercive: based on negotiation, flexibility, and good will rather than on coercion

"a soft sell"

A lot of our guys are #8 soft.

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