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Linesman in grave condition

tom webster

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All that for about 70 bucks. That's what I get for lining a Jr. A Game. I know it's dangerous, but just like my injured brother, I do it for the love of the game. I wish people would think about this when they bitch about things we miss or when we get in the way. Safety first.


Get well soon, brother.

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Eliminating fights does not protect against skate blades. It was a freak accident.


I hope he pulls through.

i know it doesn't, but this year we saw a kid die because he fell on the back of his head in a fight. now a ref might die because a skate cut him during a fight. i just don't understand why everyone gets such a hard on over hockey fights. i could do without them.

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Some type of neck protection for ALL on the ice would be one thing to consider. Eliminating fights does not protect against skate blades. It was a freak accident.

I hope he pulls through.

A freak accident caused by a pointless and unnecessary part of the game. This young man's life has changed forever because two idiots can't control themselves and "hockey" refuses to do something they should have done years ago.

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