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The Quizos Commercial


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I came here discuss that and just how obviously gay it was. I'm not being judgemental but that is the first tv commercial I have seen that had a obviosuly homosexual theme. Then I looked it up on Google and it is controversial.




Later in the commercial, the toaster asks Scott to make one of the sandwiches and says the price of it is "sexy" and then "sexier." Scott grins and does so. The toaster then asks Scott to "stick it in me". The sandwich just happens to be 12 inches long, giving the appearance of a special relationship between Scott and the toaster oven.


I think its a funny commercial :D

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I forgot all about this commercial :D


In 2007, the company made another controversial commercial. It featured people on the street eating samples of a Quiznos 'Prime Rib Dinner' sandwich. They promoted it as having a lot of "meat" and near the end it featured two women eating a sandwich saying, "It's not lacking any meat. And that's what real women need".
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I've discussed this in great length with friends before, but sub companies aren't even trying to hide the innuendo anymore. They know it's funny and they're going right for it.


I'm still waiting for other new favorites to come out, such as the Hot Meat Rocket and the Subway Hunger Penetrator.

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