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Can't say I was too impressed with the AVS tonight.

They have decent skills on the blueline and the defense tends to

skate the puck out, which makes for a pretty slow developing game.


Budjia (sp?) had the shutout, but the Bruins had a very uninspired effort

and created no traffic in front of the net. Except for some of Thomas's

saves this was a snoozer.

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Can't say I was too impressed with the AVS tonight.

They have decent skills on the blueline and the defense tends to

skate the puck out, which makes for a pretty slow developing game.


Budjia (sp?) had the shutout, but the Bruins had a very uninspired effort

and created no traffic in front of the net. Except for some of Thomas's

saves this was a snoozer.


Notice how the Avs kept crashing into Thomas. We NEED to protect Miller tomorrow nite.

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Wow.. I gave up on the Sens-Pens game mid-way through the 2nd. Pitt looked awful up to that point. That makes three straight where Ottawa has blown a thrid period lead. Their fan board was worrying about a "slump" yesterday. Giving up three in the third will really have them gnashing their teeth. Pitt has to feel pretty good after their early debacles.

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If you have a few moments and want to be entertained, read the Ottawa Sens GDT against Pitt last night. When they were up 4-1 they had all the bravado in the world. Then they sense late second period that Pitt is coming back. Some start to worry that the Sens will blow a 3-goal lead. Others continue the bravado. Then 4-2, 4-3, 4-4 and they start eating their young. It's hilarious. By the time they lose in the shootout they are in full Sens slash and burn mode.


You can skip forward to about the 12th page or so. You can get a sense when the tide turns.


Sens react to the loss

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not to mention that chris neil was injured on a dirty check. he was cross checked into the boards after he got rid of the puck... appeared to jam his arm or shoulder against the boards.




:beer: :thumbsup: :nana: :lol: :D :) :death: B-) :beer:

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4 big tilts tonight with major playoff implications:


New Jersey at Pittsburgh

Toronto at Ottawa

New York Rangers at New York Islanders

Montreal at Atlanta


and then throw in a scouting opportunity


Minnesota at Boston... hmm feels like deja vu...

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