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Posts posted by Doohickie

  1. I have an Elantra as well, a 2005, and after nearly 100,000 carefree miles my son is now driving it. If you're not crazy about the current Elantra styling, consider an Elantra Touring wagon. They look so-so in pictures, but every time I see one in person, I'm impressed. It looks like 2012 was the last year they were sold.





  2. The next Sabres sick puppy? Oh such fun! Fans have to hate. lol . Is he the next in a long line of Sabre sick puppies who have left and become sucessfull NHLers elsewhere?


    I can think of more Sabres that fizzled elsewhere than succeeded.

  3. I test drove a Ford Fiesta first. It was great- smooth, well mannered, and.... well, boring. The Fiat on the other hand....


    So my son, who just bought a Fiesta in October, came home from work tonight and observed: "It's obvious your car is European; it makes my Fiesta look HUGE."

  4. So the first part isn't awesome: The 1998 Mercury Tracer that my son drove through high school and college died- the head gasket blew, and I don't want to put the money in it to repair it. The solution is awesome though: Let him drive my Elantra, which means I now get to drive this:




    Just got back from the dealer. Gotta love that new car smell.

  5. one scenario is better than the other....


    Pat Lafontaine, Craig Patrick & Tim Murray or Darcy Regier ??



    happy dance !!


    I keep picturing the AT&T commercial that has the one guy talking to a table full of kids: "Which is better? The trio of Pat Lafontaine, Craig Patrick & Tim Murray or Darcy Regier ??"


    And all the kids yell back, "TRIO!!!"


    It's not complicated.

  6. I wonder if Murray does anything before the Olympics. Might take a bit for him to assess the situation.


    I'm sure he's given it some thought during the interview process; he's probably already been queried by PLF what his first moves would be. Obviously he hasn't reached out to other teams yet, but he probably has a plan of what his first phone calls will be.

  7. If I remember right, he wore that shirt to a Wings Alumni game at U of Mich., and it has signatures of some of the old-timers on the back including Alex Delvecchio.


    It's such a sad look to me. You see them grow up and they're strapping and full of life, and then you see that look at the end. It's almost like resignation and "get me out of here."


    I dread that with my youngest dog, a German Shepherd mix. Sure, all our dogs were/are family, but Winston is more family than the rest, probably the best dog we've ever had (he even sleeps in bed with us most nights when it's cold). And right now he's in his prime (almost 4 years old). Not looking forward to his decline; he's such an awesome dog. The recently deceased Sugar was my son's dog and he was her boy. I'm sad at her passing, but I never felt as bonded to her as I am to Winston.

  8. Is that pic from last night?


    Actually from Monday. She was slipping fast at that point, although we didn't realize how fast at the time.


    That sux man.


    (And I don't mean the Red Wings shirt.)


    When that pic was taken, we had just moved from Detroit to Fort Worth, and the Wings had just won their first Cup in 42 years. Also of note: That little boy is 6'-5" now.

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