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Posts posted by Doohickie

  1. Okay, so.
    The boys had a couple of tough games.  Meh.  That's nothing compared to Montreal's precipitous free fall from the heights of he league.  You want to see tank mode?  Just look at those pathetic poutine pounders. 
    The lines may look like this
    Screenshot%2015.png Screenshot%2016.png

    Then again, they might not, because Larssssssson could return tonight.  This would be a good thing because he scored the game winner last time against the Habs.  If Johan is ready to go, look for CatenScratchFever to sit, following the nasty blow he took at the end of last night's game.

    I feel like Makarov. How come I don't get the call up? I can start GDTs!

    Be ready to post at midnight.  And let WC know you're interested.  And stuff.

    No apologies necessary. Just make happen what needs to happen. ;)

    I totally appreciate the effort.  :thumbsup:
    Yeah, when we got home from work yesterday, our internet was down.  I called in and they said there were outages in our area.  It was still down when I went to bed last night.

  2. It's been a while since a broke a sweat.  Last week I went on a business trip, and this weekend I seem to have picked up a bug :sick: .  I got on the bike tonight for the first time in over a week.  Almost 37 miles with an average of about 12 mph (which for me, navigating city streets, isn't too bad.  The part of the ride that I spent with the group was an Etch-A-Sketch ride where we traced out the shape of a panther (one of Ft. Worth's nicknames is "Panther City").

  3. I'm not worried in the least. Knowing he is done and accepting it has been a liberating experience. I realized my worry was really just an expectation that he would turn it around and now I realize how silly that was. Other than providing a place for Eichel to crash, he has zero to offer this team.


    GO SABRES!!!

    I think he brings more than that, but at this point he is a 4th, occasional 3rd line player in my mind. His board play is OK, he usually makes the smart play in the defensive and neutral zones, but his offensive mojo has completely abandoned him.


    I think he should be used at that value, regardless of how much he's getting paid, recognize it was crap contract and move on.

  4. Yeah, they're still not winning as much as they want or we want, but when you look at the post-game remarks after tough back-to-back losses against the Bruins, you can just see the attitude is so much better than the last two years:


    Robin Lehner:

    I felt good. I thought it was one of the [most] fun games played. It was a battle between two good teams. We showed that we can be up there and compete against a good team like Boston. They played good, we played good.


    Samson Reinhart:

    It's a little bit frustrating coming up that short in both contests. It was a quick turn around against these guys again. It's not an easy team to play against, let alone, two times. We were right there until the end, and unfortunately we weren't able to find a way to win.

    Everything starts with good defensive plays. It creates so much room for everyone on the ice. In a tight game like that, it's pretty easy to convince yourself to kind of get back there.


    Those are not the words of a dog that's been kicked when it's down.  They're the words of a team that's leaning how to win, and win the right way.  There's an acceptance of responsibility, but not in a sense that they feel a punishment is coming; but more in the sense that they're eager to get back up and try it again, knowing that with each iteration, they will improve.


    I'm especially impressed with Lehner.  If he'd have been healthy the whole season, I think the Sabres would be in the playoff hunt.  As it is, he obviously has something to prove between now and the end of the season.  I don't get the sense that he's worried about his position.  He's ready to backstop this team into the playoffs.  The fact that he was out so long with an injury and came onto the scene with the Sabres so low in the standings is unfortunate, but he seems determined to salvage what he can, not just personally, but for the team.  The fire in his eyes




    bodes well.  He's clearly a different animal than Ryan Miller.  I'm ready for some Patrick Roy/Ron Hextall/Ed Belfour/Gerry Cheevers goaltending.... a goalie with crazy eyes.  A goalie who will fight to the finish.  I also look forward to the time when he and Linus Ullmark are pushing each other for playing time.  In another year or two, this team is gonna be good.  Scary good.  So don't be overwhelmed by guilt.  This crappy-ass couple of years, and all the rooting against your own team, will soon prove to be worth all the self-inflicted misery.

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