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Posts posted by Doohickie

  1. Sardines on toast with Weber's mustard and Frank's Red Hot, Polish Dill spears, and Genny pounder.


    MODO would be proud.


    A full accounting of calories taken in to support today's bicycle ride:


    Coffee break at Buon Giorno 10 miles in:



    Lunch after 30 miles:  Fish Fry at Buffalo Bros (I got more coleslaw and no fries, and because it's Lent, birch beer instead of real beer):





    41 miles on the heavy-as-hell 1966 English 3-speed today.


    Some new art along the trail



    Looking south toward downtown Ft Worth along the West Fork of the Trinity River



    Another spot along the Trinity Trails.  Yeah, this is what a 50 lb. bike looks like



    Airfield Falls.  It's often a trickle, but there's been pretty good supply to it for the last year or so, as we've had some pretty heavy rains.  Think of this view as "The American Side"



    ...and this is "The Canadian Side"



    For a full accounting of calories taken in during the ride, see the What are you eating (or drinking)? thread.

  3. I really liked the addition of lines in jerseys like that. Where did you get those? daileyfaceoff? Is it always up to date?

    Yeah, dailyfaceoff. I linked the site to the pics. I had to do screen shots, then post them to photobucket. I think there might be a way to post directly from the site but I couldn't figure it out.

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