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Posts posted by Claude_Verret

  1. As 'ole Roby would say..it's hotter than a dogs breath down here in NC. Temps of 100+ F in the forecast the next three days and heat index of 112+. It's absolutely brutal. The summers here in the south are the only times when I begin to seriously think about moving back to Buffalo.

  2. Hoyo de Monteray is a really good value. I've got some in the humidor right now.


    Another really mild cigar that is tougher to find is La Unica. It's good for someone not used to smoking, but nice enough for someone who just wants something simple.


    Yep, La Unica / Montesino were my go to "everyday" cigars.

  3. I don't smoke cigars nearly as much as I used to, I'd say I'm at like 5 a year now. But when I used to keep a humidor and smoke more regularly I preferred robustos. A. Fuente, montesino and romeo & julieta were my go to stogies usually. Has anyone ever been to the JR outlets down here in NC? I've been to the one on I-40 in Burlington a few times, the walk in humidor is massive.



    Also, I've been sick as heck since Monday. I think I have some sort of E. coli food poisoning, as I've had nasty GI symptoms for three straight days. The doc says antibiotics usually don't shorten the duration, so I guess I just have to let it "work itself out". The weather has been so beautiful the last few days that sitting indoors doubled over with cramps is really honking me off. There, I think I got out all my complaints for the day...


    Bloody stool? If yes it's almost definitely E. coli but more likely salmonella or campylobacter which are much more common.

  5. Anticipation......


    Leaving for New Orleans tomorrow morning. Be gone for a week. I've got a bunch of loose ends at work to tie up but in my mind I'm already on Bourbon St.


    I've got a bad case of pre-vacation "I don't give a shat" right now.


    I was in your same position last week before heading to San Diego for a beer conference. I got back on Sunday and I'm still feeling the effects of last weeks over indulgence.

  6. assuming that this is for the time machine tour, i don't know what your circumstances are of course, but i would do everything legally possible to get out of whatever it is you have. fake a cold. claim a family death on your significant other's side and need to "be there for moral support." if you don't have one, fake it. ;)


    i'm really not trying to rub salt in the wound if you can't go, but this show is one of their best ever. geddy hasn't sounded this good in years. AND they play 'carvan' and 'bu2b'. seriously ... fake a hospital visit or something.


    Yes, it's the second date of the second leg of the Time Machine tour. I'm pretty bummed, I've seen hundreds of rock concerts over the years and Rush easily puts on the best show out of the dozens of bands I've seen live. I have family and friends coming to town this weekend and they had already delayed their arrival from Friday night because I was going to be at the concert. I wouldn't be a good host if I left them all to my wife. Rush are coming to Greenville, SC in June, and I have already targeted that show now as my opportunity to fake an illness cold and go. :thumbsup:

  7. Great information, thank you. I'm glad there's someone else out there dealt with this same BS. I might have a talk with the sports med staff here at RIT and see if there's anyone they recommend going to. It's nice knowing the people here. It just worries me knowing my Uncle's history with knee problems from HS football and having had both knees replaced (twice, due to a motorcycle accident a month after he was finally cleared to ride after the first surgery). I just want to play sports but not wind up one of those people who can't walk later in life because of it.


    I feel I should mention that the first time I did this was in 09, at the peak of my out-of-shapeness and it was while dancing to Thriller at a party. Talk about stupid. It's okay though, I got MJ back. :pirate:


    Knee woes suck. I feel for you guys. My knee was shattered in a car accident a few years back, and I still have five screws in there holding it together. Even though my docs said that I have recovered as well as could possibly be expected, I'm still looking at a total knee replacement before I'm 50.

  8. I just called them up the next day and had them deactivate it. The police called back a month later and said they caught the people who did it, but none of the merchandise was recovered. Sirius sent me a replacement at no charge.


    The same thing happened to me when my Sirius radio was stolen. I guess Sirius didn't believe me that it was stolen though as I still get emails asking me to reactivate it. My radio , among other items, was stolen the last night of a beach house rental at the Outer Banks. The rental company said it was common for thieves to walk onto properties from the beach access on Friday night before Saturday morning checkout. This year we are going back and I will be pulling an all nighter lying in wait out at the pool on the last night. I REALLY hope those bastards try it again. :censored:

  9. The problem is that the show's logic doesn't work in its own universe. You know it's a show about zombies going in, so if you're watching it, your brain is not going to reject the idea that zombies could be real. But once you're watching it, you'll notice the zombies are all extremely slow and your brain is going to point out that these zombies really couldn't take over the world.


    So the show wants us to buy that zombies destroyed most of the world and killed most of its population, but then they gave us zombies that really don't seem up to the task.


    TV shows don't need to be realistic to be good, but they do need to make sense.


    I won't ruin it, but that spoiler thread over on the stadium wall gives some information that could clear up why 'slow' zombies could take over and even defeat a modern military.

  10. I don't think there's any doubt that yesterday was the Sabres' best game of the season. Complete domination against a team that's actually been pretty good this year. What I liked was that everybody played their role perfectly. The scorers scored. The fighters fought. The penalty killers killed penalties. The goalie goalied.


    Now, was it a fluke? Win or lose, tonight's effort will answer that question.


    We've seen this movie way too many times before. The Sabres are coming off their best game of the year and Ottawa is struggling as of late....you know the rest.

  11. is it possibly tied to the volume that someone on a phone generally uses? i think so.


    Yes. I couldn't care less about eavesdropping on the conversations of strangers. I don't care if you are talking on your cell phone, to someone sitting right next to you or to the wall, if you are talking louder than conditions dictate then you will annoy others. For some reason though most people find it necessary to yell into their cell phones.

  12. What industry? If it was any type of "businessy" interview, she probably thought it made her look sophisticated and ready to go get 'em. in reality, it just make her look like she feels overly important. Take it out. You're not that important. No one needs to get ahold of you that bad.


    Cell phone etiquette needs to get better. Period. Ever miss what a guy said on an elevator, say "excuse me?", and then realize he's talking into a Bluetooth piece? My personal favorite is the dude that scowls at you in the hallway because you're being too loud for his phone conversation.


    I work for a large medical technology company. This woman was interviewing for a research position so there was no way the bluetooth device was in any way appropriate. I really couldn't believe it.


    I appreciate technology as much as the next guy but in my opinion for some people its gotten way out of control with the ipods, blackberrys and laptops. People need to find a way to sit quietly with just their thoughts every now and then.

  13. I guess it depends on whether or not it's one of those people who thinks that you have to yell into a cell phone if you want to be heard.


    Exactly, there is a huge difference betwen normal conversation face to face and the idiot that can't grasp the concept that their voice is amplified into the ear of the person they are speaking with on the phone. Annoying as hell. :censored:


    Another annoying cell phone habit is the people that wear the bluetooth ear roach thingies at ALL TIMES. We had a girl show up for an interview with one of those in her ear. She wore it for the entire interview. Are you freaking kidding me?

  14. 20 months, the same gap between my brother and me. If your son turns out anything like me, you may want to start the complaining right now.


    My brother and I are irish twins. I was born 355 days after him. It wasn't until I had kids of my own (3 years apart) that I came to realize the hell that my parents must have went through upon my arrival.

  15. That bugs me as well. People bitch and moan about the weather all Winter long (even here in GA), but when it gets all nice, it's AC time. Open up the windows, air out the house, let the 65mph wind smack you in the face for a while!


    I did that the first year I was here in NC. Then the "yellow death" of pine tree pollen hit. One day of leaving our windows open in early spring had everything in the house covered with a thick yellow residue. You can always tell who the newer northern transplants are in the neighborhood by looking for houses with their windows open during pollen season.

  16. I am going to the game tonight and hoping that the Sabres can somehow pull it off. There is nothing worse than being heckled by some fair weather hick who doesn't even know what icing is.


    And that's the truth! Most of their fan base has returned to the local hick population, back when they had their cup run they had a lot of team swappers amongst all the other transplants around here. All those fans have gone back to following their hometown teams.

  17. I'm going back to my favorite rant.


    How does DirecTV justify charging $100 extra per season to watch football games in HD? Every NFL game on CBS/Fox is broadcast free in HD. So if I turn on the Ravens in Baltimore I get a very nice HD picture. If I turn on the Bills on DirecTV I get a crappy SD signal.. It ain't right.


    I got the SuperFan HD package for free. All it took was a phone call and telling the CSR the exact same argument that you just laid out along with reminding them that they were offering the package free to new subscribers and how that was unfair to long time loyal customers. It really was as simple as that.

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