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Posts posted by Claude_Verret

  1. I don't understand. All people have to do when circumstances change and make what they said previously appear incorrect, is admit it, and enjoy the team showing you that you might have been unnecessarily pessimistic or judgmental. I find myself doing that lately, and frankly, the feeling of joy at the team's surprising (to me) success far overshadows any embarrassment I might feel for having thrown them under the bus previously. I certainly don't recommend this kind of humility to just anyone, of course. :ph34r:


    Good post. Im just happy the Sabres have managed to make these games relevant. The games were largely unwatchable in December and January.

  2. All you ass-holes at my place of work...stop burying me in paperwork, documentation, policies and procedures, project management, change management, endless emails, SOP's, meetings for the sake of meeting, etc.... STOP IT AND JUST LET ME DO MY JOB!


    I feel your pain. I just had a colleague escape the brutality of corporate bureaucracy that we endure here last Friday. He's already emailed me multiple times this week to rub it in.


    I nearly lost it a few months ago at some BS function that we were forced to attend, where our CEO introduced our new "VP of Change". :wallbash:

  3. If I don't "maintain" my eyebrows regularly in a short period of time I end up looking like Ernest Borgnine with a unibrow. Consequently, I trim my eyebrows about every 2-3 weeks. Last night after the hockey game I got out the beard trimmer to hack at the caterpillars and in my haste I forgot to set the guard for length. And I promptly shaved off half of my left eyebrow. I figure it'll be noticeable for about 2 weeks.


    I have to interview a candidate for a new position this afternoon. I expect he'll be fixated on the area above my left eye for most of the interview.


    I'm probably the only one who won't laugh at you here. I've got what you just described going on permanently. Of course I've also got an F-ed up left eye and a nasty scar to go along with it, but still the question I get most often is: Hey, what happened to your eyebrow? :lol:

  4. My girlfriend's father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer on monday and is having surgery as we speak. So yeah, this has been a rough week. It sounds like this may be an ultra rare case where they caught it early, so hopefully he can beat the numbers on this one. The surgeon also worked on Steve Jobs, so he definitely has the best of the best here.


    I've been getting the feeling lately that she's worried her family could chase me away (which will never happen) and now this happens. There's never good timing for something like this, but still, what crappy timing.


    I'm very sorry to hear this, but as you said early detection can be the key, especially with pancreatic cancer. I know a guy who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and had the Whipple surgery. That was 15 years ago and he is still alive today.

  5. We host our annual St. Patrick's Day party tomorrow. It gets bigger each and every year, I think we are expecting in the neighborhood of 60-70 people at my place. I went to the store yesterday and picked up all the fixins, including 15 corned beef briskets. With the NCAA tournament, the Sabres game and all the guiness and jameson flowing I fully expect to get a visit from the police at some point tomorrow. The irish music playlist is set and ready to go, starting with... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7v4eXaVkHc4&feature=BFa&list=AVGxdCwVVULXcxVZVCVA3Y9hvj4bOjsRdV&lf=list_related

  6. Dying way too young. Over the past month I have received news of three people from my life (two childhood friends and a parishoner at my church) who have passed suddenly. All were late 30's to early 40's. All had young families who will need to grow up without a father. It makes me extremely sad to think about these broken families, while at the same time scaring the crap out of me about my own.


    Sorry to be a downer, but just a complaint / sobering thought to put sports (Mario Williams, last night's loss) into some perspective.

  7. THIS. Our entire HR department fits your description.


    Rush Limbaugh. Enough said.


    I relish it when HR at my company sends out one of those anonymous "associate engagement surveys". I wouldn't care if it wasn't anonymous, I'm brutally honest on those things and always end my comments with:


    I'm fully aware that my comments and suggestions will not result in any real change, but I appreciate having the opportunity to share my thoughts.


    Crib to cubicle to coffin, it's the american dream baby!

  8. Throw Them All Out by Peter Schweizer. I've been of the mind that all politicians whether D or R are more the same than they are different for a long time now. This books just confirms it. It's sickening the crap they get away with, and we just keep sending them to Washington while we bicker along partisan lines and the country continues down the road to oblivion.



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  9. No.


    There was chatter that the new Quest was going to be rear wheel drive, which would have been huge. But alas it was not meant to be. FWD is just more practical and provides more cabin space.


    I was kidding, I just remembered those swagger wagon videos from last year when my wife finally broke down and wanted a mini van. They are most certainly not cool, but boy are they worth it on those 11 hour road trips to Buffalo. We went with the Odyssey.

  10. Station wagons. Most SUV's are just glorified station wagons. The Dodge Magnum really is a great piece. It's everything people wanted the Roadmaster and the Caprice to be back in the 90s. But GM wouldn't update them to compete with the SUV market, so SUV's won out. Obviously the minivan is the peak of practicality while at the same time being the antithesis of cool. Station wagons on the other hand? They're the great American road trip machine. The Chevy Nomad is a legend in a way the Belair itself could never be. And that makes it cool. I demand station wagons make a comeback. They can hold just as many people and just as much cargo as a big SUV, but they ride like a car and get at least 10 mpg more on the highway than any truck. Let's get over the SUV, folks.


    What are you talking about?




  11. I am getting all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled at Noon today... FML.


    Whatever you do, take your pain maintenence medication as directed to the letter. I had four impacted wisdom teeth removed in my early 20's and the procedure itself went fine. Then the next day my friend calls me and says he has two tickets in the golds for a Sabres -Pens game, in fact this might have been my last game at the Aud. Anyway, I popped my tylenol with codeine before heading out and figured I'd be fine until I got home after the game. Well driving down route 5 after the game it began to wear off, I'm talking excrutiating pain. I had my friend doing about 90 on Camp road to get home to get more meds.

  12. And fans sometimes wonder why coaches/players do nothing but give cliche after cliche after cliche. Heaven forbid they be honest, and have interesting things to say, then they have the media/fans jumping down their throat. Ruff is honest about some reasons Kassian was parted with, Miller is honest about his feelings regarding the Gaustad trade....and they get micro-analyzed and criticized for what they said. I'd stick to the cliches too.


    Thank you. My feelings exactly.

  13. This is a pretty neat thread over at the Canucks board where a guy re-caps fans reactions in real time as the news of the trade broke. First its elation that Kassian is coming, then things go apeshit when they hear who is going the other way. http://forum.canucks.com/topic/324306-humor-recapping-the-minute-by-minute-reaction-to-the-hodgson-deal-a-rollercoaster-in-20-minutes/

  14. I just finished reading The President And The Assassin about the McKinley assassination and the anarchist movement of the period. A very good read.


    I'm about half way through Stephen King's latest work 11/22/63. It's keeping my interest.


    I also usually have a simple minded book going, and currently that is The Hardest (Working) Man In Show Business, the Ron Jeremy autobiography. It definitely tells some funny and revealing behind the scenes stories of the porn industry, but RJ gets a bit annoying by constantly telling the reader about all the legit actors and directors he hangs with and all the bit roles he has played over the years in mainstream film and TV.

  15. Chaos sums it up perfectly. I had a crazy one last week where I was first in line at a red light. It was your standard two lane road, one lane for one direction, one for the other. All of a sudden I noticed that someone had pulled up right next to me on my left (so right in the lane for opposing traffic). She didn't do it to turn left or to jump me and go straight. She did it so that she could turn right. So the light changes and she quickly cuts in front of me and turns right. I was in no hurry so I really didn't care, but it still confused the hell out of me. I've never seen anything like it. They're the most impatient people in the world. I really need to come up with some ways to mess with these people a bit. I need some laughs.


    Wow, if someone did that to me there is a very good chance that I'd plow into them as they attempted that move. I'm blind in my left eye, and although I make adjustments and have special mirrors to help out with this handicap, there is really no reason for me to expect someone on my left who will try to turn right in front of me. Idiots.

  16. Going to a fundraiser for my sons' school tonight. They put me in charge of obtaining the beer. I worked with a couple of distributors and came up with a list that should appeal to all. We've got about 750 people expected to attend. We'll have Blue, Blue Light, Bud, and Bud Light for the folks that can't live with beer that has actual flavor. But for the rest of us I lined up a few interesting beers for the draft list, Ithaca Cascazilla, Southern Tier Eurotrash, and a new Shock Top beer- Shock Top White IPA. I've had Saranac's version already and it is rather tasty. The Shock Top IPA is a brand spanking new release that is just making it out to distributors now. If it tastes anything like Saranac's I will be impressed. Think of a cross between a Belgian Wit and a citrucy IPA. Light body, 6% abv, spicy wheat, coriander, orange peel, and citrucy USA hops.


    Those sound good. I'm interested in how that Southern Tier Czech Pils is, those are usually disappointing from a lot of micros. I have to hand it to Southern Tier though, they are very prolific in putting out so many different styles. The guy I usually brew with has been brewing a wit with american hops for years. He usually uses amarillo hops if I remember correctly, and it's a fantastic beer.

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