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Posts posted by Claude_Verret

  1. I wonder how many people are just waiting for a change with a second browser window open. They've got their "Ruff/Darcy fired" post all written up and are waiting to hit that post button just so they can be the first to say it.


    That would be an exercise in futility, chz is always first.

  2. Go home and clean your toilet. When you are done, start over and do a better job because it's not good enough. And clean your shower. And change your sheets. You know, just in case...


    Great advice in theory, but unless he is gay there probably is really nothing that can be done to the typical 20 something single male pad that is going to impress a female. Therefore the two bottles of red wine is the best bet.

  3. I've been moderately to severely overweight since I was about 10 years old. Three years ago I made a commitment to start living a healthy lifestyle by eating healthy food most of the time, in the correct portions, and exercising regularly. I was approaching 40 and had no doubt that I'd be very lucky to see 50 if I did not make major changes. Well, this week I finally hit my goal weight! Three years ago I weighed an embarrassing 305 lbs, today I weigh 173. Total loss of 132 lbs. Went from 3x shirts to M's, from a 52" waist to 34". Doing my first half-marathon later this year. I feel F'n fantastic. :)


    Wow that's great. Seriously, after reading your story I feel like an even bigger slouch for not taking off the 20 lbs or so that I need to.

  4. Sounds like you went to Geneseo....


    UB actually although I had friends that went to Geneseo who I visited a few times. I didn't notice an abnormally large proportion of overweight girls when I was there though.


    Dare I ask how the measuring was done?


    They all had to step on a scale before they entered the house of course. :w00t:


    Actually there were five guys in the contest and then there was myself and two other guys who were allowed to be impartial judges. If one of the contestants had a potential candidate, either two other contestants or outside judges had to be present and they gave an impartial weight estimate. That way the contestant would know beforehand what they would get credit for and could make an informed decision whether or not to proceed. So there was always the risk of collusion, but there was a bit of a Seinfeld like honor system involved here. My recollection though was that it wasn't that close in the end and the winner won by at least a few hundred pounds. Ahh youth..I'm sure my wife would be thrilled to know that I was even peripherally involved in a contest like this. lol

  5. That's rather gross. Not gonna lie.



    Make no mistake, it was very gross. Towards the end some of them stopped going to college hang outs and went to 40- something bars to increase their chances of a "big" score to make up ground.

  6. Check your local trough.


    If it wasn't for the fact that she is the one bringing these guys back to her place I would suggest that these guys may be engaging in a hogging competition. I knew a group of guys back in college that lived together who had a two month competition for $1000. The pot went to whoever banged the most weight during that time frame. I witnessed some rather large and often times much older women come through that house. :sick:

  7. My life insurance is term life with a premium that is paid once per year. The bill and the reminder notice both vanished into the pile of mail at home and I ended up paying it a couple of weeks late. Allstate cashed my check, but then about a month later issued me a refund check and told me that I had to apply to have the policy reinstated. After a series of PO'd phone calls, I was informed that they had to re-underwrite the entire policy, including me submitting my tax returns, having a phone interview, and taking a complete physical. If all goes well in the underwriting process, they will reinstate the policy in another couple of weeks. In the meantime, I am not covered, so if I get hit by a bus today, my wife and kids are SOL. I asked whether it would be possible to keep the policy in place during the underwriting period and the answer was no. I asked whether it was possible to accelerate the process and the answer was no. I have my life insurance, my wife's life insurance, my car insurance and my homeowners' insurance all with Allstate. When the insurance agent was selling me all of this, he was very proactive about calling me and getting everything done. However, there was no phone call when I really needed it -- ie when I was about to miss a deadline that resulted in a serious risk to my family's security. And when I proposed multiple solutions to covering me for the gap period until the underwriting was done -- sorry, they can't help me. I made a mistake in paying the bill late, but Allstate used it as an opportunity to reduce their risk on my policy, both by not covering me during the gap period and by re-underwriting the policy. Oh, here's the kicker: assuming the underwriting and the physical checks out, they will reinstate the policy in a couple of weeks -- but I still have to pay for the period during which I was not covered. It's an annual premium, and the uncovered period will end up being about 3 months, so I'm going to end up paying an extra 25% for the privilege of having them jerk me around. Needless to say, as soon as I get the policy back in place, I'm going to take my business elsewhere.


    Ruthless bastards. I'd poke around here some....



  8. My complaint: mucus. Had a cold over Christmas week. No flu, I got the shot, just plugged up sinuses. Now the nose is geting better but it's all landed in my lungs. I'm coughing like there's no tomorrow. Getting headaches from coughing so much. Someone tell it to stop!


    I'm just getting over something similar. It lasted a good two weeks and I spent 10 minutes every morning coughing up some nasty stuff. My wife the NP was sure I had walking pneumonia, but she could never hear it in my lungs. It was probably something viral and with that I usually prescribe myself heavy doses of high gravity beer.

  9. Background first: My girlfriend's roommate spent the entire month of November at a fat camp (I had no idea those actually exist). Then on New Years she dropped the "I'm joining AA" bomb. She would go out to bars pretty much every night and come back with some different random guy each time. Then she'd eat every bit of food in the apartment, most of which wasn't even hers. She's unemployed and daddy pays every last bill for her. So yeah, this girl is a complete trainwreck. I've never actually seen any of these people she brings back, but I have a very hard time imagining what type of person would actually show any interest, even for a one night stand. But anyway, last night at around 2:30 am, she stumbles in with someone. We were both passed out, but once every light was turned on and the loud talking commenced, sleep wasn't really an option. After a while I was finally just about asleep again, but then the bedroom door opens. For god knows what reason, this jackass walked into the room even though it was very clear which room was the roommates. If I had been a bit more awake, that guy would have found himself out on the sidewalk with a bashed in face. So yeah, glad to see that AA and the fat camp really made a lasting impact (table was littered with food this morning and the box of sponge candy I brought back for my girlfriend was 75% empty). I still can't get past that idiot walking into the room though. We're talking about some random guy picked up at a bar. What happens if I'm not there? The door doesn't have a lock so that's not an option. There's going to have to be a serious discussion on this one because this garbage can't happen anymore.


    Absolutely you do. Although it sounds like this girl has little to no respect for herself, so it might be a tough go getting her to show any for your girlfriend. Installing a lock on the bedroom door might be a good idea.

  10. rush gets snubbed a lot. and it's tragic--especially considering the sheer volume of quality music they've made. even their two newest singles are amazing. and they're quickly approaching 60.


    the great thing about them is that they just don't care. hall of fame, no hall of fame, recognition ... whatever. they make music cuz they like doing it.


    seriously, if you haven't heard BU2B yet, you *have* to check it out. it's out of this world amazing.


    I'm looking forward to the new Rush CD Clockwork Angles CD in 2012. If the two songs they already released are any indication this will be their heaviest album in years. BU2B rocks.


    All is for the best

    Believe in what we're told

    Blind men in the market

    Buying what we're sold


    Believe in what we're told

    Until our final breath

    While our loving Watchmaker

    Loves us all to death



  11. I brewed another version of my black ipa yesterday and got a late xmas present from a fellow homebrewer in the process. He visited family in Cleveland for Christmas and he brought me a six pack of Great Lakes Christmas Ale. I've never tried it, but based on the rave reviews here I might need to crack a few for the game tonight.


    I also received a bomber of Double Jack from Firestone Walker Brewing. Damn this beer is good. It's pretty darn close to supplanting Pliny The Elder at the top of my favorite beer list. Of course both of these are west coast beers that I can only get when I travel or have friends bring some back for me.



  12. DMT1? Sounds like cool stuff. One of the other projects in the lab is looking at uptake of divalent heavy metals (Hg, Cd, and Pb) in the kidney in relation to metallothioneins and renal cell cancer. Cool project, but unfortunately that one is all epidemiology at this point (the boss is trying to get funding for a molecular study). And thanks on the job!


    DMT1 it is, but it was called nramp2 when I was there. I would have welcomed an epidemiological study as an alternative to all the rad studies I did! I've worked with isotopes of Fe, Mn, Co, Cd, Zn, Pb and a few others. Working with cobalt was a bit disconcerting at the time since it's such a high energy gamma emitter, but my rad badges always came back good.

  13. Thanks! It'll actually be my second first author manuscript. :) The lab I'm in currently is studying how genetic variants influence the metabolism of vitamin D, with the hope of eventually extending that to kidney cancer risk / treatment. The new lab will be focused on studying the inflammatory response, both in patients with allergies and with inflammatory bowel disease. Should be interesting! :lol:


    Sounds interesting. Back when I worked in academic research I was in a lab studying iron metabolism. We had an anemic rat model that displayed impaired iron GI uptake and transport in RBC's. It was eventually attributed to a missense mutation in a gene encoding a membrane associated divalent metal transporter. That's about when I left, but I should check and see where the characterization studies have gone since then. Now im in corporate research which is a whole different animal. There is a lot of glossing over the nuts and bolts of how things work in the effort to come up with the next big product. Congrats on the new job too!

  14. 2) Only 7 more working days at my current job, and I have way more work to do than I can realistically complete in that timeframe. Sometimes I wish I didn't give a sh!t, but I want to make sure everything is in order for my replacement, and honestly it's to my benefit as well because I'm cramming to finish experiments for a paper on which I'll be first author.


    Good for you! What's your research area?

  15. I can't fault the father of the boys. He took care of his kids. It doesn't sound like he's got extra, as it ought to cost a lot more than $1800/month to live in HI. My complaint is sort of a opposite: A good friend at work's ex-wife got caught cheating on him, yet got custody of the early teenage boys, and alimony. She now lives with her boyfriend and the kids, collecting alimony and child support while he, on a >$120k/year salary, can barely make ends meet because he has a condo in the same town that she moved to. And yeah, he'll be alone for Christmas. The moral of the story - never get a divorce in Massachusetts if you are a guy. Edit: Oh, I should have mentioned this - that was a beautiful thing for you to do. My hat is off to you.


    That sucks. I have a friend who had something similar happen to him, only his wife cheated by switching teams and dating a woman. He moved out, but he has refused to grant her a divorce thereby preventing his wife from living under the same roof with her girlfriend and his sons.

  16. My girlfriend has 3 kids, two boys from her first marriage and a daughter from her second. The boys dad lives in Hawaii and sends them crap all the time. The girl's dad is totally MIA and has seen her once in the past 4 years (she's 6). No Christmas presents, no birthday cards, nothing. She's the sweetest thing, who absolutely loves my son. On Tuesday the boys got a big box in the mail with all their Christmas presents from Hawaii. In the past their Dad has included a present for the girl, but this year he didn't as he's pissed at my girlfriend for pulling a child support review (dude pays $1800/mo for his house in HI, and complains about paying $200/mo for his boys who he sees once a year). Needless to say, the girl was devastated, as here her brothers have about 6 gifts each from their dad, and she knows that once again her dad doesn't give a ######. My girlfriend was telling me about how her daughter was flipping out and so upset, so after my hockey game tuesday night, I stopped at the store and spent $15 on a few little "girly" items - some lip gloss, hair bows, new crayons, stuff like that. Got home, wrapped it all up, put it in a box, and made it look all legit with postage and the works, but with no return address or markings to know where it came from. Last night I stopped by and hid it under a chair on the front porch. The boys were in bed, but the girl was still up, so I told her there was a box outside that came in the mail. She didn't believe me, so she went to check. She comes running back in the house with a box addressed to her and starts flipping out. She begs her mom to let her open the presents, and tears them open before she even gets the "ok." I've never seen a kid more excited to get a few little things. All the while she keeps saying "I knew my daddy wouldn't forget me again!" After everything is opened and she's beaming from ear to ear, my girlfriend is cleaning everything up and goes to throw out the box, but her daughter stopped her and insisted she keep it. Why? She said she "always wanted to remember the day her daddy finally sent her something." At this point my girlfriend is bawling, and wants to tell her the truth, but I wouldn't let her. She doesn't need to know. So my complaint is about douchebag guys like that who if they'd only take a whopping 10 minutes could make their kid feel like the most important kid in the world. Crap like that just pisses me off to end.


    Wow. Good on you, man. You have to be a prick of the highest order to shun your own flesh and blood like that. Sickening.

  17. Does anyone believe in defensive driving anymore? I don't know how many moving violation tickets are issued on any given day, but patrols need to be increased and the number of tickets need to be doubled or tripled.


    The answer to your question is an emphatic NO! My main complaint is distracted driving, I see a-holes texting, reading and applying make up all the time while driving, but yesterday I witnessed an overabundance of this idiotic behavior. As a victim of an a-hole distracted driver it really makes my blood boil when I see this. Anyone reading this who texts, reads or in any way does stupid ###### when you're supposed to be driving then I'm sorry you are an a-hole too.

  18. So let me get this straight........it IS possible for a few strong, entrenched voices to dominate philosophy and message to a point that it becomes so stale, that 90% of the others tune it out and no longer have the drive or will to perform here on a regular basis? AAAAAANNNNND...............on top of it you highly support the owner of the structure to shake things up by chasing these few entrenched individuals away for the good of the entire group? I'm gonna just step back and let that sink in for a minute................... And Chz......feel free to move this post to the Lindy Ruff thread..........


    Clever analogy and I get what you're saying. I don't think there is a poster on this board who doesn't believe a significant shake up is well past due for this team. However, based on public comments from Pegula and Black as well as some knowledge I had passed on to me from a family member who had the opportunity to candidly speak one on one for a few hours with Darcy back in September, I just don't believe that shake up will come in the form of changes at the top of the organization this year. I believe it will take them missing out on the playoffs for Pegs to re-think his "ain't going nowhere" line

  19. After work today it's goin out for a burger, $2.50 pints of Sierra Nevada Celebration ale, a couple glasses of Van Winkle rye will get mixed in, then out to listen to an 80's metal cover band. That's a pretty damned good Friday in my book. Getting up at 5:30 tomorrow to intercept Bambii might get problematic. Oh, and I was just invited to a wild game dinner on Sunday. Venison and goose. My contribution will be bottles of Ommegang Three Philosophers and BPA.


    Damn that sounds good. Celebration is such an awesome beer, I have a 12 pack in my man cave fridge calling my name right now. My neighbor got a deer a few weeks ago and brought down some venison sausage (along with some other interesting deer offal) last weekend. Great stuff.


    Also, for anyone who fondly remembers 80's metal I strongly encourage you to check out Steel Panther. The are an 80's metal parody band that puts out over ther top hilarious original albums and do note for note covers at their live gigs. They are currently on tour with Def Leppard and Motley Crue and from what I've read they are stealing the show. I can honstley say that they have better songs than the original groups that they parody. Check 'em out on youtube.




    The best way to describe Steel Panther is imagine if Jon Bon Jovi, the dude from Ratt, Kip Winger, George Lynch, Joe Elliot, Nikki Sixx, and Tracii Guns collaborated on an album at their absolute peaks, only they didn’t have to worry about being censored or toning down the narratives of their sexual escapades. Steel Panther are rare because they clearly understand who they are trying to ape yet are one of the few parody acts that actually ends up being better than the original influence.
  20. I hear the Canes arena got renamed. It's now the PNC. Like, PeeinC


    :w00t: Nice. I guess that was officially announced today, but it won't take effect until March. For tonights game and Saturdays basketball game (#1 Syracuse at NC State) I'll be sitting in the luxury suites.

  21. Good call. Just because you grew up in Buffalo, doesn't mean he identifies with it. Every kid should have the choice to identify with their own community... I have always told this to my kids.


    Exactly. Otherwise I'd be a hypocrite when I argue with Canes fans down here about why I don't root for them. I'm a Sabres fan because I was born and raised in Buffalo. I can't change that. My son was born here and should identify with the Canes if he wants to.

  22. My sons Y guides tribe is going on an outing to the Canes-Canucks game tonight. I reminded my son this morning about it and he told me that he thinks he should root for the Canes from now on and not the Sabres. He is right of course, but it still came as a bit of a shock to hear it.


    As an aside, we took our daughter to Disney on ice last week at the RBC and I wore my Sabres jacket. I got disparaging comments about it from no less than three ushers at the RBC. I'll definitely be wearing it again tonight!

  23. My boss rescheduled our conference call from 1pm to 3pm today. So much for leaving early.


    Wow. That's just brutal. I don't think I've worked anywhere when my boss hasn't been pushing me out the door come noon on the day before Thanksgiving.

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