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Posts posted by Claude_Verret

  1. I swear by tactics like this. People never believe me that hard liquor can cure what ails. Yukon Jack and a little Nyquil has always been my remedy. Sometimes when I feel a cold coming on a little Russian Standard Vodka before bed leaves me feeling just fine in the morning.


    I've been a proponent of drowning a virus in ethanol for a few decades now, I usually go for large volumes of high gravity beer rather than distilled spirits though.

  2. This could be a fantastic Friday..or it could be an epic fail, its teetering on the edge. My wife is out of town along with my neighbors wife, and he and I have been planning for quite some time on doing a guys night out on the town complete with gentlemen's establishments and the whole nine yards. However, now I'm getting rumblings at the last minute from my neighbor that he might not be able to go. I'm getting the feeling that his wife has put him on lock down from half way across the country. So it might just end up being me and my homebrew tonight.

  3. wow man that sounds tough. Is it an attention thing, or is she actually truely afraid? When I was younger I had a ton of nightmares, and my parents finally attributed it to what I ate at what times prior to bed. They cut off my snacking by 7 if i was to be in bed by 9 (dinner was always at 430/5). good luck with that...


    You older, wiser folks here make a younger guy like me NOT look forward to the married w kids life haha


    She is truely terrified. Every night after I read her bed time story I do the "go away monsters spray" under her bed and in her closet and we have been trying melatonin to get her to sleep through the night. No cigar yet. My wife is in pediatrics and she says it's just a phase we need to get through, but this is getting out of control. If I had any hair left I'd be pulling it out.


    Definitely don't be in a rush to go the married and kids route. Raising kids is often awesome and rewarding but nobody ever claimed it's easy.


    That probably wasn't the greatest decision. Then again, not my kid so easy for me to say.


    Oh believe me it was the last gasp, it was getting so bad putting her back so many times that she was waking up my son, who needs to go to school in the morning. It was basically a decision between do we want to get absolutely no sleep or a little.

  4. It said in the article that they showed up to evict very shortly after their permit expired. The one guy was quoted as saying "we didn't even get time to pack!" My opinion: if your permit is expiring at time y, then maybe you should pack prior to y since there is a high probability that the police will show up shortly after...makes sense to me...


    today's complaints (I have 2): 1) My dog usually sleeps either (a) on my bed or (b) on the floor next to my bed. Last night was (a). He woke himself up dreaming (the whole puppy noises with feet twitching thing) on two seperate occasions, and just went ballistic barking at a whole lot of nothing. Both times it took me getting out of bed to let him outside to sniff around to get him to quiet down. I feel like I got no sleep :(

    2) I haven't seen a lick of snow in weeks and I just want to ski,


    Welcome to the last two months of my life, but with me it's our three year old daughter who wakes up 10 times a night and runs into our bed crying about the "monsters" in her room. After the first two weeks of my wife and I taking turns returning her to her bed all night long we have given up and she is sleeping in our bed most of the night while kicking me in the face all night long. Needless to say certain other activities are completely out of the question with the potential of a three year old crashing the party. It's like we have a new born all over again. :censored:

  5. Lengua (cow tongue) and carne asasda tacos from the taco truck parked down the road from my office. On fresh warm corn tortillas, with cilantro and spicy salsa verde. Fantastic.


    I bet it's not tofu jerkey, is it?


    It most definitely is not. If he ever came near my man cave with tofu jerky he would be barred for life.

    • Like (+1) 2
  6. This came on the ipod during the commute home tonight. What a fantastic album. There wasn't a single bar in WNY during the 90's that was worth a damn that didn't have this one in their jukebox.


    Well, I've kissed you in France and I've kissed you in Spain

    And I've kissed you in places I'd better not name

    And I've seen the sun go down on Sacre Coeur

    But I like it much better........



  7. Another thing that I find awesome, both subjectively and objectively, is the artistic skill of my lovely girlfriend. So I'm going to shamelessly plug her work here. ;) http://joanna-eberts.blogspot.com/ From hockey players to cartoons to nature's creatures to really abstract twisted stuff, she's a style chameleon. Just to rope you guys in, here's a recent digital painting of Lanny McDonald. lanny.png


    Very cool. I envy people with artistic talent like that, stick figures are about the best I can do. Terry Sawchuk is awesome.

  8. I've shied away from most things Apple, but after having Android phones for the last 18 months, I may switch to an iPhone. No real issues with the Android, it's just that there are many great apps being written for the iPhone that never get ported to Android.


    I recently got the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, and my wife has the iphone 4S. They are both great phones, but I like mine better with the 4G.

  9. Man caves. I've had one in my backyard for three years now and it has provided a great place for myself, friends and neighbors to watch sports and blow off some steam every now and then. There has been some stuff that's happened there that I'm sure would get 95% of men in some deep trouble with their wives, but I'm lucky enough to have an awesome and incredibly understanding wife.

  10. Lansky ceramic rod knife sharpeners. [ KitchenAid stand mixers. Not only are they powerful enough to handle heavy duty mixing tasks like kneading bread dough, but their attachments for meat grinding, etc. work extremely well. And they are built tough. And the best part is, in the event they do break they are serviceable. In this age of disposable goods it is good to know that you can get online and buy the parts you need to fix something.


    I'll second that. I've used the sausage making attachment a few times with fine results.



    You are gonna make Ligers' head go kaboom.


    Heh, heh. Way too easy....

  11. LOL - a friend of mine just found this gem at a grocery store in Utah:




    I'll see your Polygamy Porter and raise you one....




    and no I've never tried this style of beer, not that I wouldn't providing it was properly sourced. :thumbsup:


    I have tried the Polygamy Porter by the way and it's a darn fine brew.

  12. Yeah, the weyerbacher is 9%. It's kind of the point!


    Cloudy orange cider color, lots of carbonation. Nice flowery nose despite sitting outside all day with a high of 20 degrees. Dry on the palate, very little hop flower on the tongue. Nice bitter finish. You can tell its 9% late. That's all I've got. I get it again. These things will fuvk you up.


    No piney resin hop flavor? Thats what i usually get from Simcoe hops, but ive never had the Weyerbacher. Good call on going to the 9% first.

  13. For dinner: sockeye salmon baked with my own topping - a mix if brown sugar, chili pepper, onion powder, black pepper and assorted other spices that catch my eye. To go along with it, a Brussels sprout and bacon bake, drizzled with olive oil, cracked black pepper and sea salt, and for a starch, red quinoa.


    To drink : a mixed six of IPA's - green flash, weyerbachacher simcoe ipa, great divide IPA, Breckinridge brewery double hopped IPA, acme IPA and stone IPA.


    Going to follow that up with my own Islay scotch tasting. Laphroig 10 yr, Caol Ila 12 yr, and Ardberg Corryvreckan, a cask strength of undetermined age.


    No matter what the Sabres do tonight, I win!


    You're going to be fargin wrecked!

  14. not quite the begiums you are discussing, but have been drinking a bit of the new Rye from Sierra. Rouge i think it is called. Do not like it quite as good as the Founders Rye, but the local Kroger has it , and for $15 a twelve, good alue for money as the Euros like to say


    Its Ruthless Rye. I picked a sixer up at Food Lion of all places. I was a bit disappointed, it seemed a bit thin on the malt for a rye IPA and lacked some of the expected spiciness of a rye malt beer.

  15. Yah, I'm pretty stoked. Extremely jazzed for this year. Lots of major fun coming down the pike. In May, we're going to St. George Utah to see an annular eclipse. In July and August, we're road tripping from SLC to Buffalo and back in about 3 weeks. Stopping in denver, KC, St. Louis, Indy, Buffalo (for a week), Cleveland, Chicago, Twin Cities area (hopefully), Mt. Rushmore/Crazy Horse/Black Hills, Yellowstone, and then home. Yah. It's going to be sweet.


    That trip sounds awesome and it will create memories for a lifetime for you and your family. When I was 10, we took a cross country family vacation from June until August (my dad was a high schol teacher). We went all the way out west through Canada, so I've actually been to places like Sudbury, Thunder Bay, Moose Jaw, Winnipeg, Regina, Banff, Calgary and Vancouver. Then down the west coast to LA and then back up to Buffalo using largely the same route you are taking on your trip. I still say that my parents must have been crazy to take three kids in a K car wagon and a pop up camper across country for two months, but my brother, sister and I will always remember that trip.


    Thanks man! I don't know ... I know so many people who have dreaded turning 40. I just can't wait! Not that my 30s were bad. THey were great, for the most part. But 40 ... it just seems fun, ya know? I have my ###### together, an awesome fam, great kids, incredible wife, actuallly managed to stay employed for over a year (yay no layoffs!), two well-running vehicles, a good home ... what the hell do I have to complain about?!



    I just turned 40 this past August and I have to say that it was a pretty damn good birthday!

  16. The difference between those two styles can be subtle. Did you use debittered black malt?


    Now that you mention it I don't think that I did. I had some carafa II in my grain bin that I used in the grist, but apparently carafa SPECIAL II is the dehusked / debittered variety. I'll have to double check the label when I get home tonight. It's not overwhelmingly roasty, but still with the columbus/cascade hop schedule I used a little roastiness gets in the way a bit.

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