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Posts posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Got a failure to stop ticket on Halloween. State Trooper decided to park behind a shrubbery on a lawn in my neighborhood and rope in everyone who rolls through the stops signs. I don't have a problem with getting the ticket, I earned it. My problem is that we'll never see him again. Giving me a lecture about how you used to live here and "these college kids all speed through here" doesn't solve anything if you don't routinely enforce the traffic laws. Targeted enforcement of problem areas is one of the most fundamental principles of policing.


    But we'll never see him again. I, a safe driver, who has never had an accident, and can probably out drive most police officers, get a nice ticket, while all the drunk bros in m neighborhood who hit everything that moves and are an extreme danger, get to tool around unabated now that it's not Halloween. That is garbage policing.


    I got one of those a few years ago at a stop sign in my neighborhood for rolling through. He was there because people often didn't even roll stop they just considered it optional and would fly right through the damn stop sign. My day care was one block past the stop sign so I didn't get pulled over until I was out of my truck and getting my kids out to drop off at day care. He jumped out of the car and yells at me to get back in my truck, I thought he was about to actually pull his gun on me. A total douche. Anyway, so I take my ticket and decide even though I deserved it that I'm going to use the legal plan I have at work and fight the thing with an attorney hoping to at least get it reduced to a non moving violation. My attorney kept getting my court date pushed back until finally one day they called me and said it had all been dropped and they sent back my deposit. Didn't cost me a dime.

  2. Finally, I get to watch the boys on the big screen tonight. It is my express mission to leave work slightly early and be on the couch with the Sabres neon illuminated and an adult beverage in hand by puck drop. And, for the first time in a while, I get to sleep in tomorrow. :thumbsup:


    Oh how I long for just one day to sleep in until 8 am again, because come 6 am tomorrow morning I'll hear my 3 year old daughter yelling "Daddy, I wake up...come play with me!!!" Those saturday morning wake up calls really hurt after having a few extra pops following a Sabres victory the night before.

  3. Yeah, it's oxycodone and I'll probably destroy them this weekend. I'm too stubborn to take something like aspirin half the time, so there's no way I'm messing around with this stuff.


    I needed oxycodone for knee and eye surgeries. The knee surgery was the worst pain I ever felt in my life, I guess that can be expected when the doc drills straight through your tibia five times though. Anyway, I was popping them like crazy after that surgery and felt the wrath of the most undesirable side effect of those pills......constipation. Absolutely brutal. Moral of the story, if you can handle the pain don't take them.

  4. Brother-in-law lost his job unexpectedly last week. Three young kids, big mortgage.

    Walked right into a better one less than a week later.

    And the new Chickenfoot album ROCKS!!!!!!


    F'N" Fantastic Friday!


    I'll have to check out the new Chickenfoot. I'm listening to the new Wilco album right now, it's their best since Yankee Hotel Foxtrot I do believe.

  5. Yeah, all of yours is far worse than mine. I just got scoped, so no screws or anything. And any type of eye surgery always seems like it would be the worst. Well, I'm thinking surgery below the belt would lead to some very uncomfortable times.


    I've never had below the belt surgery, but I did suffer the idignity / pain of being catheterized on three ocassions before and after various surgeries. :death:

  6. My complaint for today plus some.


    Driving on my way in today I see 5 young female mallards on the side of the road waiting to cross. I slow down, put my flashers on, stop and they start walking (across a five lane road mind you). I'm the only one there until the light changes behind me. I'm stopped. With flashers on. I see traffic coming up from behind me. I literally hang out the window of my car while it's raining, arms flailing to get the cars to stop. What does Mr Numbnuts do? Comes by me doing 45 mph. Takes out the first duck. Not pretty. :angry: The rest of the cars on both sides of the median allow the rest to pass. Can't get the picture out of my head of that duck being run over. Or the other ducks looking back as they finished crossing. Guess you can't save 'em all. :cry:


    People are a-holes. I had a very similar incident happen a few years ago outside of work, except it was geese not ducks. The roads are filled with selfish a-holes who display very little concern for their own safety never mind the rest of us who need to share the road with them. :censored:

  7. I have a couple holes in my knee right now.


    I feel for you here, it gets old really quick being laid up like that. A few years ago I was laid up after knee surgery (the five screws they drilled in remain there today), but at the same time I also had surgery for a detached retina. To keep the retina in place they put a gas bubble in my eye and to keep it properly positioned on my retina I had to lie face down 24/7 for 3 weeks. That sucked beyond words, all I could do to keep entertained was sit up and lean over face down to read a book or watch a movie positioned below me on the floor. I guess this is a retroactive complaint since that time in my life sucked so bad, but at the same time the accident that caused it probably should have killed me. Anyway, I hope you're back on your feet soon. :thumbsup:

  8. One of my really good friends, like one of those "life friend" types, just recovered from very serious eye surgery only to now have to have surgery in a more unpleasant spot. She's having about the worst summer I can imagine, and she sure doesn't deserve it.


    Sorry to hear about your friend. I've had six ultimately unsuccessful eye surgeries and they are no picnic as you might imagine. Here's hoping that things begin to turn around for your friend.

  9. I like the idea of Rush - classic Canadian band, hockey fans, great drum beats to get the crowd going. How sweet would it be to to bring the guys in and get Gedyy in a Sabres jersey rather then a Maple Leaf jersey.


    That would be sweet, plus if Pegula is using the Red Wings as his model franchise the Wings rode "One Little Victory" as their intro song to the 2002 Stanley Cup.

  10. suicide.


    now ... before everyone goes bat#### psycho on me for "complaining" about it, let me explain.


    our good friend and neighbor across the street lost her daughter yesterday to suicide. she--the daughter--was in her late teens, done with high school, and from all accounts getting ready to go to college. all of a sudden, she decided not to go. a week later, she killed herself. no indicators, no signs. generally happy go-lucky outward appearance.


    the more i thought about it, the more depressed and overwhelmingly sad i became at not understanding why. she left no note. she exhibited no signs. her mom and dad had no idea. and these are not inattentive parents; they're on top of things. they keep tabs on their kids pretty closely. not to the point of hovering over their shoulders, but enough to know be able to recognize any signs of suicidal tendencies, were any to have been exhibited. but that's the problem--she exhibited precisely none.


    i guess this isn't really a complaint so much as it is a vent. our whole neighborhood is reeling.


    Suicide will tear a family to shreds. My cousin committed suicide around the same ago, it's just devastating.

  11. Luckily for you, I've got a solution to your problem (borrowed from TSW).


    Shiv the mo'fo'. :ph34r:


    You just know everybody else in your office wants to do it. ;)


    :lol: I wish that I could, I really do. The guy that sits across from me just came into the office and heard the signing, and he let out a big sigh and a loud "you've got to be f#@%ing kidding me!!". I think he just may take care of this for all of us. :thumbsup:


    Ironically this is the same guy that has the geico pig weee weee weee ringtone that I mentioned a few weeks ago on here.

  12. Everyone has a co-worker that annoys them to some degree, but I'm here to tell you I have the most annoying co-worker ever. Bar none. Everything this woman does is annoying to everyone. Talking constantly about herself, interrupting you constantly in meetings and one on one conversations, excessively over the top dramatic reactions to the most routine matters. I loathe every second that I'm forced to interact with her. But recently it has just gone too far. My office area sits directly outside a laboratory and the above mentioned co-worker has recently moved into that lab space and has spent a great deal of time in there working over the last week or so. As she works she listens to her ipod while singing along AT THE TOP OF HER LUNGS!!! Not regular singing like one who realizes they don't have a good voice might do when alone, but overly dramatic loud singing like she is on an american idol audition. My ears feel like they may begin to bleed at any moment and I forgot my own ipod / headphones today so I can't drown out this noise. It is totally beyond me how anyone could be so oblivious to their own annoying behavior. :censored: :censored:

  13. I haven't seen any of the "deconstructed" Latitude 48's around here. I guess they just don't bother to ditribute them out my way. I like the regular L48 so I'd really like to try the single hop varieties that make it up.



    *sigh* the problem with living in a rural area.


    FWIW, I picked up my 12 pack of deconstructed at Consumer's on Transit Rd. I haven't seen it at all down here in NC.

  14. Sam Adams pisses me off. I don't like there lager, love their nobel pils and light, but pretty much hate everything else they make. They are a perfect example of a company that tries to get too cute. I liked their summer ale the first year it came out, but they must have changes the recipe. I haven't liked it since then. Magic hat is another example of a company that is too cute. Their nearly pale ale is highly drinkable and mid fives ABV. The rest of the stuff they make is barely tolerable.


    I think Sam Adams isn't respected enough for what they do for the craft brew and homebrew community. They always have a large presence at the NHC each year where they have new beers that they plan to release available for sampling and voting. This year I believe they had a Maple Pecan Porter and and oak barrel aged ale. Both were very good. When I was up in Buffalo earlier this month I picked up a 12 pack of their special release Latitude 48 IPA "Deconstructed" at Consumers. They took their Lat 48 IPA which is brewed with five different hops and brewed five different batches with the beer hopped with each single variety. A great idea and a real treat to sit down with the fully hopped version next to all the single hopped ones and appreciate how each hop contributes to the beer. SA also sponsors the longshot competition where they invite homebrewers to enter and potentially have their beer brewed and distributed commercially. Some craft breweries near here have followed suit and are sponsoring similar compettions.


    SA also launched the Brewing The American Dream program


    In 1984, Jim Koch started The Boston Beer Company on a shoestring. Jim truly was an underdog. No one had heard of high-quality, full flavored American beer. He believed in his beer, and believed that with a little luck people would try Samuel Adams and come to love it. Against the odds, a movement began, and the American craft beer revolution was born.


    In June 2008, Jim decided that the time was right for us to create a philanthropic program that stems from who we are as a company and provides a real benefit to those we sought to assist. With Samuel Adams Brewing the American Dream, he is hoping to start a revolution of a different kind, one that champions the great ideas and dreams of other little guys pursuing their passion in the food and beverage industry.


    We invite you to explore, support, and experience Samuel Adams Brewing the American Dream for yourself.

  15. You and me, we're brothers or something, right?


    It's funny that PBR seems to be the swill of choice for most every homebrewer. I've never been able to get my mitts on Pliny but Bell's Two Hearted is a fantastic beer. Prima Pils is fantastic too, so is Pikeland Pils. It sounds like we have similar tastes in IPA's and pilsners.


    I am a fan of Belgian IPA's. I love the combo of esters and citrucy hops. Brewing one is on my to do list for August. And some of the black IPA's are damned tasty. I first had a black IPA in Vermont 5-6 years ago in a little brewpub in a backwater town. It was heavenly.


    Never been to the NHC, or GABF. I'll have to do it sometime.


    What can I say, you have good taste brother! :thumbsup:


    I'll have to seek out some Pikeland Pils I've never had that one. The NHC is a blast, you should definitely try to make it one of these years. Needless to say there is way too much drinking going on from early in the morning until whenever you pass out. I'm getting past my prime apparently and I can't keep up anymore. I was in bed before midnight every day of the conference and these young guns were going strong from dusk til dawn all three days. Pro Brewers night is always a treat with all the local craft brewers on hand pouring their beers. For example, this year Russian River was pouring Pliny and some of their oak wine barrel aged brettanomyces sour beers. Just great, great stuff.


    NHC is Seattle next year, but I hear it's finally coming back east to Philly in 2013.

  16. I'll jump in since I've had a little bit of a chance to gather my thoughts on this. I'm a homebrewer and beer lover, but like weave I wouldn't call myself a beer snob at all. There is a time and place for almost every kind of beer. Almost.


    My favorite styles are APA, IPA, czech pils, porters, stouts, and some belgians every now and then.


    My go to "lawnmower" beer in PBR. An ice cold PBR is fantastic on a hot summer day. Plus it's Drunkard's beer of choice when pillaging the RBC lots. When the Sabres are in the playoffs and I'm watching at my man cave outdoors it's always Labbat Blue.


    My favorite beer is Pliny the Elder from Russian River. They "invented" the double IPA style with this beer and it's been voted the best beer in America numerous times by the readers of Zymurgy magazine. Unfortunately, outside of a couple bars in Philly you cant find this on the east coast, but if you ever find yourself out west do yourself a favor and seek this beer out. Unearthly from Southern Tier which has been mentioned is also fantastic, but it's no Pliny. Other good double IPA's are Great Divide's Hercules double IPA and I used to be a big fan of Dogfish head 90 minute but in the last few years it seems like it's gotten to sweet, almost like to keep up with demand they are not letting the beer attentuate fully. The continuous hopping of DFH 60 minute & 90 minute is a great way to get huge hop flavor in your beer. I have homebrewed a few that way and they usually turn out great.



    Some regular APA & IPA favorites: Great Lakes Burning River, Sweetwater 420, Southern Tier IPA, Bell's Two Hearted Ale, New Belgium Ranger IPA & Mighty Arrow, Bear Republic Racer 5 & Hop Rod Rye (an IPA using rye malt in the grist adds another level of spiciness complexity to the beer that I enjopy a lot)


    Victory Brewing in PA makes some fantastic beers. Their czech pilsner Prima Pils is fantastic. Of course the ubiquitous Pilsner Urquell is great too if you can find some fresh stuff that's not in light struck bottles. Their Donnybrook stout is also a great example of an Irish dry stout.


    I enjoy Ommengang beers as well. Hennepin being a great farm house saison.


    I've been to the national homebrewers conference the last three years and you can always tell what the new "fad" craft beers are by going to these. Last year there were a lot of Belgin IPA's. Big belgian beers fermented with characteristic estery and phenolic Belgian yeast but heavily hopped with american hops (cascade, centennial, amarillo, simcoe etc.). They are ok, but I can't say I'm a big fan. This year at the conference Black IPA's seemed to be the rage. These are basically IPA's brewed with debittered dark malts that give the dark color but cuts down the roasty character normally associated with these malts. There were a few that I enjoyed, but most were not done very well and were not well balanced IMO.


    Alaskan Smoked Porter is fantastic. I love a good smoked porter and have smoked my own malt to brew with in the past. I know I have forgotten many but it's now 10 AM and I need a beer!!!

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