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Everything posted by Demoted

  1. All that matters now is the Division!
  2. No, they didn't. Copium doesn't change that. You can win and not play well.
  3. Hasn't this been the narrative all season? Each game they win brings on a "Did they turn it around?" Thinking, all the while No, no they didnt. I am gonna need to see a win streak.
  4. This is supposed to be entertainment and instead it's just sad. I should have known better but I tricked myself.
  5. We lost last game so this should be a win. At least that's how they been playing.
  6. Can only call a HC great if they win a Super Bowl.
  7. Wow James cook has 84 touches since Brady took over as OC.
  8. Yes But we will know next week muhahahahaha
  9. This is something Dorsey never understood.
  10. Today's NHL is different then the one of old. You should be wanting younger players starting.
  11. The best thing to happen to this team would be McDermott out as HC and Bill Belichick as the new HC. Last thing we need is for him to go and be the HC of the Chargers.
  12. Good to see them crush the Eichel team. This team is so up and down and the ups seem to come against good teams so they have what they need to beat good teams. They need to find that consistency, this team needs a win streak.
  13. The inside WR almost never asks a ref it's ALWAYS the outside WRs thst ask the ref. That is how NFL games go.
  14. I am glad he is back, keep with the kid he will have his ups and downs but no better learning than the NHL level anymore.
  15. B.c I always listen to WGR550 for my Bills news and I picked up the Sabres from that.
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