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Posts posted by CTJoe

  1. 7 hours ago, LGR4GM said:

    I think one thing that is perhaps based on false perception is that this is a knee jerk reaction. For me, I don't feel that way. Beane has had multiple concerning drafts. Dorsey has been trending down since even the Miami game where his red zone play calling was abhorrent. Frazier has been basically dead to me since 13 seconds and the way he just made no changes this year after that game is a direct indictment of who is as a football mind. Bend don't break only works if teams don't do what Burrow does best, take whatever is open for easy 5-8 yard games. Hell yesterday it was 3rd and 5 or 6 and Frazier schemed his corners to be 10 yards off the line... dude needs to go. I also think that because this coaching staff has been almost exactly the same, it has gotten stale. Our defense is predictable. 

    Again, idk if they will make changes and if they don't I won't meltdown but this team has reached their max level so are you changing out players or coaches or both? Because what we saw last night was a system of this teams season long problems. Buffalo played their superbowl in October when they beat the Cheifs. That's not how championships are won. 

    Watching over the game tape it's ridiculous the time Burrow had to throw vs the time Josh did.  Also, the separation the Bengal receivers had vs the bills was sickening.

    Frazier??  I can't hate him without knowing how much it's him and how much it's McDermott overruling him.  One thing I'll never forgive is the handling the 13 seconds last year.  Not Monday morning qbing, we were all screaming for a pooch kick (bass's specialty to the 5 yard line).  Do that = game over.  I'll never get oer that or the gross poor coaching in that instance 


  2. four quick comments:, if I may

    1. it was a really really tough Sunday for a lot of us, thank you Sabres for this.  My son, brother and some friends flew in last weekend for a great Sabres saturday matinee followed by the Bills let down.

    2. I would be all over trading a 1st and some offensive prospects for Chychrun if he was a RHD.  I would still do it though - having Dahlin, Power, Chychrun and Samuellson as your top 4 - who cares about D 5 and 6.  We really have too many O pospects though Kulich is untradeable to me.

    3. I say we see a cup before we see a lombardi'

    4. If Portillo is too much of a p*ssy to compete for our goalie #1, fck him

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Eleven said:

    Did you see the look on Sorokin's face after Cozens scored?  That's the look of a man who gave absolutely everything he had to win, and still lost.  Pure disbelief.  He was great.  And the Sabres still won.  The Sabres were terrific, Sorokin was *almost* better.  There is no "do better" tonight, my man.

    Cats suck.

    I think Sorokin was looking to see if it was offsides. It was close

  4. 5 minutes ago, TageMVP said:

    Anderson did not look good tonight 


    why in the world is he playing?  .846 save % doesn't cut it.  I get it, great locker room presence...blah blah.  Carrying 3 goalies cost you a serviceable Dman in Fitzgerald, RHD in that which we have none of on this team.  Why didn't we send him to Rochester in a paper move and if anyone claimed him (nobody would) he could have retired.  GMKA misplayed this badly

  5. 33 minutes ago, matter2003 said:

    He turned an easy 5-1 win into a tie game going into the third. He has really cooled off after 4 or 5 good games in a row...the last 3 have been average at best.

    He was average first 2 periods, elite in the 3rd.  Clearly outplayed Nashville's all star goalie in the 3rd period and allowed 2 fewer goals while facing 5 more shots for the game

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  6. 4 hours ago, pi2000 said:

    Let's be real... we're 6 points out of wildcard sport, in January.    Sure t's a nice improvement from years past, but we're not in a playoff race.

    Let's not kid ourselves, this team is young and as the calendar turns from Januaray to February and March, veteran teams will step up their games.    At that same time I fully expect Buffalo to slow down a bit as the kids slowly run out of gas... and that's OK... they're on the right track to compete for a wildcard spot next season.

    wow, why should we bother watching.  I'll take the glass half full approach

    8 minutes ago, French Collection said:

    Being young and playing loose should mean they exceed expectations. They are still underdogs for most of the fanbases in the league and are just beginning to strike fear into opponents.

    At the start of the season most of us hoped for meaningful games in March and that is where they are heading. If they are 6 or 8 points back with no games in hand, then I will worry.

    The trade deadline may bring a boost. I hope it is well thought out because I see teams add guys that underperform or don’t fit in every year.

    Add a solid 3/4 RHD and we could be on to something

  7. 23 minutes ago, Thorny said:

    It’s Thompson by FAR

    Allen was a top 5 pick - who rose to prominence pretty quickly, on schedule, after being picked.

    Thompson, several years after being drafted, looked on his way out of the league. 

    Allen’s story is still an eye-opener but that just speaks to the absurdity of Thompson’s rise. You will never see a Sabre do that again in your lifetime 

    I wouldn't say BY FAR, and Josh was picked 7th overall, not top 5.  Tage was picked late 1st round, so he had expectations coming in

  8. Just now, GASabresIUFAN said:

    Anderson needs to stop that shot.

    as good as he was in the 1st, he's been that bad in the 2nd.  our top players haven't shown up tonight - Line 1 has been garbage and Dahlin/Samuelsson were on for the first 2 goals.  With a crowd this big, they need to at least try.  When your best line by far has been the Okposo line you're going to be in trouble. Power has looked good to me, but that's all I got

  9. 7 minutes ago, HumanSlinky39 said:

    Three smallish guys bothers the part of me that desperately wants to see a more physical team, but can't really knock any of the picks individually. Three highly skilled guys and centers to boot.

    Kulich has decent size.  almost 6' tall and 180 and play LW, a big organizational need

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