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Everything posted by Sabres73

  1. With the Caps and Devils already losing, and the Pens playing the Oilers later, we have another must win opportunity. Let's go!
  2. Wish we could afford to dial back his minutes, but we need him.
  3. Wooooo - Calgary just took the lead against Pittsburgh with 50 seconds left in the third.
  4. Kind of amusing that there were only three penalty calls the whole game - two against Vegas, one against us, and we scored on all three. Amazing!
  5. BTW, we're actually over .500 for the first time in a while.
  6. This is why I think major trades restructuring the team would be a tragic mistake. Healthy Quinn and Samuelson next year - we need another D, VO and KO will be gone, bring up Kulich next year, Levi to back up and we're pretty good to go.
  7. That must be a Sabres record for shorties in a game by a player?
  8. Habs have taken the lead again over TB in the 3rd. Yes, I'm scoreboard watching on March 2. ...and now it's tied, lol
  9. Just looking at the schedule. We play TB on the last game of the season. What if that was to get in? We also play Detroit 3 more times, Caps twice, Devils and Isles once each. It's there for the taking if we keep playing like this.
  10. They've been playing well for a few weeks now and do have momentum.
  11. Detroit has already lost, TB down 2-0 to the Habs - big opportunity we have to take advantage of tonight.
  12. Yup, our long shot playoff hopes essentially come down to this third period.
  13. Dude, I'm from the Province of Saskatchewan. If you can't spell the name of one of our fine little cities, which I've been to many times, and keep making snarky little quips, it's disrespectful. Is it that hard for you to spell? I bet you have it in you.
  14. It wasn't a bad penalty - it was accidental from the hit he took. Still two minutes, but hardly a bad one.
  15. Benson with an accidental trip, and 2 more. You want to see a mad Donnie? - he's hot.
  16. Nice play from Okie stealing the puck using strength, positioning, and maybe a little speed, lol.
  17. Haha, you just missed a big scrum and the boys are not backing down.
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