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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. Do you know who is in net today? I didn't see it announced in the game thread?
  2. We just disagree. I don't know how anyone can conclude that Comrie would be a better option than Levi as a backup goalie for the Sabres. It comes down to: different eyes have different visions. That's okay.
  3. The point I have been attempting to make is that although Levi might be a backup, that doesn't mean that playing intermittently and practicing with the big club will impede his development. On the contrary, playing with NHL players will enhance it. But the more important issue for me (as you noted) is Levi on the roster makes this a better team as opposed to having Comrie on the roster.
  4. Even if UPL is the #1 goalie that doesn't mean that Levi won't get opportunities to play as a backup. I simply don't believe that KA is going to exchange Comrie for Levi on this roster. That would make no sense especially considering that he has already made a decision to send Comrie down and keep Levi with the big club. I see no merit in repeatedly subjecting Levi to going back and forth from Rocester to Buffalo. That makes no sense to me. We both are going back and forth on this issue. We'll just have to wait and see how this issue is handled by the GM. The underlying issue for me is the importance of keeping your best players on the roster. It shouldn't be much of a debate that Levi is better than Comrie.
  5. The Sabres did indeed finish last season with a flourish. It wasn't dominance but it was a demonstration that they can play good hockey for an extended period of time. As I have already said to @GASabresIUFAN and you, if you want to throw in the towel now, then go ahead and do so. You and he both miss my central point that I have been making i.e. do everything within reason to win now. By sending a player like Levi down to be replaced by Comrie or whoever, a lesser player, the organization is sending a message to the other players and the battered fans that they are not committed to winning. You are mistaken if you believe that I am blinded by fanciful optimism. I'm not. The issue for me is the obligation of competing to the best of your ability. If it is not good enough, then so be it. But at least do your best and show that winning is important to you. The era of tanking and folding should be over for this woebegone franchise. We have already gone through that ugly process. We are at a different stage now. If you are going to lose, at least do it with integrity.
  6. I bring it up because you repeatedly say that there is little chance to salvage the season. You believe so, I don't. The point about the Bills is obvious as it applies to the Sabres. We are a little past the halfway mark. I believe there is time for the Sabres to get into the race. You seem not do believe so. What message would you be sending to Dahlin, Tuch and the rest of the players if you ship out one of your better goalies for a lesser goalie. That makes no sense to me. You either are committed to winning or you are not. If the organization isn't fully invested in the season, then it should get out of the hockey business. If they do what you are recommending regarding sending Levi down to the AHL, it will bring more shame to an organization whose reputation is already pitiful.
  7. What you fail to acknowledge is that Levi became our primary goalie in last season's push for the playoffs. He was our best goalie by far who was called on by the HC when every game at that point was critical. UPL has played exceptionally well over the past number of games. That's something to celebrate. Right now, he has moved ahead of Levi based on his performance. That's a classic example that internal competition makes players better. You act as if Levi has lost his way. That isn't the case. You can cite whatever statistics you want why Levi should be sent down to Rochester. But the reality when over-relying on goalie stats is that it often doesn't account for the play of his own players in their defensive roles. The Sabres have had too many of their best players who wanted out because they were tired of losing. Now you are making the argument that Levi should be sent down and being replaced by an inferior netminder. That makes no sense to me. Are the Sabres out of the playoff race? Maybe/maybe not. What this organization needs to do is show respect to the rest of the players on the team, and especially the abused fans that it is committed to winning. How do you do that? One obvious way is keeping your best players, not by moving them off the roster. You may believe that the Sabres have no chance for the playoffs, thus making this another hideous throwaway season. I'm not there yet. If the Sabres do what you are advocating for, I will have not a scintilla of respect for this franchise. You like throwing around statistics. Let me give you one to think about: The Bills has a 5% chance of making the playoffs after the excruciating Philly loss. The team stayed together and fought on. Look where they are now! Maybe you think it is smart jumping ship before it is sinking; I rather remain on the ship even when it is in turbulent waters. Stay the course!
  8. Clifton has stabilized his game. There was an adjustment period where he seemed to be lost. Now, he is a solid to good blue liner. Eric Johnson certainly isn't what he was but as a player he is a stabilizer. Ryan Johnson has been better than I could have ever imagined for a rookie. Overall, I would say that the blue line unit is solid. I don't understand why you are so frantic and alarmed by this unit. You have allowed your inexplicable fixation on marginal players (Stillman and Bryson), who are now in Rochester, to cloud your vision on the unit. This unit will even be better once Samuelsson returns to health. And it should be noted that with better goalie play our defense has also improved.
  9. I respectfully and strenuously disagree that his development should be treated independently from the success and failure of this year. They are not mutually exclusive. Right now, he is our second-best goalie on the team and in the system. And if player development is your primary concern, then practicing and given playing time as a backup on the NHL team will also contribute to his development. This shouldn't be a throw-away season. At least not yet. The priority for this team on behalf of its abused fanbase should be winning. Stay the course!
  10. Clifton and Johnson were brought in to the blue line mix. And the rookie Johnson seems to have solidified a spot. So why are you exhibiting so much angst for defensemen who have been relegated to the AHL? You should at least be modestly happy by the additions that dropped these players down.
  11. I prefer Levi as our #2. I'm not sure within the 25 group anyone is much better than Comrie. I said it many times over: I don't see KA making a goalie move this year.
  12. Ryan Johnson being able to play at a quality NHL level so quickly has been more than a pleasant surprise. And it sure has helped the unit that Clifton has found his game. Why are you criticizing the GM when he has found replacements for the defensemen that you scorn so much?
  13. After the Bills lost to Philly they had a 5% chance of getting into the playoffs. Look how they finished and where they are now! Your projection on the number of points required to make the playoffs is not ironclad. It could be lower. All I'm saying to you and others is to hang on a little longer and see how things play out in the next dozen or so games. In my opinion you are too quick to make an assumption before we get to the point where it is safe to make an assumption. Keep an open mind and keep hope a live. What 2G would you pursue?
  14. I respectfully but strenuously disagree. This season isn't lost from a playoff standpoint. Granted, odds are challenging to make the playoffs. But they also existed last year until we finished with a flourish. For me, the issue is simple: Which player is better and will help you more in a playoff run. For me, easily it is Levi over Comrie. I think you are making a mistake in throwing in the towel so soon. There's still time although the margin of error is small.
  15. No. Even if Levi is surpassed by UPL for the 1A job, I would rather keep Levi on the roster as the backup than Comrie. The issue is simple: Who is the better goalie right now, Levi or Comrie? Levi is. Stay the course.
  16. The Sabres played soundly. Good effort against a bad team. UPL played really well. Made excellent stops and gave up few rebounds. That's the most important takeaway from this game. The big goalie is starting to string a series of good games together. Right now he is our 1A goalie.
  17. Easy call: UPL gets the first star. Sometimes, when you play a bad team it is difficult to assess your own play. From a standings standpoint, San Jose has little to play for. So, they are playing relaxed and with little stress. The Sabres played it right by simply playing their game and not forcing the issue. Overall, I thought they played hard and were responsible in their own end. I thought Mitts played well and so did Tuch. Tuch may be our best end to end player. (Not saying he is our best player. But he plays hard on both ends of the ice.) Greenway had a good game. No flash and sizzle to his game. But he is solid. He's a big and tall player who uses his physical assets. DG pushed the GM to get him when he was being shopped by the Wild. This was a good pickup for a reasonable price, 2nd round pick that was acquired in the Jack trade. Joki was active offensively, constantly shooting the puck. It was disappointing to not get wins or earn points in the losses to Seattle and Vancouver. But if you count this game you can see the Sabres playing a more consistent two-way game. When the Sabres get good goaltending, they can match up with any team. (Not saying that they are an upper echelon team. But they are a lower rung caliber playoff team.) A win is a win. Just finish this homestand strong and don't take any team for granted.
  18. It's amazing how perceptions vary with people watching the same game. Of course, I'm disappointed that the Sabres didn't win, or at least get a loser point out of this hard-fought game. But from an overall standpoint, I thought this was one of our best games of the season for a variety of reasons. The effort was at a high level for most of the game. There were few interludes of lackluster play. The intensity was there from the start to the finish. We had excellent goalie play by UPL. Vancouver's goalie was even better. His stop on Mitts's shot from the side of the net was tremendous. I thought our two-way play was as good as it has been all seasons. One player who stood out to me was Girgs. He played hard and fast. He even gave a credible effort as a defenseman when Dahlin was being examined for a head hit. Should a penalty have been called on that hit? I would say yes. However, the elbow hit to the head on Samuelsson should have been called. No penalty was called on that play. The more I see of Ryan Johnson, the more I am impressed. The major complaint about our play that I see is the same valid and obvious complaint than many others are citing, i.e. not enough net presence in our offensive zone. Their goalie always seemed to have an unobstructed view when we shot. This was a tightly fought game where the defenders got on the shooters. However, we had enough scoring opportunities to win. We simply missed on our shots when those opportunities existed. If the Sabres played like they did in this game for most of the season, the Sabres would have at least 3-5 more games. (My opinion.) This was a good game to watch between two teams that in my opinion played an even game. I'm certainly disappointed with the outcome but not with the play.
  19. This is a wonderful and heartwarming post. You have a big warm heart. 💙
  20. I haven't given up on this team. However, so far, they have been a disappointment. They haven't come close to matching expectations. What's been most exasperating about this team is that there have been too many lulls in their play. This is a critical home stand where they have to start stacking points. They have to show more urgency because although only at the half point, this season is slipping away. There are so many teams that they haven't to pass to get into the playoffs.
  21. Why would you expect many fans in the arena cheering for Vancouver? I can understand a large contingent of fans in our arena cheering for Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, NY and Boston due to proximity, students from respective areas and transplants. But why Vancouver? It's inarguable that much more was expected from this team causing so much hostility and resentment. As you seem to be alluding to: this has not become a pleasant place to visit. That's sad and disappointing.
  22. You can play semantical gymnastics all you want. UPL and Levi are in fact the goalies, and that is the point. .
  23. It's a point that you haven't been willing to accept. It's unlikely that KA is going to make a deal this year for another goalie for this team. If you think otherwise, you are betting on a humongous long-shot.
  24. It's an unlikely option. UPL and Levi are our goalies. If Levi were to be sent down to Rochester, Comrie would move up.
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