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Everything posted by Slack_in_MA

  1. FWIW, Joey Daccord grew up about 20 min away and I remember him playing youth hockey as he's the same age as my older son. His father is a goalie coach. That said, I hope we put up six on him early and chase him from the game.
  2. Let’s go. Enough dickin’ around. Time to string a few together and get back in this thing.
  3. Looks like our PP is effective when the opponent plays a tight box vs a PK that comes out and challenges.
  4. For me, patience is a function of progress. When it’s “one step forward, two steps back” for prolonged stretches, I lose patience. Kinda simple actually.
  5. Happy for any win. That said, letting a meh team like CBJ take us to OT on the second of a back-to-back? With the number of shots we had on a meh goalie? As Johnny Bender might say, it doesn't really "pump my 'nads". Go Sabres! Go Bills!
  6. What an odd thing to take issue with, amongst all the other hot takes and hysterical meltdowns on this board daily. If you think I give a ****, you've got the wrong guy.
  7. I was thinking we’d get that from @Buffalonill…
  8. Sabres org might not be at the bottom of the list, but they can get there with a sand wedge.
  9. Honestly, I want that Jeff Skinner when we’re down 2 in the second or third period also. Don’t just be a front-runner, Jeff.
  10. Good period. Leafs are as soft as we are, maybe more. If we come out and bang them in the third, we win big.
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