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Posts posted by Refuting

  1. 1 minute ago, Thorny said:

    I always see a little bit of Keanu in Doan, ymmv

    - - - 

    Imo, I was on record saying the bare minimum result that could be even *argued* to be a successful result is 82 points (and that was being nice) and the surpassing of the 15-16 total of 7 years ago, a total that Murray never surpassed, that, as a high-water mark, got him fired. It’s a .500 club. It’s not hard to do and this is the GM’s 3rd season, and it’s the second in the “new plan”, where we had 76 last year. 

    I can’t see how failing to even improve by ~3 wins, when we are supposed to be seeing progress, could be deemed an acceptable result, especially considering it would be quite disingenuous to discount the fact people were, almost to a man, touting the finish and supposedly valuable sample size to end last season where they played WELL beyond an 82 point pace, as something that could/should carry over, at least somewhat. 

    If they miss the playoffs by 10 points or less I'd be happy with the improvement based off last year's team 

  2. 7 minutes ago, Thorny said:

    I’ll take a team that banks as many points as the amount of times you change your avatar 







    Honestly I would take a team that had more points than last year. Obviously, I'd like them to make the playoffs this year and every year but improvement IS improvement. There's no disputing that. I have no idea what MJD is talking about 

  3. 7 minutes ago, mjd1001 said:

    Again, Sarcasm is something on this board that is hard to detect becasue of just how serious some people can be with points that seem just, honestly absurd to me.

    I honestly think there are probably people on this board that WOULD take a team that still misses the playoffs but gets 9-10 points more playing a Defensive minded, low scoring game.

    I don't understand this you wouldn't take a team that has more overall points than last year? 

  4. Just now, Thorny said:

    But they haven’t gone cold, yet. Tage, obviously, hasn’t either.

    I guess I just question you logic that you could alter one of those variables without the other being significantly affected. 

    I just told you why lol they could be taken off Tages line 

    Certain guys (Tuch, Skinner) have certain celings in my opinion 

    I was being mildly sarcastic when I wrote the none will get 60 points part 

    Tuch 25 G 32 A 55 points, there's no way he gets 80 points 

    Skinner 30 G 35 A 65 points, wont get 80 points 

    Dahlin 15 G 49 A 64 points, ceiling is still unknown  

    It's too bad the Tage line isn't our 2nd line would be the best in the league 


  5. Just now, Thorny said:

    What do you think TT gets to? Considering Tuch and Skinner are glued to his hip, it would be difficult for neither to reach 60 if Thompson is banking 80+. 

    I don’t even think Tuch has been very good and he’s point a game right now. 

    42 G 

    35 A 

    77 Points 

    They are glued to him now doesn't mean it can't/won't change

    Skinner is all over the place points wise for his career

    Tuch is solid but not a good point producer 

    Skinner and Tuch will go cold. Tage, on the other hand, seems immune so far 

  6. 1 hour ago, Curt said:

    A guy in his 3rd NHL season simply is not a rookie, and you will continue to be misunderstood if you keep using the word like that.  Everyone else is not going to adjust to your personal definitions.

    Hey look it's the forum monitor lol relax 

    Regarding trade targets find out if there's another Tkachuk 

  7. 5 minutes ago, Thorny said:

    Very fair question. 

    I was born into it.  

    My dad is a Sabres die-hard and I was brainwashed into it before ever having a conscious choice. 

    - - - 

    I was shaped by it. Moulded by it. The first time I saw the light of a different NHL team...it was BLINDING

    Lol u crazy Thorny 

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