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Claude Balls

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Everything posted by Claude Balls

  1. He was good tonight. 33 saves on 34 shots. Games 1st star.
  2. Everytime someone starts with Krebs, Ray usually says, oh that's a mistake, he doesn't want any part of Krebs. Like he's some sort of tough guy who can fight.
  3. I wish that went in. That would've been the most embarrassing goal ever allowed.
  4. Appert doing his best Kreuger impersonation. Pull the goalie with 5 mins left down 3 goals. So stupid.
  5. So glad I'm on my way home from the Bills game and couldn't watch. Just put it on the radio. The Bills game was ugly, but at least they know how to win.
  6. Amerks win in SO that went 8 rounds. Sabres win without their HC and the Amerks win without their HC. Hmmm
  7. I have half year seasons, and I agree with you 1000% about the past 2.5 years. The crowds have been amazing during that time and are getting better. That place was half empty on a Friday night for way too many years.
  8. Hard to chill with this trend Oct - 7-2 Nov - 5-5 Dec - 3-8 with a game tonight. Teams is taking on way too many of the same traits as the Sabres.
  9. Amerks looked just like the Sabres tonight. Afraid to shoot the puck. The defense sucks and the goalies are even worse. Hershey 1 or 2 passes and then they shoot puck. They are so much better coached.
  10. Jost had a good game for the Amerks tonight. Other than taking an early penalty he finished with 1G and 1A, and earned 2nd star in a losing effort. After Rochester's hot start to the season they are fading fast and are now at 500. They play just like the Sabres. Pass, pass, pass and never shoot the f'n puck. D is horrible and the goalies are complete garbage. All Hershey's goals came from shooting the puck on net and not farting around with it. Kulich is a huge loss right now.
  11. Brock Turdy....best thing ever, right? 4 int's
  12. When I played hockey in my younger days, there were a few years when I used an Easton Stick. Unreal how they almost lost to this guy. How does this team look so good against great teams, but always seem to ***** the bed against whale turds?
  13. Bills looking like trash against a garbage team.....again.
  14. What's Sheldon Keefe getting for Christmas?? Walking papers. Not sure how he survives this disaster.
  15. Gonna be a lot of bodies, wearing Maple Leaf jerseys, floating down the Niagara River from jumping off the bridges.
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