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Torpedo Forecheck

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Everything posted by Torpedo Forecheck

  1. Our guys can't handle the puck and catch a pass tonight. Reinhart and Olfosson just ***** up a great chance
  2. Hope the rest of the team isn't there to hold Jack's coat. They need to get pissed
  3. McCabe wants to go too, he's pissed and dropping fbombs galore
  4. We are awful on special teams, can't get pucks through NZ, mishandle pucks continually and miss the net when we shoot. JEEZ
  5. RK better have some adjustments at the intermission.
  6. Wth Dunleavy? they've missed the net a milljon times
  7. This team looks really rattled, no confidence, long game just keep playing and get it on net.
  8. So many missed shots wide off net, trying too be fine, get it on net and crash the net
  9. The physical part is really important, but mental aspects are just as important if not more. Nothing wrong with Cozens fighting to finish at the top of the scoring leaders in his league. We want him to act and believe like he's a scoring threat. Last year he was a good scorer, this year he builds that confidence ,becomes a leader and gets stronger physically. Sounds like a good plan.
  10. https://www.quanthockey.com/whl/en/seasons/2019-20-whl-players-stats.html He's fourth in the league in scoring, that is pretty impressive. His team is tied for the division lead. I'd say that the Sabres have to be pleased.
  11. http://www.hockeydb.com/ihdb/stats/pdisplay.php?pid=197770 Yes my bad
  12. He has 15 goals/30 points in 25 games. Also is a big plus. I gotta think he's getting closer.
  13. He is a very special and unique talent. We are very fortunate to watch him.
  14. JE is one of the ten best players in the world, and some can't appreciate it. Too bad for them! Fun to watch
  15. The goaltending(both teams) in this game was not especially strong. I mean they weren't sieve goals, but good goalies steal a couple of those somehow. That loss sucked!
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