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Posts posted by Pimlach

  1. 9 minutes ago, LGR4GM said:

    I think they promote Appert and Ellis and Wilford stay and another assistant comes in. I just don't see them going out and getting a big name. 

    Remember the coaching search after Ralph was fired?    I don't either.   

    Appert is a real possibility.  If true, then I hope Lindy gets an interview at least.  

    I hope I am wrong on this.  

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 8 minutes ago, ... said:

    Disagree. Granato is another in a succession of coaches that has set this team back. What did he teach them that a beast-coach like Maurice, Laviolette or Brind'Amour wouldn't have taught? With someone like the latter three, they would have also learned how to compete like a successful team and at least gained playoff experience.

    Geesh.  Captain Obvious comes up with another pearl.

    I did not ever compare him to Maurice, Laviolette, or Brind'Amour.   Those guys are at another level no doubt.  

    I guess he is not as good as Cooper or Cassidy either? 

  3. 4 minutes ago, pi2000 said:

    6 months too late Kevyn.

    DG was a dead man walking in Nov/Dec, you could hear it in his pressers, he knew what was at stake.

    Edmonton moved quickly before their season imploded, Buffalo put their head in the sand.   

    There has to be a higher standard and higher sense of urgency top down in this organization for things to change.

    We will see about a higher standard.   Wait to see who he hires. 

    Is he even going to interview Gallant, Berube, and the rest? 

  4. 3 minutes ago, PASabreFan said:

    Because each season is a chemistry experiment. You put different chemicals in the beaker and agitate. UPL of this season next season... Some good additions... The Tage of old... especially a new coach. The beaker could blow (if an explosion is what we're looking for).

    I feel you, but we've all come this far. Don't go wobbly on us. This is a good day.

    Also the goddamned second sunny day in a row! Where were you last Monday?


    • Haha (+1) 5
  5. 7 minutes ago, LGR4GM said:

    I don't feel anything. I thought I would be happy or excited or curious or something. I feel nothing, like why should I even care? 

    I think Granato did his best.  He made an impact for awhile and helped some of the players get to a higher level.  

    He could have won more games if his GM did a better job with just the goaltending alone.  

    Bottom line to me is he does not have an NHL system and the ability to adjust on game day. 


  6. 1 minute ago, WhenWillItEnd66 said:

    Ok, although i am not a huge fan of Appert, he said a lot of right things when he coached a couple of games when Donny was sick. I have no problem being interviewed, but we need some NEW blood brought in. I was to see 4-5 interviews. 

    I have a problem with him getting an interview given the number of coaches out there with NHL experience.  

    I don't want them going with someone the know, like, etc.  

    Bring in a change agent and take the next step.  

    Just now, PASabreFan said:

    Of course. Maybe I had a brain fart, but isn't there precedent for GMs hiring assistants?

    Don't know about that.  A precedent where, in Buffalo? 

    • Agree 1
  7. 10 minutes ago, PromoTheRobot said:

    There are at least half a dozen "names" that would take the job for a sizable contact, knowing they can retire comfortably after a season and a half. Bruce Boudreau is one.

    Sure there is.  Can he get them in the face of competition.  

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 14 minutes ago, Pimlach said:

    I believe that Terry is trying to change his image as impatient.  That, plus the new contract most likely means Donny will stay.  

    I agree with @LGR4GM in that Adams thinks long and hard before making a move.  You don’t fire a coach without knowing you have a good pool of candidates.  Has Adams been building a list and making contacts?  I doubt it.    Who is willing to come to Buffalo applies to coaches too. 

    Most likely scenario is DG gets another year.  If he fails he gets fired during the season, and we finish with Ellis/Appert to get to 14.   After that a real coaching search.  

    I’m wrong again.  Just saw DG got fired.  I hope Adams has a serious coaching search 

  9. 15 minutes ago, PromoTheRobot said:

    I tend to scan posts so I'm prone to doing that. Sorry. 

    The Sabres have had 7 coaches in this 13 year drought. The urge to get #8 is strong amongst fans, but it isn't going to happen.

    I believe that Terry is trying to change his image as impatient.  That, plus the new contract most likely means Donny will stay.  

    I agree with @LGR4GM in that Adams thinks long and hard before making a move.  You don’t fire a coach without knowing you have a good pool of candidates.  Has Adams been building a list and making contacts?  I doubt it.    Who is willing to come to Buffalo applies to coaches too. 

    Most likely scenario is DG gets another year.  If he fails he gets fired during the season, and we finish with Ellis/Appert to get to 14.   After that a real coaching search.  

  10. 20 minutes ago, Doohickie said:

    I think a scenario that is somewhat likely is that Donny is kicked upstairs to an executive position... I dunno, make something up:  Special Assistant GM for Player Development or some such, where he works with coaches players in the NHL and AHL to ensure all prospects have a clear development plan to maximize assets.

    Or some such.

    Nope.  Donny has to go.  He might be great in a director of player development role but he will be looked at as the head coach that got fired.  That creates a tension and factions. 


  11. 10 hours ago, PerreaultForever said:

    How about that Comrie, what a great signing. Now they have to re-sign him for sure. 

    Typical Sabres. Late season finish and it'll give some people here just enough for them to preach everything's fine, stick with the plan, we are so close, etc. 

    The reality is they are basically the same as last year and out of the playoffs. They made no progress at all. 

    Bright spot of the season was Benson. I'd be fine to trade everybody else and build a new team around him. Only guy on the team that plays the right way every single night. 

    Biggest disappointments were Cozens and I'd say Levi after the hype. I wasn't shocked by it, and he has much future possibility but a lot of people had anointed him as this year's savior so you have to say it's a disappointment. Everything and everybody else was about as expected. 

    So I saw every game this year. I think that's more a sickness than an accomplishment. 

    Now for real hockey.


    What about UPL?   He was a bright spot.   He played good enough for us to make the playoffs.  


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