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Posts posted by Pimlach

  1. 5 minutes ago, PromoTheRobot said:

    Maybe not that much. The stadium is being built. PSLs are being sold. The Bills are more regional. Didn't Kim Pegula say there wasn't that much overlap?

    The PSL story is not over and may have long lasting bad consequences.  The stadium is state funded.  The Bills are not any more regional than the Sabres - the games in Toronto proved that, Toronto football fans overwhelmingly cheered for the Bills opponents.  

    Kim Pegula proved several times over that she does not understand the fan base or sports management in general.  

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  2. 5 hours ago, GoPuckYourself said:

    Didn't Ruff lose the locker room after Lucic destroyed Ryan Miller? Isn't he the same coach to where Miller was calling out people afterwards? 

    Was Ruff supposed to go out there and fight Lucic himself?  

    The Sabres had Sekera, Pommer, Gaustad, Vanek, and Myers on the ice.   No one would drop them with Lucic who warded them all off.  

    I do not understand what your last sentence means? 

    Whatever it was, this incident was a signpost of bad that still haunts this franchise.  

  3. 1 hour ago, PromoTheRobot said:

    From the "be careful what you wish for" department: Who is goin to spend $650MM to $1B to keep a franchise in Buffalo? Sure, there might be another billionaire from the Buffalo area with a crush on the Sabres. (Although look at the way we treated the last one.) It's way more likely, especially with how Ryan Smith was able to pressure the NHL to sell him the Coyotes, that some out-of-market group would start sniffing around the Sabres. And if you're Terry, how tempting would it be to take a billion with the added bonus of no arena upgrades you have to pay for? 

    Would selling the Sabres to outside interests that relocate them sour his thing with the Bills?  

  4. 8 minutes ago, inkman said:

    Finally someone making some sense.  I’ll come around on Rasmus but boy does he sound like a lost puppy. 

    Yes.  They are all lost to some extent.   Dahlin wearing a C next season is like putting the weight of 13 years of failure and dysfunction on a 23 year old.  A kid that at times tries too hard to do too much.  

    I think Tuch will handle it better.   We don’t have any other choices on the roster right now.  


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  5. 8 minutes ago, LGR4GM said:

    Doesn't matter because it isn't happening. Peca fits almost none of the criteria that Adams laid out at his press conference. 

    I think it will hurt Peca's career trajectory to go to Buffalo right now, its a high risk job for a first time coach.  

    He should stay under Peter Laviolette's capable wing and continue to learn. 

    Adams needs help.  Which is probably why he is looking for a NHL vet coach.  There are always good prospects without NHL HC experience but they cannot help Adams. 

    Sad state of affairs and quite ironic- our GM's learning curve is slowing down the teams development.  

    I can see Lindy getting the nod.  

  6. I want Brind'Amour - this is the guy we need and Carolina will be crazy to let him go.   

    I voted for Gallant because he will connect with the players and teach them to play better as a team - which is what they need.   Then he gets fired for pissing off Adams (for complaining about the roster), or TP (for saying bad words), but he will have helped them evolve at least.  

    I like Berube but I don't think he will work for Adams and Pegula unless he has no other offers. 

    I think it will be Ruff because Adams knows him, and he and TP will know what they are getting.   Like Gallant, Ruff will make a strong impact for about 2-3 years.  

    Quenville will not pass the TP test. 

    Sullivan, if available, has the Pittsburgh thing that Pegula likes.  

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  7. 3 hours ago, inkman said:

    After they just spent how many months (years?) floundering and failing because someone wasn’t mean enough for them?  Oh boy. 

    It is not a question of being mean.  It is more about pushing them harder, being consistent, and fair, and following up.  

    You don't like Dahlin, that's fine.  But this is not a Dahlin problem.   

    We could post quotes from every other player interview.  There are red flags in all of them.  

    Their comments speak to the culture and the leadership void.  

    This is group dynamics at its finest.  Put a group of workers, or a sports team, together and let them run themselves.  The most influential people in the group will eventually set the standard for the group.   The problem is that on some teams/groups these influencers (leaders) may not be the right ones to achieve the team goals.  They may be influential, but if not directed properly they could do more harm than good.   

    Clifton touched on why this doesn't happen in Boston.  CULTURE.  LEADERSHIP that extends outside the locker room all they way to the top.  Organizational goals are clear and not compromised for individual's.  

    Every players' interview that I have watched has the same elements in it: 

    1.  They we not ready to step up from the very start (bad camp, bad preseason, slow start, no changes made to fix it) 

    2.  They learned hard lessons when it was too late to recover and after the fact 

    3.  They are all begging to be led, and pushed,  and are at a loss on how to achieve a higher standard as a group.  

    The 3rd one key.  The players can train individually the entire offseason to make themselves better.  Most have been doing that since they were 14.   It takes the coach to put them together and get them better as a team.  That means how to play as a unit (structure) , and what happens when you don't play that way (accountability).  

    They like Donny.  They are trying not to blame Donny, but reading between the lines they are.  The jokes about the country club are probably true. 

    The Kevyn Adams presser tells that he knew there was a problem and still let the season spiral away.   I have been begging for a proven NHL veteran coach.  I am convinced that Adams needs this person just as much as the players do.  He is learning to GM on the fly.  Adams is struggling with pro personal moves and trades.  I well respected veteran coach can help.  

    This is not a Dahlin problem.  His quotes show me he lacks experience and knowledge on how to do it,  but wants to be part of fixing this program.  

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  8. 8 hours ago, GoPuckYourself said:

    Ask UPL if it helped him, as soon as he knew his job was on the line he elevated his game. Why Granato didn't implement this after what it did for UPL is beyond me. 

    What?  when was UPL's job on the line?    He came out of camp as the #3, I guess?   It is really hard to tell what the camp and preseason were trying to accomplish, but he was the last of the 3 goalies to get a shot.    They could have waived him and he would have been claimed immediately (there were 4 teams that needed goaltending) and we would all be crying about it today.  Thankfully, Adams knew he would lose him.  

    UPL got better because he worked hard and got finally got the opportunity and things came together and yes, our team defensive game got a little better too.   Not because of any direct benching by DG or Adams.  

    The problem with the goaltending was that Levi was not ready and our GM was too arrogant to admit it and forced him into the #1 seat.  They promised him games, is that not crazy?   They played him 4 straight and he got hurt.  Then they went to Comrie, who had a few good games and then he became the real Comrie as expected.  Finally UPL got some games and he emerged as the #1 in late December.  

    Every serious hockey fan knows this - they just needed to improve on Comrie with a true #1, and let UPL and Levi develop at the pace that they could.  UPL should have started the year as the 2.  Levi should have started in Rochester, and Comrie should have been replaced with a better veteran option until one of the kids emerged.   But Comrie is a "nice guy" so in the world of DG and Adams he gets to stick. 

    Kevyn Adams promising Levi games was another stupid move.  We wonder why the young kids appear to be "entitled and arrogant", look at the way things were run this season. 

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  9. 13 hours ago, Believer said:


    "I think a lot of times this year, we got away with some stuff that we shouldn't have gotten away with," he added. "I think if you clean those things up, then it sends a message."

    Who thinks Ruff would have let that juvenile fan rebellion stunt go on for two weeks?… 

    Would bet a bunch he would have benched the ringleaders without hesitation to send a message to the team, the fans, and the town.

    Ruff would have told them right from the start that the fans pay the bills, so they are free to boo or chant "fire Lindy".  So there would have been no ringleaders, and no benching's, and no story.  

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  10. 22 hours ago, PerreaultForever said:

    I love everything Cliffy says here and he's absolutely right. They need structure and accountability and a hard nosed driving leader/coach but that constant smirk makes me think he knows this is all BS - until it isn't. 


    The smirking towards the end of the interview was the classic defense mechanism because he was stumped on what to say.  He likes DG, he likes the team, he knows they lack certain things and he knows not to air too much information to the press.   

    I like Clifton in the 3rd pair.  I want another version of him for the top 4, someone bigger and better, but with the same jam.  

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  11. 51 minutes ago, Buffalonill said:

    There's just something fishy about that dude .

    Great coach then kaboom 

    It is weird that he had back to back 0.600 winning percentages with LVK and NYR and no job.  I hear he drives players hard but is a players coach, he apparently does not work as well up the chain.  

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  12. On 4/16/2024 at 11:43 AM, msw2112 said:

    Brind'Amour-Peca would be a great duo.  I'm not sure I see it happening.  I could live with a Ruff-Peca duo, with the idea that Ruff is an older guy who might put in a couple of years to change the culture, then pass the reins onto Peca.  Or even something like Ruff-Appert.  Maybe set it up where Ruff will coach 2 years, then turn over the reins to the younger guy and move into a front-office job.  I don't know if something like that is realistic, but I do think it could work.

    What you’re talking about happened.  Roger Neilson took over for Scotty Bowman in 1980 as coach in the same manner you described. 

  13. 54 minutes ago, Billznut said:

    Dahlin, Thompson and Tuch all mentioned the players needed to be pushed more, more accountability etc.  Those are three of the biggest “leaders” on this team now and going forward all admitting motivation and accountability wasn’t there this year. Something a lot of posters all mentioned and complained about frequently. Quite an indictment of the players and coaching staff indeed. Certainly sounds like a disciplinarian coach is incoming and is sorely needed. 

    This is sounding more like a team a coach like Gallant can motivate and help get to the next level.  

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  14. 1 hour ago, inkman said:

    I’ve learned the people who earn respect in the work place take personal responsibility or as some would say accountability.  Blaming the coach for not being motivated is a cop out and a sign of major mental weakness.  Could imagine telling people at work, I’d do a better job if my boss just pushed me more.  No one would respect anything you did or said ever again. 

    I agree with your point.  However, you are getting a snippet of an interview from a 23 year old guy that does not articulate well.   

    I don’t think Dahlin is the best choice for the C, but I still want him on my team because he shows up on the ice more than any of them.  

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  15. 1 hour ago, PerreaultForever said:

    One of the differences I noticed is Tuch took it on himself. He said "I" have to be better and lead by example. That was important to me to hear. 

    I watched the two interviews. Dahlin did fine until towards the end when he said they were young.  Especially since he already previously stated being young should not be an excuse.   He is listening in English, translating in his head, and speaking back in English.  Sometimes it prevents him from getting subtle nuances of the questions.  
    Between the two I would pick Tuch, not because of these interviews, but due to his additional experience and years with Vegas giving him a broader view of what is really needed. I think they will pick Dahlin though.    Without seeing the practices and being around them it’s kind of hard to say. 

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  16. 4 hours ago, #freejame said:

    I mean this with the utmost sincerity—what noteworthy humanitarian contributions has he made to the community? I’m not on the twitter so I don’t see the Sabres marketing about this and I don’t remember seeing other posts. 

    Im not doubting any of his contributions, I’d simply like to learn more of them. 

    I don’t know.  He does community service in WNY and that website is part of it.  You may want to contact Sabres Public Relations to get more info.   I am also not on X, (or Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, etc).  

    I don’t know how this award works, if every team submits a name or not.  

  17. 1 hour ago, LabattBlue said:

    You really want to nitpick “failed” vs “failed miserably”?  What difference does it really make?  IMO almost all will agree he needed to go.  

    I agree with letting him go.  I have said this for quite a while, he did what he can do with this group, and they needed to move on.  

    Your posts on his firing read as angry and disrespectful to the guy.  

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  18. 2 minutes ago, Thorny said:

    This group of players has such an uphill battle in the field of “likeablity”

    I want to like them.  Then you hear these stories and you wonder how being arrogant can happen.   

    I guess when you get a bunch of kids that have been in elite leagues, and traveled in circles with the best players their whole life, it can happen.  

  19. 2 minutes ago, Scottysabres said:

    53 yrs old, still a smoker (i know, no more excuses. As i sit here typing this smoking a cig), I currently weigh 233lbs, I was down to 226lbs in early Jan. (FU La Nova, you tried to take me out), it's all waste and tits as my toothpick legs literally are screaming at me to stop adding size to the roster.

    I weighed 196lbs in 2011, No playoff weight loss in 13 weight loss seasons. My spare tire looks like I'm a 30 pack of heavy lager a weekend, yet I i may have a beet or bourbon once every 2 months. This is it, I'm committing to long term change. So the Sabres better get their ***** together or I'll be kicking their *****, in 2 to 3 years.

    Not sure you are in the right thread here.  

    But good luck on committing to better fitness, and get rid of the cigs.  


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  20. 42 minutes ago, LabattBlue said:

    If “taking a team as far as they could go”  includes missing the playoffs each year, yet considered a success by some here, he should never have been hired…therefore he failed miserably as an NHL HC.  

    Set the bar ridiculously low, and this is what you end up with.  

    OK, he failed.  Failed miserably?   Does it make you feel better if he failed miserably? 

    Listening to Adams yesterday, the failure to make the playoffs this season was clearly a joint effort by the GM, the Coach, the coaching staff, and the players.  Which is exactly what we  saw from the off season, to camp,  to the very last game.   A poorly constructed roster, a flawed hockey system, arrogant players, bad coaching, and a lack of leadership and accountability throughout.   The HC takes the blame because you simply cannot fire everyone.  He was maxed out with what he could do here.  

    Prior seasons I do not think he had the guns to get there, especially in goal.  

    So yes, he failed.  Failed miserably is a team honor.  

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  21. 1 hour ago, bob_sauve28 said:

    Have any ex-sabre coaches ever done an interview about coaching the Sabres? I can't remember any of them talking about it



    Is there a non-disclosure clause in their contracts or something?

    I cannot say that any coaches publicly get into dirty details on the teams they coached.   Doing so is a great way to never get hired again.  


  22. 2 hours ago, PASabreFan said:

    I couldn't get through the whole thing. Did anyone ask Kevyn about The Brawndo Question... Whether he now has the freedom to spend to the cap, etc.? Mike seemed to trigger KA with a question about Terry. How dare someone mention the owner's name?

    KA gave a rousing defense of Terry and he did say, I think, that Terry provides all the resources he asks for/needs. So why isn't he asking for more?

    Still waiting for the day the Sabres figure out a way to let us hear the media questions. Maybe they don't want us to? Would be smart, innit?

    I don't recall any spend to cap question either but KA did say that resources are not a problem and TP provides what is needed.  

    2 hours ago, PASabreFan said:

    The other thing that seemed to go unchecked was KA saying the cost of getting forward help over the summer was too high.

    The obvious follow on... What was the cost of not acting? A playoff berth, innit?

    Innits, go home. Little pissants.

    The cost of pro acquisitions often seems too high for Kevyn.   

    A running list of his comments over the years:  Other GMs want his prospects for nothing; a trade with Buffalo took more asset than trades with others (Chychrun going to Ottawa); the trade offers are lopsided; the player(s) targeted did not want to come here; and now the cost of forward help last summer was too high.  

    Is he a bad negotiator?  Cheap?  Shrewd?  Unrealistic?  A good negotiator?  Not a negotiator at all?  


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