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Dr. Who

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Posts posted by Dr. Who

  1. I saw a rumor on another site yesterday that it is a broken foot and Tuch is out 4 to 6 weeks. I hope that is not the real story, but if it is, does this alter perspectives on whether Meier is worth the expenditure to attain? He fits the timeline, but a top 4 D is really what I want.

  2. 2 hours ago, Buffalonill said:

    Are you giys really going after  Derek Henry or is that just BS rumors

    So far as I can tell, Jeff Darlington on ESPN speculated a trade for Henry to the Bills. It's the equivalent of a fan on a message board throwing out a hypothetical. I don't think there's anything beyond that.

  3. 1 hour ago, Radar said:

    My only opinion is simply KA is the best GM we've had since Darcy and may prove to better than him as well. 

    I recollect when you would post here about how ancient you were and desperate for the team to start getting it together. (It was a shock when I figured out from another post that we are basically the same age. I didn't realize till then how truly old I was . . . )

    • Haha (+1) 2
  4. 51 minutes ago, LGR4GM said:

    There are a lot of ppl who believe in Beane and I gotta say that I am not one of them. They needed line help all year and at the deadline he added a kick return specialist. They needed it in the draft and he added a press corner for a defense that refuses to use press coverage. They added another RB in the 2nd round as a pass catching safety valve for an offense that doesn't throw short EVER. They've added multiple edge players and none of them make much difference. They traded away the only good oline they drafted (Teller) for reasons or something. The drafting has been mediocre at best and downright awful at worst. They drafted a punter they had to cut because he was under investigation for literal rape. I mean, I get it Beane drafted Josh Allen but so what? That's about all he can say after the last 4 drafts. The Dawson Knox extension is perplexing at best for a guy who can't block that well and really only occasionally catches stuff. Gabe Davis is a #3 receiver with mediocre hands. All the oline brought in after Teller have been replacement level. The WR room is a mess with Stefon Diggs the only viable option game to game. The line can't block for ***** so the RB room is basically an afterthought. Safety is a major issue now with Poyer most likely gone, we saw all year how inconsistent the safety game was with only one of Poyer and Hyde back there. They drafted a LB in Bernard who they then relegated to special teams even though Nakobe Dean could of been had for a small trade up or even better drafted long before Cook was. 

    Someone convince Beane is good at his job. His drafting isn't good at all and his insistence on pursuing RB is bizarre at best. Maybe he will turn it around but if they take a RB in the first 4 rounds this year, we will have the final nail in the coffin for me. Add on to that the insistence on bringing back both coordinators and the almost defiance from in during the presser that he even consider replacing them. There are just red flags piling up now and sure you can show me their record and be like "look! they were good last year" and I can say that I watched every snap and they did not look good from basically Nov on. That team peaked with the Chiefs win and then went into cruise control and the GM, did nothing. 

    His drafts are mediocre. His day two picks are often puzzling and disappointing. Nonetheless, I'm not sure how much power he really has. I think McDermott still holds a lot of sway. Beane absolutely has to go big on improving the oline and I think adding a real WR#2 through the draft and free agency. They'll have to let some talent on D walk and coach up that side. What's the point of having a D HC if you can't manage that? I disagree on Knox, however. They're having to keep him in to bolster the terrible oline. I think he's underutilized and would have much better numbers with a better oline and gameplanning. Dorsey had better show a lot of improvement, as well, or the whole lot of them get the door.

  5. 1 minute ago, triumph_communes said:

    I do not want to spend on WR. It might be a weakness but I believe Josh can make any jag receiver look good. Need to fix the o line. And d line. And coaching. 

    Coaching needs changes, but it won't happen, alas. Oline is priority one, full stop, but WR2 is a real need. 

  6. Just now, GASabresIUFAN said:

    There is no question Meier is an excellent player with a skill set we can benefit from.  


    1) Power forward and Pt a game player 

    2) Another goal scorer -35 last year and already 28 this year

    3) Only 26 - so he'd have a chance to be a core piece.

    4) Has playoff experience and was excellent for the sharks in 2018-19 playoffs

    5) Physical player who has 104 hits ytd. Nearly twice Sabres leader Girgensons has.


    1) Q offer $10 mill - if signed long-term, will that limit KA's ability to re-sign other core guys long-term and/or hinder our ability to retain adequate depth.

    2) Don't know if he'd be a fit in the locker-room

    3) Don't know if he'd sign an extension to facilitate a trade here.

    4) Don't know how much of his precious assets KA is willing to trade.

    I'll just address the cons. The pros are on point. 1) If you can add a player of his talent, I'd worry about adequate depth later. 2) Unless he's been a problem before, don't you more or less have to make an educated guess and go with it if you surmise it could work. 3) Shouldn't you be able to talk to the agent and see before you pull the trigger. 4) If he isn't willing, the trade won't happen.

    Personally, I think he'd be a nice piece to the puzzle, but I have a feeling the asking price will be too steep.

  7. 11 hours ago, Taro T said:

    Went to NHL.com to see how the fan vote for the rest of the team works.

    Fans only choose 2 skaters & 1 goalie per team and you vote by either going here NHL Gamezone or via twitter.

    To vote by tweet, "(e)ach fan tweet must include the complete hashtag "#NHLAllStarVote" followed by a player's full name or a player's Twitter handle. Only referencing a last name will not count. All Twitter votes will be combined with online vote totals."

    Not happy about this, because not sure Dahlin will be able to beat out both Pastrnak & Matthews.  Much less McAvoy & others.  The Adams division might have 0 defensemen playing.

    Registered so I could vote -- I don't do twitter. Voted for Tuch and Dahlin, but I get the impression the results will be skewed towards folks who are tech savvy and know how to easily stuff the ballot box. Pretty much like how we elect everyone nowadays.

  8. 9 hours ago, Eleven said:

    OSU doesn't belong in the Big Ten or whatever it calls itself because the average student there can't read.  It is the best academic conference, but Ohio State somehow is in there,


    Georgia--and I know you have a degree or two from there--is the second-best academic institution in the SEC (Vanderbilt, and don't bother arguing) but it's such a ***** academic conference (I think Florida still has a major in "shapes and colors") that one school actually hired ME.  And Georgia would rather people not learn to read critically so it can continue to elect pencil head trolls.  Like seriously, MTG looks like a pencil head troll from the 80s, and those jackasses almost elected Herschel Walker.

    Maybe you should tamp down your political bias. Folks who disagree with you can also be rational and treated like human beings rather than denigrated as morons. Athens, btw, is very liberal.

  9. 51 minutes ago, Thorny said:

    The Sabres *could* have built around Eichel, successfully. 

    The Sabres *did not* build around Jack successfully.

    It reached a point where, from all reasonable accounts, the Sabres could *no longer* feasibly build around Eichel, successfully. Eichel is *not* blameless in this and it became an untenable situation, for both parties. It’s Kudos to KA on making that decision.

    In a vacuum I’d prefer he was still here. Seeing the way the *intrinsic* logic of Adams’ plan has borne out, I wouldn’t reverse the trade if able to, and at this stage wouldn’t consider it. As always that’s a sliding scale and can be revisited.

    It was never “addition by subtraction”. 

    It was “addition made possible by necessary subtraction” 

    a distinction.

    This is a correct analysis, though I still reserve the right to rag on Eichel and his Boston attitude, irrational or not.

    • Haha (+1) 1
    • Awesome! (+1) 2
    • Thanks (+1) 1
  10. Last year, folks were pleasantly surprised by Tage's development and debated whether he was a 2 or 3C. Today, no one with a brain would trade him straight up for Eichel. I'll add that last year, or maybe even earlier this year, folks liked Cozens, but didn't think he would consistently score. Now the kids' line is a legit second line and bring a dangerous energy every time they step on the ice. We're a couple of solid veteran D and consistent goaltending away from a genuinely scary team.                                                                                                         

    • Thanks (+1) 1
  11. 1 hour ago, carpandean said:

    The next two games (Jets and Miami) are tests, too.  Both teams can (and did) beat the Bills.  Yeah, there were factors in each that were different than these games, but I'm certainly not taking either as a given.

    They are not given, but they are also games that we should win if we don't beat ourselves which has been the problem for the most part.

  12. 6 hours ago, Hank said:

    It sounds like your friend has endured significant trauma. The dog may be a source of love and emotional support that she needs. Losing the dog on top of the trauma could by devastating to her. It's possible the cats may get used to the dog after an adjustment period. Try to ride it our a bit longer if you can. 

    I sorta agree, though I understand the stress everyone is under. Just want to add that Newfs are among the very best animals with other pets and children. She won't hurt the cats --- I am a big cat person, so I researched dog breeds that are good with them.

    • Thanks (+1) 1
  13. 11 hours ago, Doohickie said:

    If you notice he has an extensive jersey collection (and also a lot of graphics he uses on the whiteboards).  I'm sure those are all business expenses.... which is why he wears the jerseys in his videos. 

    And yeah, you see his cats and rabbits in the videos from time to time.  I kind of ignore them since I've been watching his videos for a while.

    To be honest I'm disappointed that he stated some basic information but didn't really draw any conclusion.

    Haven't watched him before, so I was unaware. I surmised he was simply stating cases without strong opinions, but yes, it wasn't much on that front. I think in two years it will be evident who is on the better trajectory. I think and hope it is us.

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  14. 2 minutes ago, apuszczalowski said:

    Having a 'Young Core' means F***-All really, It means you have 'Hope' and 'Potential'.

    The Sabres had a great 'Young Core' not too long ago with a few really high draft choices, and one of the being a 'close consolation prize' in the McDavid Sweepstakes and it got them no where.

    So far, the other teams around the Sabres added proven talent to their rosters to go along with their own 'Young Cores'

    Buffalo added one potentially solid defencemen, more 'Potential'/lottery ticket in Comrie, and a bunch of filler.

    On paper, those other teams have taken strides ahead of the Sabres while they appear to be treading water, but thats why games are played

    Theres a chance that something clicks and some of the 'Young Core' in Buffalo make huge leaps this season, but theres just as likely a chance that they struggle or take a step back too.

    I'd rather be the Sabres. Folks are bitter after a decade plus of sorrow. Young Core Eichel lacked coherent leadership and in the end it fell apart. The new build is already ahead of the game. Tuch was a perfect add, Okposo is veteran leader that is respected, the "want to be here" mantra is a real thing. I don't think anyone imagines everyone is going to take a step forward. Even average hit rate is going to work because of the depth of prospects in the system.

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  15. Just now, sabresparaavida said:

    Dach wasn’t playing as his center, correct? 
    And if he was playing center between Debrincat and Kane, his production was horrible considering he would have been between 2 ppg players.

    I'm not really agreeing with the opinion, just stating something negative I read on another board. As I said, if the price is not exorbitant, I would try and bring Kane in, even if it is outside our timeline parameters.

  16. Just now, Flashsabre said:

    You haven’t visited the hockeybuzz comments section where the poster was adamant  on giving up Cozens, Krebs and two 1sts for Kane🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Giving DeBrincat And Dach away for less then market value, throwing Strome and Kubalik away for nothing I can’t tell if Davidson is incompetent or just doesn’t care. Maybe he wants to start Mrazek and go for the record for least points in a season.

    Something tells me that the Kane return will be less then stellar. That Bishop contract would be a good piece to throw into a deal for him if it were to happen.

    I think Strome is worth bringing in as well. Then make a play for Kuemper. If the Gibson rumors are true, term is less of an issue than some have speculated.

  17. Just now, aristocrat said:

    So I've seen talk about how Kane made Debrincat and he can't reproduce that in Ottawa. Well wouldn't we want similar result from say Cozens? What if he can turn Cozens into a ppg type player for the next couple seasons and accelerate his growth? Would have two legit top lines in the entire league.  Olofson, a first and maybe Portillo or Peterka? Quinn is untouchable to me. Sign Kane to 3 year extension.

    The other thing I've read is he is so irresponsible/indifferent on defense that he broke Dach. Still think on balance, you get him if the price is right.

  18. 4 minutes ago, dudacek said:

    I don't think anyone on here is in favour of trading significant assets for Kane.

    I see two viewpoints, usually talking past each other:

    • 'Doesn't fit, don't want to pay for him'
    • 'If we could get him at a Taylor Hall price'

    There's a rumor on another site that Terry really wants Kane and there's a 90% chance a trade gets done. Probably nonsense, but you never know. If the price is minimal, I don't see how anyone could be against it. 

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