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Dr. Who

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Posts posted by Dr. Who

  1. 41 minutes ago, Gatorman0519 said:

    I wonder how this all will play out. Either way this is a long term rebuild that will take years. 

    Two years out from being a legitimate playoff team if the young developmental players hit at a reasonable rate and they add goaltending. RD would help, too. It's been a decade of despair, but there's enough real potential for hope. Unless you enjoy pessimism, of course. Some folks are like that.

    • Like (+1) 3
  2. 1 hour ago, Gatorman0519 said:

    A win is a win. JA was terrible. Meanwhile Joe Burrow is downright scary. He’s the best QB by a mile right now. 

    He wasn't terrible. The first INT Josh got greedy and should have thrown it away. There was miscommunication and a tipped ball involved in the others. Not good, but Allen ran the ball with aggression and overall had a much better day than his qb rating suggests. Burrow is recency bias. He's quite good, but "by a mile" is hyperbole.  

  3. 1 hour ago, Dreams Burn Down said:

    I hope that one of their goals over the next two games, other than winning, is continuing to develop this sudden running attack we have seemingly stumbled upon.

    Quick throws over the middle to Singletary ought to be a basic ingredient. Showed the Cheaters Josh was going to take the easy yards and adds a dimension for the opposing defense to worry about.

    • Like (+1) 3
  4. 2 hours ago, nfreeman said:

    That statistical comparison is a good demonstration of the reason that you can't just rely on stats.  Anyone who has watched the Bills this year has seen JA have a number of lousy games.  He's not been nearly as good as he was last year.

    Does anyone have a similar breakdown of the Bills' red zone percentage last year vs this year?

    Considering how lousy our oline play has been this year, I think he might be playing better. I definitely don't think he's regressed. Get him a good line and maybe get Gabe Davis involved all year and the numbers would be vastly better.

    • Like (+1) 4
  5. 1 minute ago, inkman said:

    I honestly feel none of this.  I’m enjoying the ride with the kids.  I know most games will end in falter due to bad goaltending and inexperienced players.  Seeing Tage, Dylan, Victor and now Casey all ascend their games now that they aren’t being stifled by a coach stuck in the 90s is refreshing.  

    We know what the issues are.  Get the kids some experience and goaltending and watch this team soar. 

    This is the right attitude, unless one is a masochist; then expect wins and enjoy the hell out of yourself.

    • Like (+1) 2
  6. 3 minutes ago, nfreeman said:

    I'm going to throw some cold water on the expectations for Mitts.  He was a major disappointment and looked well on his way to being a washout for his first 2.6 or so NHL seasons, and then showed signs of life in garbage time last year when DG took over.

    He has good puck skills, and I don't necessarily think he's going to be as useless as he was under Howie and RK, but I also think it's ill-advised to expect him to parachute in and play like a good #1 or #2 NHL center.

    YMMV, of course.

    Tage has been a shocking turnaround, to me anyway. So, I had already written Mitts off as well, so I feel as if we are almost playing with house money. It would be an improbable, but terrific catalyst to the rebuild if you end up with a 2C and 3C with those two fellas. More fun to hope so I'm going with that.

    • Like (+1) 3
  7. 14 minutes ago, Eleven said:

    I have not--and I'm unlikely to buy one.  But it's a solid option.  It avoids wearing a sweater with a young guy's name on it, and it also avoids putting a vintage player's name on a modern sweater.

    I only have one sweater with a name and number:  I have the 40th anniversary, which does not look nearly as nice without the nameplate and number on it, and it's a Pominville.  Also, it fell off a truck, so it was a bargain.  My other Sabres sweaters (a red steak knife jersey and an early 90s home white) are blanks.

    I really like those steak knife sweaters for some reason. I have a blank home goathead. Probably get a blank royal in a few years. I live in Georgia. When folks ask me about the goathead sweater, I tell them I am a devil worshipper.

    • Haha (+1) 1
    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  8. 13 hours ago, PerreaultForever said:

    Don't take offense at this, but I really wish you'd stop equating height with size. When I talk about size (and I think this holds for most people) I'm talking about shoulders, chest, muscle mass. Overall body not height. Now many big guys are also tall, but that's not the main criteria. 

    As we used to say back in the olden days guys built like a brick sh*thouse. 

    In the olden days, I always equated that term with the likes of Sophia Loren and Raquel Welch. (And the groaner jokes in the early Bond films were cool, etc.) Sucks to get old . . . 

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. Just now, dudacek said:

    What do you think led to Calgary, Vegas and perhaps others to decide otherwise.

    Jumping in; IDK, but the Vegas GM gave an interview where he seemed to me pretty clueless on any details. He appeared to simply defer to Eichel and trusted the player's judgement on the issue. Maybe that was a form of public evasion of the question, but he's a pretty good actor in that case. The Pegulas have been dopes with the Sabres. There's a decade of misery to corroborate that determination, but I am sympathetic to them here. I would have been ultra cautious as well, and their own in house doctor is supposedly an expert on this specific surgery. No doubt that had a lot of weight in their conclusions.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Thorny said:

    Makes sense, it's why a lot comes down to execution, like you alluded to - they gotta get the assessments right. 

    I actually am fairly optimistic in Adams' ability in this regard, identifying that character. 

    My worry more so stems from the fact, I think a lot of the "bad attitude" stuff actually develops, rather than being present from the beginning. I hope Adams is aware of the likelihood of this happening with some of his Blinding Light Brigade through the accumulation of losses. 

    Next year they should be talking about winning, not development. 

    Bringing in some competent goalies under age forty ought to be tops on the to do list for next year.

    • Like (+1) 2
  11. Just now, JohnC said:

    The bigger problem is not players wanting to come to Buffalo as it is players in Buffalo who get tired of the losing want to go elsewhere. That is exemplified by Eichel, Reinhart and Risto who were determined to get out of town. 

    If you are perceived as a winning culture or at least a team on the upswing, there will always be plenty of folks who will sign up for that. The perpetual losing and the stigma of a failed organization is what remains the perduring issue. Lot of new talent and more coming. Hopefully the Pegulas are patient and get it right this time.

    • Like (+1) 3
  12. 7 minutes ago, mjd1001 said:

    I think it's a notable piece of news that players have actually said that... But I also agree with you that it's not an issue right now.

    By the time the sabres are looking for free agents, it should be a few years down the road.

    The fact that the Sabres had reservations about a surgery that has never been performed on an NHL player would seem to make it an outlier from a rational perspective. I doubt it is really an issue for players unless they are meatheads.

    • Like (+1) 1
  13. 1 minute ago, Huckleberry said:

    I always said I wanted more in return for Jack Eichel than what Colorado got for Duchene.

    Duchene got -  Sam Girard / 1st round pick (byram / 28th pick in 2017 Bowers / Kamenev (think he is in KHL) / 2nd round pick NAS / 3rd round pick OTT / Goalie Hammond as throw in 

    Jack Eichel got us - 2022 1st (byram) / Tuch (Girard) / Krebs (Bowers) / 2nd pick /  and we send a 3rd round pick away. 

    In what world is Jack worth less than Duchene though ? I would have liked an extra piece 2024 1st rounder or something.   Not wanting to retain salary might have reduced what we got, but you don't want to be paying Jack 5 years from now still.  

    But what I really think made the offers much less is the surgery, there is no doubt in my mind most of our possible trading partners agreed with buffalo team doctors and we were probably down to 2 teams willing to do the ADR.     The flames rumour about Tkachuck might have made the knights blink and make the deal.

    I've no idea, but Emily Kaplan gave an interview on ESPN's The Point. I may have misheard, but it sounded to me like she thought the Sabres were the only team that really had a problem with ADR.

    Same show said Eichel will probably get the surgery in the next few days. Eichel gave an interview, pretty mellow, said only good things about Buffalo. May be insincere, I dunno, but was decent enough, imo.

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