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Dr. Who

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Posts posted by Dr. Who

  1. Just now, wsam4031 said:

    as happy as i am this drama is finally over i think the return for eichel was not very good. Unfortunately anything short of a Lindros type haul i was gonna be disappointed. Glad this is finally over though

    In the context of all the circumstances, it is equatable and has the potential to play out well for the Sabres, regardless. It's not ROR stupid.

    • Like (+1) 3
  2. 11 hours ago, Hoss said:

    You're being a gigantic asshat about this. Nobody is "crying." We are pointing out concerns in a game that should've been dominated but wasn't. There was no separation until the very end of the game. It's okay to question these things - the problems are the exact type that stop teams from winning championships.

    I think we got Miami's best shot. They'd lost six straight to us, been embarrassed 35 - 0 in their own crib. That, and the interior of our o-line is just not good. Still believe we are the best team in the AFC, though they'll have to play a lot better if they want to win a SB. McD builds towards the post-season. It's plausible it will happen, though I'd love to find a better guard at the trade deadline.

  3. 7 minutes ago, GASabresIUFAN said:

    I’m in Marietta near Truist Park.  My girls went to UGA and we go every week during football season.  I actually grew up a Braves fan, it was fate that I ended up here.

    PS.  I was a Dr Who fan until it went off the rails in recent years.  

    Yeah, it jumped the shark for me in the later Peter Capaldi episodes, which is too bad, because he was an excellent Doctor. I tried giving Jodie Whittaker a shot, but it just doesn't work for me. 

  4. 27 minutes ago, GASabresIUFAN said:

    Actually Bennett stunk. He can’t see over the line.  Daniels should be the starter now they he is healthy.  That was the craziest 2:30 of football I’ve ever seen followed by the craziest baseball game I’ve ever seen.  There maybe 9 NFL starters on that defense (this is a prospects thread after all). 


    His interview after the game showed he knew it. I live near Athens. We root for the same teams, apparently. 

  5. 35 minutes ago, Curt said:

    Pedantic joke, yes.  So.......what insight do you hope to gain from this poll and why?

    My guess, conjecture implicitly is related to what kind of return would be just in a trade. Personally, I don't feel I can make any kind of rational surmise. Too much is unknown.

  6. 39 minutes ago, The Ghost of Doohickie said:

    Doohickie changed to The Ghost of Yuri

    I changed to The Ghost of Doohickie

    Andrew Amerk changed to The Ghost of NS

    We are seeing if we can through off as many as possible.  It seems that you are the only Charlie, so far, Charlie.

    We hope to add a little spice to the site and maybe it becomes a fun trend and we will lose track of everybody.

    You should change your user name to The Ghost of Andrew Amerk.

    For those of us who mainly lurk, this is confusing.  At least now I know why some posters got smarter in the afterlife . . . j/k, you're all pretty sound of mind. If I changed to the ghost of somebody else, I'm not sure I'd remember who I am. Thanks for this crib sheet. I'm writing it down so I know who is actually speaking.

  7. I just don't believe there is enough talent there to be good. We are winning on effort. It's hard to sustain that level of intensity for 82 games and the teams that are comfortably playoff teams don't amp up until later in the season. I think the effort is reasonably something you can bring most days. I doubt the wins keep coming. All the same, it's nice not to be an embarrassing disaster on the ice. If you're half way through the season and still competitive, maybe you've caught lightning in a bottle. Too bad Granato wasn't the coach from day one last year. Might have saved the locker room.

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 1 hour ago, SabresFanInRochester said:

    G) Because ownership sucks and since nothing has changed with ownership the team must still suck.


    Nothing but sarcasm above, but it kills me that so many fans thought the team was horrible because of Kim Pegula; now their myopic mind and silly rants just ride off into the sunset without accountability of how absurd their claim was. AND, some will even double down and Kim is still to blame and that it took to long to build the right culture. And then point to their reckless decision to lay off Harbor Center employees at the start of Covid in 2020. The remainder will say Kim must not be involving herself day-to-day anymore and that explains the sudden surge in team performance.

    Hi, Kim.

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    • Haha (+1) 3
  9. Just now, thewookie1 said:

    You can’t go from 4 1sts to less than ROR. In that case you tell Jack to get the surgery behind closed doors and the suspend with pay until he heals.

    Screwing this trade up would mean waiting 5 more freaking years to see much of anything and that is completely unacceptable 

    Assume what is probable: the Sabres are likely to get a top three pick. Add a player who is a true 1C prospect to a decent pool of young prospects, I don't see 5 years out as necessary. I'm thinking 3 years to a team worth watching, and they better be entertaining by year 2. All that said, getting a reasonable return on Eichel obviously greatly increases the chances of success, so I would agree any option that involves settling for less than ROR is pretty much worthless. It would also perpetuate the well-earned reputation that the Sabres' FO is the dupe for the rest of the league.

  10. 7 minutes ago, Thorny said:

    It's all about picking and choosing what "counts"

    Last offseason, close to when the season was about to start I had a several page discussion with John, where I said Adams couldn't be adjudged to have had a "good" offseason, yet, that he would need be judged on the results. What happened bore out the logic in my stance. 

    But that doesn't really matter - that offseason doesn't belong to Adams anymore, it doesn't count. It was Adams when it looked good, now it's Krueger's. 

    Heads I win, Tails you lose. Devious is a default for human nature, Incompetent is pretty common, too. Still, we have new scratch off tickets and we're set to get some prime tickets next year. It might not take genius to turn fortunes around. Seems to me there's more talent coming up now than the prior tank teams. I don't think that's simply forgetting the uncertainty that naturally accrues around youth before one determines how they end up. If it is, so be it. There's a plausible path for this team to be competitive in 2 or 3 years. If we can't reasonably hope for that, might as well find something else to do with our time.

    • Like (+1) 2
  11. 21 minutes ago, PASabreFan said:

    Children's book?

    Here is a boy in a mine.

    Look at the boy in the mine.

    The boy in the mine is sad.


    The End.

    If it was a Russian children's book, it would go like this:


    Here is a boy in a mine.

    Look at the boy in the mine.

    The canary in the mine is dead.

    The boy in the mine is sad.


    The End

    • Like (+1) 1
  12. 33 minutes ago, Hoss said:

    It already does and I suspect coming into a season fully healthy vs battling injuries last year will only make him better.

    I don’t believe there’s anything to make of it. It’s rare for guys to get extended this early. QBs are the only ones teams rush to sign before they even get to that fifth year of their rookie deal.

    It’s league standard. They’ve got three on offense and defense and two on special teams.

    The narrative embraced by the skeptics is that he has no football instincts and gets blown up too often. I think he is playing the role asked of him by McD. Injuries did play into his slow start. He got better as the season progressed. We'll see what happens. I suspect he will have a good year along with the rest of the D. No reason this team cannot win it all this year.

    • Thanks (+1) 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, New Scotland (NS) said:

    He is passionate about the game and the team.  I think his problem is  that he has no idea how to deal with the frustration that he is experiencing.  If the Sabres were a good team John would be a fantastic and happy part of it.  He just does not know how to deal with all the losing.  Many are like this and I don't fault him.

    I really don't know. I have an irrational bias against Boston, so I indulge the bratty, entitled storyline when things look bleak. If he's just frustrated with the losing, that's entirely understandable. If that is the case, I'd rather try and talk him into getting healthy and staying, because that is the best path to this team getting better quickly, though it appears the situation has grown so toxic that isn't possible anymore.

  14. 2 hours ago, JujuFish said:

    The defense was a big weakness last year. I think it's going to be quite improved this year, but I also expect the offense to take a step back.

    Sanders is a better fit for this offense than Brown. Allen's confidence and leadership is still growing. The run game looks like it may have improved, which wouldn't take much. I don't see a step back.

  15. 48 minutes ago, Pimlach said:

    Caving is not the right answer and neither is being so dug in that this cannot move on.  The Sabres cannot come off like career killers even if they are legally correct to do so.  

    Every agent worth a darn is watching.  A good negotiation is when both sides feel they win.  

    Always optimistic, the Sabres can transform into a good organization with the right leadership taking the correct steps.  This will take time.  I hope KA and DG can become the leaders that Beane and McDermott are.  


    Right. Compromise needs to be focused on this result; don't really see how that happens, however.

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