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Everything posted by Indabuff

  1. DG is probably a tarantula lover kind of guy.
  2. The Sabres organization is embarrassing.
  3. I'm becoming more and more convinced/persuaded that TP truly doesn't care much about this team and that KA and DG are just happy to have steady jobs and I don't see any of this changing for the foreseeable future.
  4. Got my son the same for Christmas. We just started and he's loving it. My wife got me Lies of P. Was a big Bloodborne fan so I'm looking forward to it.
  5. Goddam team is just giving this game away
  6. I'm having a difficult time trying to track both these games with a serious buzz
  7. I love how the guy says he wants to keep things light for the holidays and then proceeds to go on a diatribe against Buffalo.
  8. Must win for both teams as far as I'm concerned. Both simultaneously and I'll likely be half in the bag.
  9. I still have a problem with nearly everyone bailing after the last game.
  10. I love watching Canadian fans heading back north in heavy traffic knowing that most of them have to piss like race horses.
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