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Posts posted by Assquatch

  1. I think if we started melting the ice now, that would be good. Sure Arizona could do the same before the Sabres game there but I'll take the split.


    Rule 66 – Forfeit of Game

    66.1 Forfeit of Game - In the event of failure by a Club to comply with a provision of the League constitution, by-laws, resolutions, rules or regulations affecting the playing of a game, the Referee shall, if so directed by the Commissioner or his designee, refuse to permit the game to proceed until the offending Club comes into compliance with such provision.

    Should the offending club persist in its refusal to come into compliance, the Referee shall, with the prior approval of the Commissioner or his designee, declare the game forfeited and the non-offending Club the winner. Should the Referee declare the game forfeited because both Clubs have refused to comply with such a provision, the visiting Club shall be declared the winner.

    If the game is declared forfeited prior to its having commenced, the score shall be recorded as 1-0 and no player shall be credited with any personal statistics.

    If the game was in progress at the time it is declared forfeited, the score shall be recorded as zero for the loser and 1, or such greater number of goals that had been scored by it, for the winner; however, the players on both Clubs shall be credited with all personal statistics earned up to the time the forfeit was declared.

  2. I broke a bone in my dominant hand and I don't even have a cool story to tell about how I did it - I have no idea. 5 weeks in a cast and everything at work takes so much longer than it needs to with just my off-hand and a club.


    41 years of life and sports without ever having broken a bone and now I break one for no reason.

  3. That was something I brought up months ago. Let's say the Sabres get McDavid and then he blows out his knee and can't play well for a year or two. With the status of the rest of the rebuild it might have been better if we'd have gotten Hannefin or something. I know the benefit of a generational talent, but I'm also wary of building a team around a single player and depending on that player too much. I'd rather have an ensemble cast (again, the Detroit model) where the pieces are more interchangeable.

    You'd rather not have the superstar because if/when he gets hurt there is more of a dropoff to the rest of the team?  :huh:


    The pieces around the 1st round pick next year are exactly the same in either scenario. Drafting 2nd vs. 3rd really only comes down to supporting cast + superstar vs. entire team of supporting cast. You're claiming to want the latter.

  4. Nolan has a responsibility to be 100 percent aligned with the franchise's stated strategy.  He was fully aware of the strategy when he signed a 3 year multi-million dollar contract extension. 


    What he is doing (or not doing) borders on insubordination.


    I have lost all respect for him as a coach.


    I can't wait for him to get fired.


  5. The following post is a joke(have to clarify on here because most probably won't get it)

    I think if they could ban it they would, I haven't met one woman who enjoyed it. Love how nobody calls you a sexiest neanderthal. Oh wait, you have enough posts to say whatever the ###### you want my bad

    You started the period topic equating people complaining to women having menstrual cycles. Grumpy old man just said PMS should be banned. I'm sure women would agree with that. Yours was sexist, his wasn't - nothing to do with post count. Then you said people that disagree with you should "suck your f'ing D". Please, see a therapist about your problems with women.


    Not to mention my comment was in the spirit of *your* thread

    next time you have a problem with someone, and you want to batch and complain, come to it in this thread

    For clarity - you're a sexist Neanderthal, not the sexiest one.
  6. I don't always get around to coming on here everyday. When I do I like to check threads out and read what everyone has to say, we'll it's quite sickening listening to some of you bicker back and forth, especially when it has little to nothing to do with what the thread is about. Especially when it's 17 ###### pages worth. Especially, especially, especially(zfg) I end up having to skip pages and miss some great comments because of it. So please, to every poster out there: next time you have a problem with someone, and you want to batch and complain, come to it in this thread and don't waste my time. Maybe more people will join and we can have some genuine hockey discussions!?!? Sound good? Either that or grab a tampon and some ###### midol and tell someone who gives a ######.

    Hey Naulter you're a sexist neanderthal.

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