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Posts posted by Assquatch

  1. 1.       Should Buffalo be the hub for USA hockey?  (Team USA,  Juniors, Women, Sled, etc). (yes/no)

    2.       What should be forum shorthand for Dan Bylsma, just DB or DDB  for Disco Dan Bylsma)?

    3.       How many years will Dan Bylsma last in Buffalo?

    4.       As a percentage,  the chance a Dan Bylsma led Buffalo Sabres make the playoffs in 2015-16?

    5.       Finish the sentence.   Hey Dan, welcome to town,  just beware of  ____________________ . 

    1. Sure, why not?
    2. DB
    3. 7
    4. 40
    5. Terry Pegula is a centaur.


  2. I'm having a very difficult time believing this narrative, is all.  It doesn't make a lick of sense that roster flexibility would be an issue between Murray and Babcock.

    Nolan had zero say on the roster. Babcock wants more than zero, and he has earned it. (More than zero does not mean equal footing with the GM)

  3. Enforce the rules is the 1st step. Some people think this will only artificially increase scoring because of the powerplays but the point really is to get the players to stop doing it so there can be more offense 5v5.


    If goals are still down too far after that, look at other rule changes or equipment changes.

  4. Then we'll win the lottery and McDavid will have chronic injuries forcing retirement by age 23 with no accomplishments of note. Because Buffalo.


    Am I doing this right?


    Sabres lose to Columbus tonight locking up 30th. Feel-good fan-appreciation day tomorrow and Buffalo crushes the Penguins under the full support of the fans for the first time all season. Arizona loses to Anaheim Saturday night but it doesn't matter. April 18 on draft lottery day we learn of a memo that went out earlier this season that the current tie-breaking procedures were always intended solely to be relevant to playoffs and seeding and Arizona wins a coin toss for 30th. #BecauseBuffalo

  5. You don't shoot with a broom, though.  Your bottom hand is the one putting tension in the stick by pushing it against the ice when you take a shot.  And I sweep a broom the way I hold my hockey stick, which is the right (dominant) hand lower.

    This describes me, as well. Top (weak) hand moves much less than lower (dominant) hand. Both hockey stick and broom.

  6. Those are good players, but wasn't Bryan Murray GM, not Tim ?


    Do you think Tim Murray deserves credit for those selections and not his uncle ?

    So you've chosen a crusade where the rules are he gets no credit for scouting players old enough to be established, but no credit for players too young to judge. Got it.

  7. Agreed.


    Samson Reinhart will be fine!!!






    I couldn't resist.  But in all seriousness.  Reinhart is going to control the pace of hockey games in a few years.  Next year his brain and body should get up to speed.

    I wonder how much weight is realistic to expect young Mr. Reinhart  to put on this coming offseason.

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