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Everything posted by JoeSchmoe

  1. I was always had a certain amount of respect for her, even though I'm not a pop music guy. After this tour started though... It's been way too much. 🤮
  2. Sure buddy. You were probably whining about 20s weren't you.
  3. But he bet on his guys to get a 1st down. I'll take that over him playing with his tail between his legs.
  4. Give McDermott and Brady credit... They're playing this game to win instead of not to lose.
  5. Old man Okposo is still better.
  6. Zemgus Girgensons isn't very good.
  7. Yeah... I already got called out on that... I was looking at 5 on 5.
  8. Just throwing out a PSA as distraction given the team's woes. You hear all the experts saying that kids have to play multiple sports... They need to take some take some time off... It'll all help you in the long run. As a father of an elite athlete, I'll say it's a bunch of bull 💩. My son played AAA hockey as well as elite ball since he was little. Every year he'd hang up the skates in April and pick up the baseball glove. After Labour Day, the baseball cleats were hung up and he was back on the ice. Every year, he was among the top kids and leaders on both teams. Having seen the OHL draft come and go last spring, there were zero top draftees that were legit two sport kids. All the kids were the same kids that were in the hockey wringer all year round. I know of just one kid that got drafted in any round that played any elite level ball (though admittedly I don't know anywhere close to all the kids). Looking back, my son was always up there with and ahead of many kids that went on to get drafted, but I feel I did a huge disservice to him by getting him playing a 2nd sport all along. He's decided to try the baseball thing full time to see where that could possibly take him. Again, every top kid whos in the "rankings" has been playing year round for a very long time now. It's a later peaking sport, so I think he still has time, but still he could be a lot further ahead than he is now. As a pitcher, his arm will thank him for not going all out since he was little, but the kids his age that are getting the college committments have been year rounders for a very long time now. Lesson- if you have a kid that's an elite athlete that wants to go somewhere with it... Don't listen to the same people I did. Let them play year round if they want to. Despite what the PC crowd will tell you, in the 2020's it's a necessary thing if you want to get to the next level. Go Sabres!
  9. On a really bad Columbus team, Eric Robinson was on the bad side of average. Another Kevyn Adams type of player.
  10. 1. The team doesn't have goaltending because KA thought a rookie with 7 NHL games under his belt could carry the team. 2. KA brought in two trainwrecks on D, that because they're new, and because they're vets, DG will be forced to play them until the season is lost. 3. Instead of using cap room to get legit 3rd and 4th liners he brought back KO and ZG for their "leadership". 4. The best F on the team has been injured, along with their best sophomore F. The team sucking is a 90-10 KA-DG problem.
  11. The Lake Erie sheepshead that used to wash up at my friend's beach house would rot pretty evenly. That said, tonight the rot seems to be emanating most prominently from the tail.
  12. Eric Johnson and Connor Clifton have experience. That's all this lineup was lacking. 🤣
  13. Last year's and this year's 5 on 5 expected goals %. For some reason Kale Clague looks to be wearing the career AHL'er label, but based on his reliable meat and potatoes play, he needs a chance, given how poorly our two FA's having been doing. Pair him up with Ryan Johnson on the 3rd pairing and we're looking as good or better on the back end as last year.
  14. A pet peeve of mine is you play north-south you get a bunch of 2 on 2 opportunities. Sure, 2 on 2 is tough to score on... and the typical move this year is to wait for more teammates to also gain the zone to improve chances. Problem is, the other team also comes back, and now you're trying to score 5 on 5. When are you putting more pucks in nets... 2 on 2 or 5 on 5?!?! Play North - South... create what you can... take some chances... and the goals will eventually come.
  15. Think it was Cozens that just dropped that high volume F bomb?
  16. That's what made us so successful last year. Had we anything close to serviceable goaltending (i.e. Anderson level), we're in the playoffs... Maybe winning a round if get the right matchup (i.e. against a slower team). Why isn't the team doing this this year. I could count on one hand the number of times Cozens has sped the puck through the neutral zone. Tuch maybe a bit more, but every game last year he was so dynamic. You think Granato has coached this out of them in favour of a more defensive focus, or do you think they just want it less this year?
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