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Posts posted by FogBat

  1. I was looking up Ville Leino's hometown on Wikipedia, and I found something of interest...


    Are there times when you guys are fed up with the way your cell phones act up? Do you wish you could do something about that occasional dropped call? Then this event in Leino's hometown is for you!


    This was sheer coincidence that I stumbled upon this, but I figured that there are enough people who complain about their cellphone coverage and would like to do something about it.

  2. My over-the-phone interview that I had with my HR department for an internal position (which would have helped me come off the road and move to a management position that would have had me home just about every night) was done over a month ago. The position is still vacant, but HR has not called me back to let me know whether or not they are even considering me for the position. I spoke with my boss about it, and he told me that, in his words, "the wheels turn slowly over at HR." Yet, they are never at a loss for hiring new drivers.


    OTOH, I did ask him how things are looking for freight in a rather familiar market. He told me he would get in touch with an operations manager to find out. It would be nice to know for sure, because I am really feeling the urge to move out of Dixie (which is another topic altogether and something I can't discuss on here).

  3. I got stuck behind an old woman on the way to work today who slammed on the breaks each time a car was coming in the opposite direction. It was the most confusing thing I've ever seen on the road. Then after a while, she decided to pull over into the bike lane and drive full speed there. Thank god there were no bikers at that moment.

    There's never a dull moment in your life, is there?

  4. My latest complaint is that it can be extremely difficult to keep my mouth shut on some very charged topics when it is best to leave opposing parties to duke it out between themselves. Makes it hard for me to find something useful to occupy my time.


    EDIT: Now that it's Friday, the usual cast of characters will probably be back here next Thursday with something else to complain about.

  5. Sunday afternoon I was on Grand Island Blvd just north of Fantasy Island and came across this scene just after it happened:


    An elderly woman had "fallen asleep" at the wheel, drifted off the right side of the road, ripped off her oil pan and exhaust when she "passed over" a sewer entrance, then drove/coasted another 100-150 yds(!) through brush and between trees before her car died from lack of fluids. We stopped to help and she got out of her car, said "I fell asleep - it happens all the time". She said her brother lived right around the corner and she was going to walk there. We called the cops and by the time the police showed up she was gone. We talked to the cops and he said "I think I know who you're talking about - she was driving around her son's apartment parking lot last weekend hitting dumpsters (plural)" Then she comes wandering back and I point her out to him and he says "yeah that's her".


    I hope he took her license but somehow I bet she's out there "driving" right now.

    I guess she was driving under the effluence.

  6. I love how after a big snowstorm, you'll hear all the comments about how global warming doesn't exist. This has been one of the hottest and wettest summers and now NYC has been hit by a hurricane and a tropical storm in consecutive weeks. I wonder what Dick Chaney and all his lackeys think about global warming now.


    This isn't a political thing, either. I just have no patience for people who would rather listen to an industrialist about scientific theory, than listen to actual scientists.

    Have you seen the documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle? Just asking. Not looking to "start" something.

  7. Over the past two weeks, the two trucks that I've been in have been in the shop at least 6 days. I've lost a lot of money over this. Hopefully, the nightmare of sitting still has come to an end this morning. It just won't make up for the lost time and wages.

  8. I'm coming clean on something...


    Yes, this is a complaint, because it affects how I communicate with everyone. Asperger's is a difficult creature to live with. It can be really helpful on some days, but it can be my own worst enemy on others. There's nothing I can do about it. It's always been with me, and it always will be.

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  9. Thanks, I enjoyed that and had never heard it before. I like Dvorak, (9th Symphony is one of the really great ones) but have never been much for string serenades.

    Dvorak was very much a talented composer. What most people don't realize is that, for a Bohemian expat, he really made some very valuable contributions to American music.


    BTW, YW. :)

  10. Best of luck.. Can't imagine why you'd want to give up all those long days, traffic snarls and hard work for some cushy desk job.

    Thanks for the "best of luck" part. I appreciate that.


    On the bolded part, I'm not sure if you were saying that with "tongue in cheek" in mind or if you were being cynical. Either way, I would love nothing more than to be home with my wife, for one. Second, I'm going into this with the mindset that it's not going to be all that cushy. Pleasing both my drivers and the corporate bosses all at the same time is not exactly what I call cushy. (Something tells me that shrader would confirm this, even if it's a totally different industry - but I could be wrong.)

  11. Not a complaint, but I didn't think it was worth the trouble to start a whole new thread over this: I have an over-the-phone interview tomorrow morning with my company's HR department over an internal app I submitted a few weeks ago. This is for an office management position. If I get it, my days of being an over the road trucker may be over. This would be a good thing, because I should be able to be home on a daily basis and no longer be away from my wife.

  12. Luckily, when you decided to drive naked, no one could actually see you way up there in that truck.

    You perv! j/k :nana:


    Actually, I try to cover every part of me. Yes, I still wear t-shirts, but I prefer long-sleeved. As fair-skinned as I am, I don't need melanoma or any other skin-related diseases due to overexposure from the sun.

  13. I meant politics in general. Read the first line of my first post in response to yours.


    EDIT: In fact, read that whole post again without responding with a clip from "Stripes." (Funny, but avoiding the issues.) Think again about the religion you profess, and think again about American politics. WWJD? And I'm not being snarky with that.

    With all due respect, at this point, I am only going to address the WWJD thing you mentioned. I do not follow it as most people glibly understand it, and the link I am providing should be helpful in explaining why. (BTW, I'm not the one who wrote it.)

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