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Posts posted by deluca67

  1. When the Bills had the touchdown called back on a penalty and they ended scoring the TD after was the moment that told me that things are different. That same scenario in previous seasons ended up with a field goal attempt. This team didn't let adversity slow them down yesterday. 

  2. The Terrors will be back. Will accept the invite tomorrow.

    We will have 12 teams and 2 Divisions. 


    Adams Division:


    50 Shades of Rob Ray

    DeLuca 67's

    Don't Toews Me Bro


    Pauls' Pleasant Team



    Norris Division:


    Andrew's Team

    Dutch Snuggerudder

    Ghost of Rasmus Past

    Labatt Blue


    Taro's Terrors  

    I would support moving the draft to an entirely different night or doing it even later. I play hockey at 7:30 on Sundays.

    Does Monday the 5th work for everyone? 

  3. I added Z-Man so we will need another owner if anyone is interested in the Gold League. 14 Teams - 2 seven team divisions, is everyone OK with this? 


    I was thinking Sunday Oct 4th for the draft, 7:30? 

    Is shots under goaltending, shot percentage?


    Also can we get rid of shooting percentage? 

    I can take out shooting percentage and replace with shots against, anyone object? 


    That would give us 16 total categories, 6 for goaltenders. That seems like a good balance, IMO. 

  4. Could we do SH points instead of two categories: SH goals and SH assists?

    Or get rid of SH altogether?

    In terms of game play, it's a lot of weight on a pretty random stat.


    +/- is better one to plan for.

    No problem. I will get rid of SH assists. I like the idea of keeping SH goals to add value the penalty killers in the league. 


    I like emphasizing goaltending, it changes draft strategy and gives more value to an important part of the game.    

  5. Hello Gold Members! 


    I currently have the scoring set to include the following:


    Powerplay Goals
    Powerplay Assists
    Shorthanded Goals
    Shorthanded Assists
    Shots on Goal
    Shooting Percentage
    Faceoffs Won

        Games Started

    Goals Against Average
  6. Oh I grant you that point.  When people say, "I've got no skin in this," is like when people say, "I'm just being honest."  It's to spin a situation in one's favor. 


    I'm skeptical of Croce, and I don't particularly like the guy, but I wouldn't just throw his testimony out of court.  It should be heard, just not taken as the honest truth.  The alleged incident didn't take place at the SkyBar, as you know, so it would just be a piece in the puzzle, and would need to be evaluated.  I just wouldn't toss it out yet, but I don't know the whole facts, and am not very close to the situation.  Still, no rush to judgement.  The wheels of justice turn slow, but they'll grind whatever needs grinding.

    What Croce saw, or thinks he saw, is irrelevant unless part of the complaint is that Kane took the women to his home against her will. I doubt Croce is a mind reader or qualified in any way to determine what the woman who filed the complaint was thinking.   

    His testimony is circumstantial at best. And it wasn't a testimony, it was comments to a journalist.

    If the defense calls him to the stand after reading that article it's because they want to provide witness evidence that Kane wasn't that drunk. Nothing else he said has value to them because he admitted he has no clue who the girl was or if she was the alleged victim. He's a celebrity. Of course human beings gravitate toward him when he/she enters their territory. Croce did it, too.


    Disclaimer: I'm probably wrong. I don't have a wide base of knowledge when it comes to law and the court systems.

    Have you watched Law & Order? If so, no disclaimer needed.  :thumbsup:

  7. Duke, Jameis Winston, Drew Doughty............  All accused with no convictions. I can't think of any athlete that's in prison for rape. 


    Of course it's important to let this all play out, it hasn't stopped most from considering the fact that there are possibilities that she might be doing this for money. Case in point,  I'll get chastised for even bringing it up but nobody would say one thing if I said Kane was guilty. Bringing up trade rumors is different from discussing trade possibilities. I'm not bringing up trade rumors. 


    I watched the movie Demolition Man 15—20 years ago whenever it came out and though it was a crazy movie. Now I watch it and think, man this movie is playing out eerily accurate. When will it get to the point where we have disclaimers and third party mediators to set up a sequel encounter? We've got people saying that getting flirty and hands at a bar isn't a sign they want to sleep with you. And now we know that this girl voluntarily went back to his house. Of course a lot can happen  from that point to the point where they got physical. She may have changed her mind, he may have forced himself on her knowing she changed her mind. But short of brokering a sexual encounter with forms and a 3rd party, what kind of impression is somebody supposed to get? Did she think she was going over to clean his pool? We don't know what happened after they got to his house. He could be completely guilty. But at some point the woman needs to say to herself maybe I shouldn't be going back to his place. 


    That part we're not assuming because we know she went back to his place. 


    And I'm not going to reiterate that I'm not condoning his actions or placing blame on her. I've mentioned it enough times already.  :flirt:

    There is where I think you are wrong, I don't see anyone saying "Kane is guilty." There just hasn't been any evidence made available to substantiate that conclusion. All we have is a filed complaint and a NHL player with a history of poor decisions and a complainant we know absolutely nothing about.


    Just because a woman goes off with a man it's not an automatic invitation for sex. Apparently this woman didn't go to Kane's house alone, if the reports are true. When a girl brings a friend it's usually means nothing is going to happen.  


    And please remember, a failure to prosecute or convict is not the equivalent to innocence/a false report. The burden of proof in cases like this is enormous, unless there is overwhelming physical evidence it is very tough to prosecute or convict. Unfortunately, prosecutors know it would be difficult to find 12 jurors without strong physical evidence and a victim of impeccable character.  As you asked, is it the woman's responsibility to know better than to go to the man's home, it takes only one juror to feel that way to through a wrench into the prosecutions case.    

  8. You're not trying to make her anything but the vast majority seem to dismiss any possibility out of fear of sounding cold hearted.

    What is the percentage of false accusations compared to legitimate complaints in sexual assault/rape cases? 10%, if that? I think everyone realizes it is a small possibility in this case.


    Right now, the important thing is for the process to play it's self out and for investigators to vigorously pursue all leads and facts and get to the truth.


    Posting of rumored hockey trades is one thing, posting rumors in regards to this case is pointless. WNY is a small community and I am sure we have all heard "rumors" regarding Patrick Kane, most of which would be highly unflattering. What would be the point. Posting rumors regarding the complainant is pointless and disrespectful to a possible rape victim.  The Buffalo News article is both pointless and embarrassing for the Buffalo News as well as the owner of Sky Bar. For this man to say anything to reporters during an open investigation can only be meant to be self-serving.        

  9. my good sir. I must politely disagree. Mcdavid is not RNH, Hall or Shitipov. They were all complimentary players who just happened to be taken 1st overall in (relatively) weak draft classes. I understand your train of thought, Toews won more cups than Crosby, hes a more complete

    Player, Eichel = Toews... But Toews benefited from a far superior cast of talent and crosby was maligned by oft injured defensemen (talbot chief among them) and a GM who drafted as well as anton forsberg made saves. Toews often had Hossa, Kane etc on his wing, while crosby had Kunitz, Mr. "This team aint big enough for the both of us" Enigma Malkin. If mcdavid can stay healthy, he will elevate the oilers another level, is a wizard on the ice. Bottom six forwards are a dime a dozen and can be found at most every trade deadline for quality value as teams plunging into the tank jettison their best role players for 3rd and 4th round draft picks (pittance). Their top six is solid, have some nice d prospects in Nurse and Reinhart, and can surely mortgage some more liquid assets for that last remaining D slot, wherever it falls.


    On the contrary, i think the Oilers will honor the day that damn ball operator skewed randominity (not really) with his stupid human error and awarded the embattled franchise with their 4th top pick in 6 years (still makes me sick). I mean, just recall Tim Murray's reaction... Says it all.

    First I would like to say that Tim Murray doesn't like to lose at anything and losing the lottery two years in a row may be the reason for his reaction.


    Secondly, the Oilers have a ton of talent. But as we have witnessed here with the Sabres, you can not win with talent without a balanced roster. The Oilers do have a ton of talent in their top six, there problem is that their top six is not difficult to play against. IMO, the Oilers would be a better team with Eichel as apposed to McDavid. I am glad the Sabres ended up with the second pick, I believe Eichel expedites the Sabres turn around faster if they were to have McDavid. I'm not saying McDavid will be a bust, I am sure he will have a very productive NHL career. For me it's about which player fits into a roster and creates that balance. The Sabres have balance in their top six with Eichel and Kane. The Oilers do not have that balance.  

  10. Like it or lump it, the vast majority of Murray's core is already here: Eichel, Reinhart, O'Reilly, Kane, Girgensons, Ristolainen, Bogosian and Lehner.


    Not all of them will be what we hope they will be.

    Others further down the depth chart might surprise by becoming a key part.

    We may get lucky on a Patrick Sharp for Mat Ellison deal, or a draft pick that surprises.

    And secondary pieces will surely be moved and molded around them.


    But what you see above is fruits of the tank. This is what we suffered for.

    Murray has emptied his bullets.

    We live and die on his faith in these players.


    I don't agree with this. This seems more like a Regierian approach and is not consistent with what I have seen/heard from Murray to date. IMO, Tim Murray gets it. I believe that Murray knows that his roster is a living entity and will always be in a state of flux. As opportunities arise to improve the roster I feel Murray would not hesitate to pull the trigger on any deal if he feels it advances the team towards the final goal of winning a Stanley Cup.  

  11. Article by Adam Gretz...saying it is obvious Crosby is the best in the game still, but who is next?


    Full article here:  http://www.cbssports.com/nhl/eye-on-hockey/25257993/sidney-crosby-is-still-the-nhls-best-player-but-who-is-next-in-line


    Just a note for anyone who doesn't follow Gretz...I think he is a pretty good writer with some good ideas...but he seems to overate players who are Canadian and anyone that plays for Pittsburgh (if you look back through his old articles on the internet, I found some from as far back as 2011 and 2012 that have Crosby and Malkin and #1 and #2 or #3...while Ovechkin is rarely higher than 4th or 5th...and just about every March or April he has an article about how the Penguins are 'rounding into shape' for the playoffs, or are underated defensivley...or are clearly the team to beat.)


    As for his top 5 choices...I think I'd have Stamkos #1, not #3, and I wouldn't have Price on that list.


    Isn't it time to give Carey Price some respect? 44 wins in 66 games, a 1.96 gaa and .933 sv%, those are Hasek-esq numbers. Carey Price is a game changer and deserves to be mentioned as one of the best players in the NHL right now. 

  12. I agree with most of what you said, other than Edmonton. IMHO, Edmonton isn't where they are because they keep drafting skill players, they're where they are because they keep drafting the exact same skill player. They really need to trade one or two of their top-skill guys for skilled, gritty, scoring forwards.and skilled D.

    This is exactly why I think the Oilers will regret picking McDavid over Eichel. 

  13. I dislike Joe Girardi, a lot.

    Joe Girardi has the look of a 1940's Yankee, a classic baseball look. 


    Great job by the Blue Jays and the Mets. They are a combines 17-3 in there last 20. Isn't this how it is supposed to work at the trade deadline. You make deals and load up to make a run. So many times in sports you see teams make moves just to fizzle out. Maybe if the Jays and Mets are successful it will inject some life into future trade deadlines. 

  14. Has anyone tried Mooney's on Military Road near Sheridan? Kick ass wings and righteous mac&cheeses. Had an order of medium wings and they were great, it's been a whle since I ordered medium wings and the sauce wasn't just pure fire. Nice juicy wings with great flavor. The wife had the stuffed pepper mac&cheese which was one of the best mac&cheeses I have ever tasted and portion size would even cause Jamie Nails to hesitate. Needless to say we took a heavy container home. Great service and a very welcoming vibe, I will be heading back there again and often.   

  15. Went to go see Fantastic Four last night. Bitter sweet, loved the re-telling of the origin, hated the rest of the movie. 


    The origin part was well written and really made a lot of sense, they did a great job of taking the characters and putting a modern take on how the Fantastic Four received their powers. Unfortunately they didn't spend much time on the rest of the story and completely wasted one of the iconic super-villains in Dr. Doom. They should have left Dr. Doom for the sequel. I'm not sure why they continue to force Dr. Doom into the origin story. There should be enough there to be a stand alone origin story.  My disappointment over the second half of the movie outweighs the job they did in the first half. It really seemed, IMO, that the writers could not come up with anything regarding story line beyond the origin and they just rehashed what was done in the first go around with the Fantastic Four. It reminded me of Rob Zombie's Halloween 2 where I thought he did a great job with the first half of the story and really disappointed in the second half.  


    If you are planning to see this movie, I suggest the early morning showings at AMC which are less than $6. I wish I hadn't spent full price to see this. A movie with half a writing effort should only charge half price. 

  16. If it's a sworn complaint (and I don't know if it is, but that's what Aud is saying), she is under oath and it does apply.


    She is. Verification = the taking of an oath.


    S 100.15 Information, misdemeanor complaint and felony complaint;
                   form and content.
      1.  An information, a misdemeanor complaint and a felony complaint
    must each specify the name of the court with which it is filed and the
    title of the action, and must be subscribed and verified by a person
    known as the "complainant."  The complainant may be any person having
    knowledge, whether personal or upon information and belief, of the
    commission of the offense or offenses charged.  Each instrument must
    contain an accusatory part and a factual part.  The complainant`s
    verification of the instrument is deemed to apply only to the factual
    part thereof and not to the accusatory part.



    My bad. Sorry. I read you as prescriptive, not predictive.  :oops:

    By way of example, here's the form of a misdemeanor complaint in NYS:



    (Affirmed under penalty of perjury, etc.)

    And here's an exemplar of the felony variety.



    Thanks for the Info. 

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